12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

Making Money With Affiliate Marketing

Ever wonder how the affiliate marketing space works? Ever wonder how you can make money from your blog? 30 seconds with this “Making Money With Affiliate Marketing” infographic and you could be well on your way.

How To Spot a Tumblr User

With over 42.9 million blogs reblogging animated gifs and Ryan Gosling memes, this community of blogging fanatics has developed a unique language and quirks that set it apart from the rest of the Internet. This infographic will help you to spot an average Tumbly user.

The Cheesy World of Music Video Cliches

Do you fancy yourself a music video aficionado? See if you can recognize some of these best (and worst) pop, rap, hip-hop, country and rock music video cliches in this infographic.

How Safe is Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is commonly used by the police to disperse crowds or deal with unruly suspects, but realistically, how safe is pepper spray? This infographic takes a look at what peppers pepper sprays are made of, how they work, and how they can cause fatal or permanent eye damage to people.

The Startup Ecosystem: Predator vs. Prey

There is a circle of life that makes the Tech Startup Ecosystem self-sustainable. This infographic places a magnifying glass up to each specimen to determine its role, predators, and prey. Take caution: this ecosystem rests in a delicate balance and is for your viewing pleasure only.

Leap Year: The Facts, Figures and Far-Out Families

2012 is a Leap Year meaning that we have one extra day in February to do whatever we want! But did you ever wonder why Leap Day falls in February? This infographic covers some of the weird and wacky things that have occurred on Leap Day. Learn how to mix up the famous Leap Day cocktail (must be 5 ¼ Leap Years old to enjoy), the history behind the holiday and the chances of being a leapling!

Apple’s iPads vs. Textbooks

Apple is on the verge of capturing yet another lucrative market with their iPad product and in the process, change education as we know it… Or are they? This infographic examines how expensive it would be to replace standard textbooks with iPads in our children’s’ schools.

Pregnancy Week By Week

It’s common knowledge that the act of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman can result in pregnancy. But what happens from the time of conception to the actual birth? This infographic explains the process on a week by week basis.

10 Things You (Probably) Wont Hear From Your Doctor

With doctors offices being so busy today, you’re lucky to have 20 minutes with your physician. Because of this, lots of vital information and advice is going unsaid. This infographic from Term Life Insurance takes a look at key health topics that your doctor might not have time to tell you, but that are still important to understand and follow.

What Is the Deal With Green Jobs?

What exactly is a “green,” “clean” or “low-carbon” economy? It is any sector of the economy that produces good and services with an environmental benefit. This infographic takes a look at what green jobs are and their growth over the past few years. It additionally highlights companies that have or are going “green” as well as governmental policies on working towards a green environment.

Making Money With Affiliate Marketing

Ever wonder how the affiliate marketing space works? Ever wonder how you can make money from your blog? 30 seconds with this “Making Money With Affiliate Marketing” infographic and you could be well on your way.

How To Spot a Tumblr User

With over 42.9 million blogs reblogging animated gifs and Ryan Gosling memes, this community of blogging fanatics has developed a unique language and quirks that set it apart from the rest of the Internet. This infographic will help you to spot an average Tumbly user.

The Cheesy World of Music Video Cliches

Do you fancy yourself a music video aficionado? See if you can recognize some of these best (and worst) pop, rap, hip-hop, country and rock music video cliches in this infographic.

How Safe is Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is commonly used by the police to disperse crowds or deal with unruly suspects, but realistically, how safe is pepper spray? This infographic takes a look at what peppers pepper sprays are made of, how they work, and how they can cause fatal or permanent eye damage to people.

The Startup Ecosystem: Predator vs. Prey

There is a circle of life that makes the Tech Startup Ecosystem self-sustainable. This infographic places a magnifying glass up to each specimen to determine its role, predators, and prey. Take caution: this ecosystem rests in a delicate balance and is for your viewing pleasure only.

Leap Year: The Facts, Figures and Far-Out Families

2012 is a Leap Year meaning that we have one extra day in February to do whatever we want! But did you ever wonder why Leap Day falls in February? This infographic covers some of the weird and wacky things that have occurred on Leap Day. Learn how to mix up the famous Leap Day cocktail (must be 5 ¼ Leap Years old to enjoy), the history behind the holiday and the chances of being a leapling!

Apple’s iPads vs. Textbooks

Apple is on the verge of capturing yet another lucrative market with their iPad product and in the process, change education as we know it… Or are they? This infographic examines how expensive it would be to replace standard textbooks with iPads in our children’s’ schools.

Pregnancy Week By Week

It’s common knowledge that the act of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman can result in pregnancy. But what happens from the time of conception to the actual birth? This infographic explains the process on a week by week basis.

10 Things You (Probably) Wont Hear From Your Doctor

With doctors offices being so busy today, you’re lucky to have 20 minutes with your physician. Because of this, lots of vital information and advice is going unsaid. This infographic from Term Life Insurance takes a look at key health topics that your doctor might not have time to tell you, but that are still important to understand and follow.

What Is the Deal With Green Jobs?

What exactly is a “green,” “clean” or “low-carbon” economy? It is any sector of the economy that produces good and services with an environmental benefit. This infographic takes a look at what green jobs are and their growth over the past few years. It additionally highlights companies that have or are going “green” as well as governmental policies on working towards a green environment.