12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

10 Rules of Good Backpack Ergonomics

10 Rules of Good Backpack Ergonomics

Backpacks are used by millions of people daily, from children, students to office workers. This infographic by ErgonomicTrends.com shows the most important ergonomic tips every backpack user should follow to prevent bad posture and prevent back pain when carrying a backpack.

Life Insurance 101: Everything You Need to Know

Life Insurance 101: Everything You Need to Know

Life insurance is often overlooked, but it is important to have a policy with appropriate coverage in place. Having life insurance is beneficial because it can be used to pay final costs, provide financial security to beneficiaries, offer the chance for charitable contribution, pay estate taxes, and cover unpaid debt. In the following infographic, United Systems and Software has provided everything you need to know about life insurance.

How to Use DSLR Camera – The Ultimate Guide

How to Use DSLR Camera – The Ultimate Guide

If you consider yourself a novice photographer who is unsure how to make the most of your camera, this infographic was designed by Skcamera just for you. It is intended to be a brief, one stop shop to help you take your camera off auto and take control of your DSLR.

An Overview of Student Information Systems

An Overview of Student Information Systems

Designed to assist members of the educational field, student information systems (SIS) are software systems providing structure and organization to educational institutions. SIS are used to organize student information, regulate grades and test data, and manage online learning platforms. Genius SIS has created the following infographic to provide an overview of student information systems.

The 25 Highest-Grossing Media Franchises of All Time

The 25 Highest-Grossing Media Franchises of All Time

Did you grow up watching Pokémon or collecting Pokémon cards? Or perhaps you discovered the colossally successful entertainment franchise during the Pokémon Go craze. Launched on July 6, 2016, a record-breaking 130 million people downloaded the free app. Today, the Pokémon Go community is still thriving with over 5 million players. In the following infographic, TitleMax looks at Pokémon along with the top 25 highest grossing media franchises of all time worldwide.

How To Order A New Noticeboard

How To Order A New Noticeboard

Here is a helpful infographic from the folks at Noticeboards Online in the UK that features information to help you order the right noticeboard. Read about how to choose the right product, how to choose the right size, how to personalize your noticeboard and more.

42 Successful People Who Use or Support Marijuana

42 Successful People Who Use or Support Marijuana

Weed has been illegal for a long time, but the medicinal use of it has been around for much longer. From top celebrities to authors to artists to businessmen, this infographic from BottleStore.com features some of the most successful people who support the legalization of Marijuana.

How To Make Weight Loss Happen

How To Make Weight Loss Happen

Weight loss is important because it enhances your quality of life, lowers the risk of medical conditions and diseases, improves overall health, increases activity level, and provides an energy boost. To lose weight, you should focus on having a consistent exercise routine and eating healthy foods. You should also practice portion control and keep a list of the food you eat. Learn more about how to make weight loss happen in this infographic.

How to Tell if Someone is a Compulsive Gambler

How to Tell if Someone is a Compulsive Gambler

Many compulsive gamblers share the same similarities when it comes to the way their illness manifests. As research suggests, most compulsive gamblers undergo five different stages of their addiction, which each of these stages being progressively worse than the last. However, the stages tend to manifest differently depending on the traits of each individual.

7 Health and Fitness Tips for Business Travelers

7 Health and Fitness Tips for Business Travelers

Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is imperative for any living person, and this especially true for the working population. However, doing such essentials becomes difficult if the said employee is required to travel from place to place on an on-going basis on behalf of their company. As busy as business traveling can be, there are actually some simple hacks that employees can follow to ensure they’ll stay on in good physical shape during the trip.

10 Rules of Good Backpack Ergonomics

10 Rules of Good Backpack Ergonomics

Backpacks are used by millions of people daily, from children, students to office workers. This infographic by ErgonomicTrends.com shows the most important ergonomic tips every backpack user should follow to prevent bad posture and prevent back pain when carrying a backpack.

Life Insurance 101: Everything You Need to Know

Life Insurance 101: Everything You Need to Know

Life insurance is often overlooked, but it is important to have a policy with appropriate coverage in place. Having life insurance is beneficial because it can be used to pay final costs, provide financial security to beneficiaries, offer the chance for charitable contribution, pay estate taxes, and cover unpaid debt. In the following infographic, United Systems and Software has provided everything you need to know about life insurance.

How to Use DSLR Camera – The Ultimate Guide

How to Use DSLR Camera – The Ultimate Guide

If you consider yourself a novice photographer who is unsure how to make the most of your camera, this infographic was designed by Skcamera just for you. It is intended to be a brief, one stop shop to help you take your camera off auto and take control of your DSLR.

An Overview of Student Information Systems

An Overview of Student Information Systems

Designed to assist members of the educational field, student information systems (SIS) are software systems providing structure and organization to educational institutions. SIS are used to organize student information, regulate grades and test data, and manage online learning platforms. Genius SIS has created the following infographic to provide an overview of student information systems.

The 25 Highest-Grossing Media Franchises of All Time

The 25 Highest-Grossing Media Franchises of All Time

Did you grow up watching Pokémon or collecting Pokémon cards? Or perhaps you discovered the colossally successful entertainment franchise during the Pokémon Go craze. Launched on July 6, 2016, a record-breaking 130 million people downloaded the free app. Today, the Pokémon Go community is still thriving with over 5 million players. In the following infographic, TitleMax looks at Pokémon along with the top 25 highest grossing media franchises of all time worldwide.

How To Order A New Noticeboard

How To Order A New Noticeboard

Here is a helpful infographic from the folks at Noticeboards Online in the UK that features information to help you order the right noticeboard. Read about how to choose the right product, how to choose the right size, how to personalize your noticeboard and more.

42 Successful People Who Use or Support Marijuana

42 Successful People Who Use or Support Marijuana

Weed has been illegal for a long time, but the medicinal use of it has been around for much longer. From top celebrities to authors to artists to businessmen, this infographic from BottleStore.com features some of the most successful people who support the legalization of Marijuana.

How To Make Weight Loss Happen

How To Make Weight Loss Happen

Weight loss is important because it enhances your quality of life, lowers the risk of medical conditions and diseases, improves overall health, increases activity level, and provides an energy boost. To lose weight, you should focus on having a consistent exercise routine and eating healthy foods. You should also practice portion control and keep a list of the food you eat. Learn more about how to make weight loss happen in this infographic.

How to Tell if Someone is a Compulsive Gambler

How to Tell if Someone is a Compulsive Gambler

Many compulsive gamblers share the same similarities when it comes to the way their illness manifests. As research suggests, most compulsive gamblers undergo five different stages of their addiction, which each of these stages being progressively worse than the last. However, the stages tend to manifest differently depending on the traits of each individual.

7 Health and Fitness Tips for Business Travelers

7 Health and Fitness Tips for Business Travelers

Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is imperative for any living person, and this especially true for the working population. However, doing such essentials becomes difficult if the said employee is required to travel from place to place on an on-going basis on behalf of their company. As busy as business traveling can be, there are actually some simple hacks that employees can follow to ensure they’ll stay on in good physical shape during the trip.