12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

Facebook Fan Page Timeline Tutorial

If you haven’t upgraded your Facebook Fan (Business) pages to the new Timeline yet, you have til March 30th at which time it will be done for you. But what will really change and how should you best optimize this “new look” for Facebook pages? The following tutorial designed by Timothy Brand explains Facebooks new Timeline feature for fan pages in detail.

Top Scams of 2011

Top Scams of 2011

This new infographic from the Better Business Bureau takes a look at the Top 10 Scams of 2011. The scams go way beyond just financial scams to include home improvement, job, and even social media scams.

The Smarter Way to File Your Taxes

The deadline to file taxes will be coming up sooner than you know, but choosing the right tax preparation service and keeping in mind commonly missed deductions will put you on the right path to filing your taxes smarter. This infographic provides all the information you need plus it also highlights making good decisions on how to invest your refund check to boost next year’s taxes.

America’s Billion Dollar Baby Scam

Marketers makes billions betting each year on the anxieties of American parents and their willingness to overspend on their babies. The official Big Baby line: when it comes to the $800 strollers and Mommy and Me Yoga, families concerned with the best in health and safety will spend to catch up.

The Founder’s Dictionary: Buzzwords Every Entrepreneur Should Know

The Founder’s Dictionary: Buzzwords Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Spend some time in Silicon Valley and your ears will no doubt experience an endless barrage of startup-related buzzwords. Words like “pivot,” “hyperlocal,” and “MVP” are all used in the business vernacular, but truth be told most people don’t know what they actually mean. With that in mind, Udemy.com picked the brains of some of “The Valley’s” finest founders and big players to provide you with the real definitions of these mysterious words.

How to Become a Backyard Zookeeper

Do you love zoo animals? Do you have questionable morals and ethics? Then running a backyard zoo could be for you! It’s actually pretty inexpensive and depending on where you live, you may not even need a permit. The following infographic from HowDoIBecomeA.net provides information if you decide to be a backyard zookeeper.

How to Choose Between an LLC and a Corporation in California

How to Choose Between an LLC and a Corporation in California

Far too often, entrepreneurs are unaware that LLCs and corporations are very different. Although virtually the same from a liability protection standpoint, they are extremely different from a tax standpoint. A lawyer and a CPA can help you evaluate the pros and cons of corporations and LLCs, but in the meantime, the following infographic from eMinutes provides some basic guidelines.

What’s Driving Consumer Confidence in 2012?

In early 2012, the Idea Group at Communispace had conversations with hundreds of members of the agency’s private online communities about what made them confident (or not-confident) about their ability to make purchases this year. They found that overwhelmingly, personal factors such as savings and cash on hand much more heavily impacted consumer confidence than macro factors like the economy and stock market – and that 2012 was characterized as a year to spend, not to save.

Everything You Need To Know About Mother’s Day

In a day and age of me, me , me, moms are still the most important person in most of our lives and Mother’s day is as important as ever. Even the Romans took time out of conquering the known world to celebrate their version of Mother’s day and the Americans have been celebrating it for 150 years. Learn something new about Mother’s Day with this infographic below.

How Your Tax Dollars Are Educating America

How Your Tax Dollars Are Educating America

Out of all the revenue Uncle Sam pulls in each year, 4.8% of those precious tax dollars go toward education. But how, exactly, is that chunk of change used? The following infographic published by H&R Block breaks down the budgets and make sense of the dollars in the American education system.

Facebook Fan Page Timeline Tutorial

If you haven’t upgraded your Facebook Fan (Business) pages to the new Timeline yet, you have til March 30th at which time it will be done for you. But what will really change and how should you best optimize this “new look” for Facebook pages? The following tutorial designed by Timothy Brand explains Facebooks new Timeline feature for fan pages in detail.

Top Scams of 2011

Top Scams of 2011

This new infographic from the Better Business Bureau takes a look at the Top 10 Scams of 2011. The scams go way beyond just financial scams to include home improvement, job, and even social media scams.

The Smarter Way to File Your Taxes

The deadline to file taxes will be coming up sooner than you know, but choosing the right tax preparation service and keeping in mind commonly missed deductions will put you on the right path to filing your taxes smarter. This infographic provides all the information you need plus it also highlights making good decisions on how to invest your refund check to boost next year’s taxes.

America’s Billion Dollar Baby Scam

Marketers makes billions betting each year on the anxieties of American parents and their willingness to overspend on their babies. The official Big Baby line: when it comes to the $800 strollers and Mommy and Me Yoga, families concerned with the best in health and safety will spend to catch up.

The Founder’s Dictionary: Buzzwords Every Entrepreneur Should Know

The Founder’s Dictionary: Buzzwords Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Spend some time in Silicon Valley and your ears will no doubt experience an endless barrage of startup-related buzzwords. Words like “pivot,” “hyperlocal,” and “MVP” are all used in the business vernacular, but truth be told most people don’t know what they actually mean. With that in mind, Udemy.com picked the brains of some of “The Valley’s” finest founders and big players to provide you with the real definitions of these mysterious words.

How to Become a Backyard Zookeeper

Do you love zoo animals? Do you have questionable morals and ethics? Then running a backyard zoo could be for you! It’s actually pretty inexpensive and depending on where you live, you may not even need a permit. The following infographic from HowDoIBecomeA.net provides information if you decide to be a backyard zookeeper.

How to Choose Between an LLC and a Corporation in California

How to Choose Between an LLC and a Corporation in California

Far too often, entrepreneurs are unaware that LLCs and corporations are very different. Although virtually the same from a liability protection standpoint, they are extremely different from a tax standpoint. A lawyer and a CPA can help you evaluate the pros and cons of corporations and LLCs, but in the meantime, the following infographic from eMinutes provides some basic guidelines.

What’s Driving Consumer Confidence in 2012?

In early 2012, the Idea Group at Communispace had conversations with hundreds of members of the agency’s private online communities about what made them confident (or not-confident) about their ability to make purchases this year. They found that overwhelmingly, personal factors such as savings and cash on hand much more heavily impacted consumer confidence than macro factors like the economy and stock market – and that 2012 was characterized as a year to spend, not to save.

Everything You Need To Know About Mother’s Day

In a day and age of me, me , me, moms are still the most important person in most of our lives and Mother’s day is as important as ever. Even the Romans took time out of conquering the known world to celebrate their version of Mother’s day and the Americans have been celebrating it for 150 years. Learn something new about Mother’s Day with this infographic below.

How Your Tax Dollars Are Educating America

How Your Tax Dollars Are Educating America

Out of all the revenue Uncle Sam pulls in each year, 4.8% of those precious tax dollars go toward education. But how, exactly, is that chunk of change used? The following infographic published by H&R Block breaks down the budgets and make sense of the dollars in the American education system.