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Eat Your Greens: How Many Vegetarians Get It Wrong
While the following infographic from Eagle Barber certainly promotes green vegetables, it also highlights some things that those who primarily seek a plant-based diet, do wrong. For example, “mock meats” and even over-indulgence in snacking can be a hindrance to a healthy diet.
Penny to Paper: How Much Does It Cost to Make U.S. Currency?
Each year the Federal Reserve Board provides a projection, acquired from the Department of the Treasury’s Bureau of Engraving and Printing, for the need of new U.S. paper currency. As you will see in this infographic, it takes money to make money. In fact, it takes a lot of money to make money.
The Mobile Employee
This infographic, published by [x]cube Labs, makes readers to understand about the concepts like device ownership among employees, types of mobile employee, employee mobile preferences and work without a smartphone for a week. The in-depth analysis with exact figures will enthrall you.
Practice Makes Perfect
Students are always looking for an edge when it comes to test taking — the latest energy drink, early-morning study groups, etc. But save the caffeine because good ol’ fashioned flashcards offer some of the most significant benefits of all.
The Lifetime Costs of Pets
Do you know how much your pets are costing you? The lifetime costs of your pets could surprise you! From food and medical expenses to toys and treats, all potential pet owners should be aware of the costs involved in owning a pet. This infographic breaks down the costs of keeping our furry friends happy.
Bizarre Facts About Military Divorces
Divorce is a complicated process in the civilian world, but things get even more quirky when one of the spouses is part of the military. Most of the armed forces’ laws are far stricter than civilian law and involve the consultation of Federal law as well. This infographic looks at some of the bizarre facts surrounding military divorces.
BIG Riggin’ In America
This infographic, published by NextTruck, answers many questions about the trucking industry through a creative and statistical analysis. If you have ever dreamed about becoming a trucker, or want more information on the industry, then this infographic is for you.
Communication Channels: Facts and Figures, Pros and Cons
This infographic, published by Emailtray, focuses on some of the most popular communication channels and includes quick facts and figures on personal meetings, phone calling, emailing, instant messaging, blogging, forums and wiki; distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages of each method of communication.
Geo-Marketing and Why It Matters
Whether you have a retail location or not, you need to pay attention to the location of the consumer, and tailor your marketing message accordingly. This infographic explores geo-marketing, why it matters, and how it can be used to grow your business. This infographic briefly explores geo-marketing, why it matters, and how it can be used to grow your business.
History of Savings Accounts
In this infographic you will find the history of savings accounts and how it became what it is today. There is a lot of interesting facts and statistics available like how traces of savings accounts dates back to the 1500s.
Eat Your Greens: How Many Vegetarians Get It Wrong
While the following infographic from Eagle Barber certainly promotes green vegetables, it also highlights some things that those who primarily seek a plant-based diet, do wrong. For example, “mock meats” and even over-indulgence in snacking can be a hindrance to a healthy diet.
Penny to Paper: How Much Does It Cost to Make U.S. Currency?
Each year the Federal Reserve Board provides a projection, acquired from the Department of the Treasury’s Bureau of Engraving and Printing, for the need of new U.S. paper currency. As you will see in this infographic, it takes money to make money. In fact, it takes a lot of money to make money.
The Mobile Employee
This infographic, published by [x]cube Labs, makes readers to understand about the concepts like device ownership among employees, types of mobile employee, employee mobile preferences and work without a smartphone for a week. The in-depth analysis with exact figures will enthrall you.
Practice Makes Perfect
Students are always looking for an edge when it comes to test taking — the latest energy drink, early-morning study groups, etc. But save the caffeine because good ol’ fashioned flashcards offer some of the most significant benefits of all.
The Lifetime Costs of Pets
Do you know how much your pets are costing you? The lifetime costs of your pets could surprise you! From food and medical expenses to toys and treats, all potential pet owners should be aware of the costs involved in owning a pet. This infographic breaks down the costs of keeping our furry friends happy.
Bizarre Facts About Military Divorces
Divorce is a complicated process in the civilian world, but things get even more quirky when one of the spouses is part of the military. Most of the armed forces’ laws are far stricter than civilian law and involve the consultation of Federal law as well. This infographic looks at some of the bizarre facts surrounding military divorces.
BIG Riggin’ In America
This infographic, published by NextTruck, answers many questions about the trucking industry through a creative and statistical analysis. If you have ever dreamed about becoming a trucker, or want more information on the industry, then this infographic is for you.
Communication Channels: Facts and Figures, Pros and Cons
This infographic, published by Emailtray, focuses on some of the most popular communication channels and includes quick facts and figures on personal meetings, phone calling, emailing, instant messaging, blogging, forums and wiki; distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages of each method of communication.
Geo-Marketing and Why It Matters
Whether you have a retail location or not, you need to pay attention to the location of the consumer, and tailor your marketing message accordingly. This infographic explores geo-marketing, why it matters, and how it can be used to grow your business. This infographic briefly explores geo-marketing, why it matters, and how it can be used to grow your business.
History of Savings Accounts
In this infographic you will find the history of savings accounts and how it became what it is today. There is a lot of interesting facts and statistics available like how traces of savings accounts dates back to the 1500s.
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