12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

Digital Technology: Global Game-Changer for Social Change

Did you know that 89% of adults around the world believe that technology can turn a cause into a movement faster than anything else? This Infographic is the result of Walden University’s research into social change around the world via digital technology.

The State of Customer Service

Even in today’s economy customers still expect the best and can make or break your reputation depending on their customer experience. The following infographic takes a look at just what you can expect from a disgruntled customer as opposed to a happy one.

Your Credit Score and Why It Matters

Your credit scores is essentially a summary of how well you pay your bills, how likely you are to pay loans back, and how much credit you can receive.This Infographic provides details on what can affect your credit score positively or negatively.

The Most Commonly Misunderstood Lyrics in Music

Song lyrics are not always the easiest to understand and people are constantly embarrassing themselves by singing the weirdest lyrics ever imagined. The reason for the confusion is because of mondegreens which a misinterpretation of a phrase due to homophony. This Infographic includes some of the top mondegreens in music history.

Teen Pregnancy Facts & Statistics

Teen pregnancy has been an issue of major concern across the world, and it has been so since ages. The impact here is not just on the population but also on the associated health risks through other related issues like abortion, mental trauma, and lack of medical care. This Infographic looks at some of the shocking, alarming and surprising facts and stats on teen pregnancy.

A Shopper’s High: Are We Shopping Ourselves Out of a Bad Mood?

Admit it or not – many of today’s adults try to “shop” their worries away. But how long does this retail high last? This Infographic looks at the aftermath of a shopping spree to find out whether buying really plays positively on the emotions.

Branding and How It Works in the Social Media Age

AYTM Market Research surveyed 2,000 Internet users, asking a variety of questions including how they like to receive updates about their favorite brands, where they hang out online, and whether prospective customers prefer to interact with brands on social media or elsewhere. This Infographic provides the results of that survey.

Amazing Travel and Vacation Destinations in the U.S.

Looking to get away, and want to make it something to write home about? Check out this Infographic that shows some of the most noteworthy places to stay, the most unusual trips to take, outrageous spa treatments, and more!

Why You Need an Inbound Marketing Agency

Trying to figure out how to do Inbound Marketing? Check out this Infographic to learn why hiring an inbound marketing agency makes all the sense in the world.

Planning For Retirement (When I’m 64)

Baby boomers, who account for nearly 1/4 of Americans, are getting close to retirement age. The U.S. population age 45 and older is growing 18 times faster than the younger generation. This Infographic shows some of the best retirement options in today’s economy for those on the brink of clocking out of the workforce.

Digital Technology: Global Game-Changer for Social Change

Did you know that 89% of adults around the world believe that technology can turn a cause into a movement faster than anything else? This Infographic is the result of Walden University’s research into social change around the world via digital technology.

The State of Customer Service

Even in today’s economy customers still expect the best and can make or break your reputation depending on their customer experience. The following infographic takes a look at just what you can expect from a disgruntled customer as opposed to a happy one.

Your Credit Score and Why It Matters

Your credit scores is essentially a summary of how well you pay your bills, how likely you are to pay loans back, and how much credit you can receive.This Infographic provides details on what can affect your credit score positively or negatively.

The Most Commonly Misunderstood Lyrics in Music

Song lyrics are not always the easiest to understand and people are constantly embarrassing themselves by singing the weirdest lyrics ever imagined. The reason for the confusion is because of mondegreens which a misinterpretation of a phrase due to homophony. This Infographic includes some of the top mondegreens in music history.

Teen Pregnancy Facts & Statistics

Teen pregnancy has been an issue of major concern across the world, and it has been so since ages. The impact here is not just on the population but also on the associated health risks through other related issues like abortion, mental trauma, and lack of medical care. This Infographic looks at some of the shocking, alarming and surprising facts and stats on teen pregnancy.

A Shopper’s High: Are We Shopping Ourselves Out of a Bad Mood?

Admit it or not – many of today’s adults try to “shop” their worries away. But how long does this retail high last? This Infographic looks at the aftermath of a shopping spree to find out whether buying really plays positively on the emotions.

Branding and How It Works in the Social Media Age

AYTM Market Research surveyed 2,000 Internet users, asking a variety of questions including how they like to receive updates about their favorite brands, where they hang out online, and whether prospective customers prefer to interact with brands on social media or elsewhere. This Infographic provides the results of that survey.

Amazing Travel and Vacation Destinations in the U.S.

Looking to get away, and want to make it something to write home about? Check out this Infographic that shows some of the most noteworthy places to stay, the most unusual trips to take, outrageous spa treatments, and more!

Why You Need an Inbound Marketing Agency

Trying to figure out how to do Inbound Marketing? Check out this Infographic to learn why hiring an inbound marketing agency makes all the sense in the world.

Planning For Retirement (When I’m 64)

Baby boomers, who account for nearly 1/4 of Americans, are getting close to retirement age. The U.S. population age 45 and older is growing 18 times faster than the younger generation. This Infographic shows some of the best retirement options in today’s economy for those on the brink of clocking out of the workforce.