12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

The New Restaurant Critic is You!

The following infographic highlights the changes that have occurred in the history of food safety. Today’s consumers are encouraged to provide their feedback using social media and review sites to promote better food safety standards.

To ‘Stache or Not to ‘Stache: The Plight of the Mustached American

To ‘Stache or Not to ‘Stache: The Plight of the Mustached American

On President’s Day, H&R Block introduced the Million Mustache March in support of the the American Mustache Institute’s Stimulus to Allow Critical Hair Expenses (or STACHE Act), which would allow a $250 tax deduction for mustached Americans. Want to support the cause? read on to find out how.

Domain Names 101

There certainly is some strategy in buying a domain name. Not only can they paint a picture of your brand or business, they can be investments as well. The following infographic provides a basic education on how to go about domain name acquisition.

London – Three Times An Olympic City

In just a few months, London will be the very first city to host the modern Olympic Games for the third time.This infographic from Airport Parking Quote looks at some history from the previous two times the Olympics were hosted in London and makes some comparisons to what this current year holds.

Making Patient Experience a Priority

“Patient experience” may be the latest buzzword in the healthcare industry, but few organizations really understand what it is and how to improve it. The following infographic published by Beryl Health explains why patient experience should be more than just a buzzword and why “closing the loop” is more important than ever.

7 Reasons to Embrace Online Culture

2 billion people are online. 85% of customers expect businesses to be active in social media. Word of mouse = word of mouth. You can hate social media but if you are looking to gain business, you certainly can’t ignore it. The following infographic published provides 7 reasons to embrace online culture and some thought provoking questions to get you loving Facebook, Twitter, emarketing, blogs and more.

Rock of Ages: The Evolution of SxSW

Since 1987, SXSW has morphed into an interactive, film and music conference and festival that brought together 19,364 attendees in 2011. Rocksauce Studios has created the following infographic that dissects the interactive portion of SXSW, and proves why this conference is the new popular techie playground.

Very “Pinteresting” – Demographics on Pinterest Users

One thing marketers and brand managers cannot ignore is the fact that Pinterest has provoked a resurgence of web site referrals, which have been trending downward since the advent of other social sites like Facebook and Twitter. The details included in the following infographic will help you better understand this audience and ultimately, the undeniable impact of Pinterest as a referral platform.

Royal Rides: How Britain’s Royal Family Gets Around

The members of the Royal Family need a way to get to all of the more than 3,000 engagements they carry out each year. That’s where their Royal Carriages, cars, and other modes of transport factor in. This infographic from Confused.com breaks down their Royal rides, and find out what sets them apart from more everyday vehicles.

Getting Into the Spirits: Drinkers Live Longer

Those who indulge in alcohol, even the biggest winos, live longer than people who don’t drink at all, and moderate drinkers live the longest. But why? This infographic looks at some interesting trends to discover why drinkers tend to live longer. Also see which demographics and US states drink the smartest.

The New Restaurant Critic is You!

The following infographic highlights the changes that have occurred in the history of food safety. Today’s consumers are encouraged to provide their feedback using social media and review sites to promote better food safety standards.

To ‘Stache or Not to ‘Stache: The Plight of the Mustached American

To ‘Stache or Not to ‘Stache: The Plight of the Mustached American

On President’s Day, H&R Block introduced the Million Mustache March in support of the the American Mustache Institute’s Stimulus to Allow Critical Hair Expenses (or STACHE Act), which would allow a $250 tax deduction for mustached Americans. Want to support the cause? read on to find out how.

Domain Names 101

There certainly is some strategy in buying a domain name. Not only can they paint a picture of your brand or business, they can be investments as well. The following infographic provides a basic education on how to go about domain name acquisition.

London – Three Times An Olympic City

In just a few months, London will be the very first city to host the modern Olympic Games for the third time.This infographic from Airport Parking Quote looks at some history from the previous two times the Olympics were hosted in London and makes some comparisons to what this current year holds.

Making Patient Experience a Priority

“Patient experience” may be the latest buzzword in the healthcare industry, but few organizations really understand what it is and how to improve it. The following infographic published by Beryl Health explains why patient experience should be more than just a buzzword and why “closing the loop” is more important than ever.

7 Reasons to Embrace Online Culture

2 billion people are online. 85% of customers expect businesses to be active in social media. Word of mouse = word of mouth. You can hate social media but if you are looking to gain business, you certainly can’t ignore it. The following infographic published provides 7 reasons to embrace online culture and some thought provoking questions to get you loving Facebook, Twitter, emarketing, blogs and more.

Rock of Ages: The Evolution of SxSW

Since 1987, SXSW has morphed into an interactive, film and music conference and festival that brought together 19,364 attendees in 2011. Rocksauce Studios has created the following infographic that dissects the interactive portion of SXSW, and proves why this conference is the new popular techie playground.

Very “Pinteresting” – Demographics on Pinterest Users

One thing marketers and brand managers cannot ignore is the fact that Pinterest has provoked a resurgence of web site referrals, which have been trending downward since the advent of other social sites like Facebook and Twitter. The details included in the following infographic will help you better understand this audience and ultimately, the undeniable impact of Pinterest as a referral platform.

Royal Rides: How Britain’s Royal Family Gets Around

The members of the Royal Family need a way to get to all of the more than 3,000 engagements they carry out each year. That’s where their Royal Carriages, cars, and other modes of transport factor in. This infographic from Confused.com breaks down their Royal rides, and find out what sets them apart from more everyday vehicles.

Getting Into the Spirits: Drinkers Live Longer

Those who indulge in alcohol, even the biggest winos, live longer than people who don’t drink at all, and moderate drinkers live the longest. But why? This infographic looks at some interesting trends to discover why drinkers tend to live longer. Also see which demographics and US states drink the smartest.