12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

Dealing with a Holiday Spending Hangover

Do you use your credit cards like a Smart Spender or an Over Spender? Credit card debt can easily get out of control unless you’re smart about how you make purchases with your credit cards. This infographic provides tips on how to avoid debt and how to set up a budget plan for 2012.

Let’s Get Physical: America’s Resolution to Stay Fit

With the refrigerator finally free of leftovers from the holiday, many Americans make the dreaded resolution to shed those pesky pounds they gained over the holidays. Vowing to be in better shape than the year before, some adults swear their fitness oaths loud and clear at local gyms. But what about those that don’t plan to get a new gym membership or renew an existing one? And how many actually stick to this popular resolution?

A Guide to Travel Therapy Jobs

A Guide to Travel Therapy Jobs

Who said there weren’t jobs out there? Onward Healthcare’s new infographic brings to light a career that allows you to travel, make money, and help others. Travel therapy jobs are out there an according to these statistics, the people who have them love it.

SOPA: The Internet Blacklist Bill

SOPA: The Internet Blacklist Bill

SOPA is a new bill introduced in congress that will allow the U.S government power to block certain sites and links from internet users in the States. This infographic shows how this bill can affect the privacy of internet users in the U.S and how it crosses the boundaries of censorship.

The Ins and Outs of E-Filing Your Tax Return

The Ins and Outs of E-Filing Your Tax Return

Today marks the “official” start of the 2012 tax season as the Internal Revenue Service begins accepting electronically filed tax returns. What’s so great about e-filing? This infographic from H&R Block explores the benefits of e-filing your income tax return.

The State of Tablet Adoption at Work

The State of Tablet Adoption at Work

Since the debut of Apple’s iPad in Jan. 2010, enterprises have been looking for ways to incorporate tablets into the workplace. This infographic from VentureBeat.com illustrates the explosion seen in the tablet market, the statistics on enterprise adoption and application innovations in tablet technology.

The Evolution of Food on TV

The Evolution of Food on TV

Food has taken over the airwaves, but it wasn’t always that way. Where did the idea for the Swedish Chef come from? Whose shoes did Paula Deen step in to? When did cooking become a spectator sport? This infographic explores the personalities and shows that have stolen our hearts and satisfied our appetites.

Social Savvy Critters

This infographic takes a look at the stats behind how many people use social media to document the life of their pets. If you’re interested in learning about ways to use social media on your pet’s behalf, the infographic is also full of fun tips and information on pet-focused social sharing sites.

History of Local Search

Originally posted over on Dream Systems Media, this History of Local Search infographic explores the different forms of Local Search throughout the ages. Great history piece! Enjoy.

Why the Airlines Are Bankrupt

How is it possible that America’s largest airlines are losing money? American Airlines filed for bankruptcy in November, joining the 20 other airlines that have filed for Chapter 11 protection in the last 10 years. Why are airlines hemorrhaging money? This infographic will explore this question.

Dealing with a Holiday Spending Hangover

Do you use your credit cards like a Smart Spender or an Over Spender? Credit card debt can easily get out of control unless you’re smart about how you make purchases with your credit cards. This infographic provides tips on how to avoid debt and how to set up a budget plan for 2012.

Let’s Get Physical: America’s Resolution to Stay Fit

With the refrigerator finally free of leftovers from the holiday, many Americans make the dreaded resolution to shed those pesky pounds they gained over the holidays. Vowing to be in better shape than the year before, some adults swear their fitness oaths loud and clear at local gyms. But what about those that don’t plan to get a new gym membership or renew an existing one? And how many actually stick to this popular resolution?

A Guide to Travel Therapy Jobs

A Guide to Travel Therapy Jobs

Who said there weren’t jobs out there? Onward Healthcare’s new infographic brings to light a career that allows you to travel, make money, and help others. Travel therapy jobs are out there an according to these statistics, the people who have them love it.

SOPA: The Internet Blacklist Bill

SOPA: The Internet Blacklist Bill

SOPA is a new bill introduced in congress that will allow the U.S government power to block certain sites and links from internet users in the States. This infographic shows how this bill can affect the privacy of internet users in the U.S and how it crosses the boundaries of censorship.

The Ins and Outs of E-Filing Your Tax Return

The Ins and Outs of E-Filing Your Tax Return

Today marks the “official” start of the 2012 tax season as the Internal Revenue Service begins accepting electronically filed tax returns. What’s so great about e-filing? This infographic from H&R Block explores the benefits of e-filing your income tax return.

The State of Tablet Adoption at Work

The State of Tablet Adoption at Work

Since the debut of Apple’s iPad in Jan. 2010, enterprises have been looking for ways to incorporate tablets into the workplace. This infographic from VentureBeat.com illustrates the explosion seen in the tablet market, the statistics on enterprise adoption and application innovations in tablet technology.

The Evolution of Food on TV

The Evolution of Food on TV

Food has taken over the airwaves, but it wasn’t always that way. Where did the idea for the Swedish Chef come from? Whose shoes did Paula Deen step in to? When did cooking become a spectator sport? This infographic explores the personalities and shows that have stolen our hearts and satisfied our appetites.

Social Savvy Critters

This infographic takes a look at the stats behind how many people use social media to document the life of their pets. If you’re interested in learning about ways to use social media on your pet’s behalf, the infographic is also full of fun tips and information on pet-focused social sharing sites.

History of Local Search

Originally posted over on Dream Systems Media, this History of Local Search infographic explores the different forms of Local Search throughout the ages. Great history piece! Enjoy.

Why the Airlines Are Bankrupt

How is it possible that America’s largest airlines are losing money? American Airlines filed for bankruptcy in November, joining the 20 other airlines that have filed for Chapter 11 protection in the last 10 years. Why are airlines hemorrhaging money? This infographic will explore this question.