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The College Try: How To Pick The Right School
Picking a college is never an easy decision. For most students, the choice is not simply a matter of where to spend the next four years, but more importantly, the institution their names will be attached to for a lifetime. With so much at stake — degree programs, career placement, alumni networks — it pays to look at the big picture instead of deciding impulsively.
Google Penguin Fever: The Recovery
Countless numbers of website have been recently hit by the Google Penguin update. For many, the “Penguin recovery process” is something they must now thing about. There are several options for Penguin recovery and the following infographic by may help.
How to Survive Your Monster-In-Law
Now I actually love my mother(monster)-in-law. We get along great. It’s her sister that I can’t stand. That being said, there are plenty of guys and gals that cannot stand their mother-in-laws and dread the thought of a visit. This infographic provides some tips on how to survive your next encounter with the “monster-in-law.”
Mobile Apps Download Trends
Mobile app downloads have become immensely popular these days all over the world. South Korea is leading in mobile apps downloading followed by Hong Kong and Taiwan. This entertaining infographic, designed by InfoGraphic Design Team, will help you to learn about the amazing facts about the trends of downloading mobile apps.
Choosing a Light Source
Shopping for light bulbs is not always a walk in the park. In this infographic you will be able to compares fluorescent, halogen, incandescent, LED, xenon, and even candle light sources as well as understand the differences between the many options out there.
Interesting Facts About Mother’s Day
Did you know that Mother’s Day was founded by Anna Jarvis in 1908? Or that the youngest mother in history gave birth at the age of 5 years and 7 months old? Learn more interesting facts about Mother’s Day and moms with this cool infographic published by
Traditional New Orleans Cocktails
New Orleans is filled with pubs, bars and restaurants which are known for creating some of the city’s most notorious cocktails. Some, like the Sazerac are considered the first cocktails in the country. NOLA Adventures is familiar with a lot of traditions in the French Quarter and across the city, but none are more traditional that this list of Traditional Cocktails.
The World’s Highest Grossing Actor
Samuel L. Jackson is the world’s highest grossing actor, according to the Guinness Book of World Record. In fact his movies combined have taken in more than $7.4 billion. This infographic by Statista provides the astonishing details.
Misunderstood Road Signs and Confused Motorists
It’s a confusing world out there on the road. For many motorists (drivers), the road signs and signals that direct traffic only make matters worse. Some folks might not have a clue what a sign means, or worse, misinterpret a sign to mean its opposite.
Top 10 Lotto and Bingo Winners of All Time
Winning the biggest, juiciest bingo jackpot is every player’s dream. The same applies with Lotto. Whenever you buy a lotto ticket or a bingo card, all your hopes are placed in just one thought: hitting the big prize. However, the ugly truth is that both winners and losers are almost entirely determined by Lady Luck, no matter the strategy of your choice. This infographic looks at the top 10 lotto and bingo winners of all time.
The College Try: How To Pick The Right School
Picking a college is never an easy decision. For most students, the choice is not simply a matter of where to spend the next four years, but more importantly, the institution their names will be attached to for a lifetime. With so much at stake — degree programs, career placement, alumni networks — it pays to look at the big picture instead of deciding impulsively.
Google Penguin Fever: The Recovery
Countless numbers of website have been recently hit by the Google Penguin update. For many, the “Penguin recovery process” is something they must now thing about. There are several options for Penguin recovery and the following infographic by may help.
How to Survive Your Monster-In-Law
Now I actually love my mother(monster)-in-law. We get along great. It’s her sister that I can’t stand. That being said, there are plenty of guys and gals that cannot stand their mother-in-laws and dread the thought of a visit. This infographic provides some tips on how to survive your next encounter with the “monster-in-law.”
Mobile Apps Download Trends
Mobile app downloads have become immensely popular these days all over the world. South Korea is leading in mobile apps downloading followed by Hong Kong and Taiwan. This entertaining infographic, designed by InfoGraphic Design Team, will help you to learn about the amazing facts about the trends of downloading mobile apps.
Choosing a Light Source
Shopping for light bulbs is not always a walk in the park. In this infographic you will be able to compares fluorescent, halogen, incandescent, LED, xenon, and even candle light sources as well as understand the differences between the many options out there.
Interesting Facts About Mother’s Day
Did you know that Mother’s Day was founded by Anna Jarvis in 1908? Or that the youngest mother in history gave birth at the age of 5 years and 7 months old? Learn more interesting facts about Mother’s Day and moms with this cool infographic published by
Traditional New Orleans Cocktails
New Orleans is filled with pubs, bars and restaurants which are known for creating some of the city’s most notorious cocktails. Some, like the Sazerac are considered the first cocktails in the country. NOLA Adventures is familiar with a lot of traditions in the French Quarter and across the city, but none are more traditional that this list of Traditional Cocktails.
The World’s Highest Grossing Actor
Samuel L. Jackson is the world’s highest grossing actor, according to the Guinness Book of World Record. In fact his movies combined have taken in more than $7.4 billion. This infographic by Statista provides the astonishing details.
Misunderstood Road Signs and Confused Motorists
It’s a confusing world out there on the road. For many motorists (drivers), the road signs and signals that direct traffic only make matters worse. Some folks might not have a clue what a sign means, or worse, misinterpret a sign to mean its opposite.
Top 10 Lotto and Bingo Winners of All Time
Winning the biggest, juiciest bingo jackpot is every player’s dream. The same applies with Lotto. Whenever you buy a lotto ticket or a bingo card, all your hopes are placed in just one thought: hitting the big prize. However, the ugly truth is that both winners and losers are almost entirely determined by Lady Luck, no matter the strategy of your choice. This infographic looks at the top 10 lotto and bingo winners of all time.
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