12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

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Mommy Blogging by the Numbers

Mommy Blogging by the Numbers

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, H&R Block takes a look at some of the most influential mamas: Mommy Bloggers. These relatable and witty parents have gained notoriety and success by taking to their keyboards to chronicle their milestones, from their fashion finds and kitchen successes to friendship failures and family dramas.

Where Our Oil Comes From

Where Our Oil Comes From

As both an essential resource as well as a finite one in our world, oil is often at the root of many conflicts. This infographic, published by Fuel Freedom, shows you where the United States gets its oil and why gasoline is at the high cost that it is currently.

LinkedIn Bootcamp: Basic Training For The Personal Marketer

LinkedIn is the proverbial dark horse of social media: we all know it’s there, but few of us use it to its full potential. This is a major mistake, especially when it comes to marketing your business. This LinkedIn Basic training infographic provides the tools necessary to best utilize the site for all your business and personal marketing needs.

Becoming the CEO of Your Home

In business, a manager must track budgets and costs, develop annual processes to get work done more efficiently, and manage risk for unexpected situations. It’s about time to apply these same strategies to home ownership. After all, it’s one of the biggest investments a person will make.

Small Business, Big Impact

Small Business, Big Impact

Small businesses do more than provide services and products, they strengthen and shape our communities, our economy, philanthropic efforts, and innovate. The following infographic features some of the impact small businesses have on the American economy.

Cigar Wrapper Classifications

The actual “wrapper” of a cigar is the outermost portion of the cigar and is typically made from the larger, lower leaves of the tobacco plant. Wrapping around the cigar filler, the wrapper is what actually binds the cigar together and helps to determine the overall flavor. This infographic identifies different types of cigar wrappers and how they affect the cigar smoking experience.

Your Favorite Sitcom is Changing Into a Social Phenomenon

The sitcoms and dramas that television viewers love have become companions to social media with Facebook and Twitter chatter becoming a normal part of the viewing experience. And social-savvy networks are making the most of this new television-viewing trend.

Not Yo Mama’s Mama

Today’s moms are social media savvy and as such, are typically armed with gadgets. They’re packing technology, not just lunches. And while these moms have a new-found cool, they are still the moms we’ve loved all along. In this infographic, we explore the ways that moms are increasingly connected through social media and digital devices.

Brain Hack the Seven Deadly Sins

You’ve probably heard of some popular brain hacks that are supposed to make your life easier and more efficient. One’s like only needing two hours of sleep, or ones that are supposed to keep you energized all day. This new infographic from Become Career takes it to a new level by focusing on the issues we really need to hack: the seven deadly sins.

How to Spot an Instagram Junkie

Now 40 million users strong, Instagram has taken advantage of the photoblog trend and transformed into something of an overnight global success. With the start-up earning press for expanding it’s product to Android users and being snatched by Facebook’s powerful grasp, the tech world is wondering what kind of users are downloading the app and catapulting the brand to the top.

Mommy Blogging by the Numbers

Mommy Blogging by the Numbers

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, H&R Block takes a look at some of the most influential mamas: Mommy Bloggers. These relatable and witty parents have gained notoriety and success by taking to their keyboards to chronicle their milestones, from their fashion finds and kitchen successes to friendship failures and family dramas.

Where Our Oil Comes From

Where Our Oil Comes From

As both an essential resource as well as a finite one in our world, oil is often at the root of many conflicts. This infographic, published by Fuel Freedom, shows you where the United States gets its oil and why gasoline is at the high cost that it is currently.

LinkedIn Bootcamp: Basic Training For The Personal Marketer

LinkedIn is the proverbial dark horse of social media: we all know it’s there, but few of us use it to its full potential. This is a major mistake, especially when it comes to marketing your business. This LinkedIn Basic training infographic provides the tools necessary to best utilize the site for all your business and personal marketing needs.

Becoming the CEO of Your Home

In business, a manager must track budgets and costs, develop annual processes to get work done more efficiently, and manage risk for unexpected situations. It’s about time to apply these same strategies to home ownership. After all, it’s one of the biggest investments a person will make.

Small Business, Big Impact

Small Business, Big Impact

Small businesses do more than provide services and products, they strengthen and shape our communities, our economy, philanthropic efforts, and innovate. The following infographic features some of the impact small businesses have on the American economy.

Cigar Wrapper Classifications

The actual “wrapper” of a cigar is the outermost portion of the cigar and is typically made from the larger, lower leaves of the tobacco plant. Wrapping around the cigar filler, the wrapper is what actually binds the cigar together and helps to determine the overall flavor. This infographic identifies different types of cigar wrappers and how they affect the cigar smoking experience.

Your Favorite Sitcom is Changing Into a Social Phenomenon

The sitcoms and dramas that television viewers love have become companions to social media with Facebook and Twitter chatter becoming a normal part of the viewing experience. And social-savvy networks are making the most of this new television-viewing trend.

Not Yo Mama’s Mama

Today’s moms are social media savvy and as such, are typically armed with gadgets. They’re packing technology, not just lunches. And while these moms have a new-found cool, they are still the moms we’ve loved all along. In this infographic, we explore the ways that moms are increasingly connected through social media and digital devices.

Brain Hack the Seven Deadly Sins

You’ve probably heard of some popular brain hacks that are supposed to make your life easier and more efficient. One’s like only needing two hours of sleep, or ones that are supposed to keep you energized all day. This new infographic from Become Career takes it to a new level by focusing on the issues we really need to hack: the seven deadly sins.

How to Spot an Instagram Junkie

Now 40 million users strong, Instagram has taken advantage of the photoblog trend and transformed into something of an overnight global success. With the start-up earning press for expanding it’s product to Android users and being snatched by Facebook’s powerful grasp, the tech world is wondering what kind of users are downloading the app and catapulting the brand to the top.