12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

The 88 Constellations and Their Brightest Stars

The 88 Constellations and Their Brightest Stars

In contemporary astrology, the International Astronomical Union recognizes 88 constellations. This includes 42 that depict animals, 29 that depict inanimate objects, and 17 that depict either humans or mythogical characters. This infographic looks at all 88 of these fascinating constellations and their brightest stars.

Defend Yourself Against Productivity Dragons

Defend Yourself Against Productivity Dragons

Something new vies for your attention every few minutes: emails, text messages, collaboration tools, phone calls, co-workers, meetings, customers, and the list goes on. The result? Productivity suffers. But with discipline and preparation, you can defeat these productivity dragons. This Game of Thrones themed infographic teaches you how to take advantage of that opportunity.

Why Automotive CMOS Sensors Are Better Than CCD Sensors

Why Automotive CMOS Sensors Are Better Than CCD Sensors

A sudden dip of the prices of digital imaging solutions occurred possibly because of the innovations that makes their production much more cost-efficient. This is evident in CMOS or Complementary Metal-Oxide Superconductor image sensors that are very popular in the market because they are  cheaper than the CCD or Charge-Coupled Device image sensors that were predominant before.

9 Surprising Literal Names of U.S. Cities

9 Surprising Literal Names of U.S. Cities

Across the world, there are tons of oddly-named cities. Sometimes the names are straightforward and named after people, such as Rome – which is derived from Romulus, one of the city founders and the first king. Other names are just odd, such as Lemu, Finland means “bad smell. This infographic takes a look specifically at U.S. cities.

The 50 Most Common Occupations & Their Likelihood of Automation

The 50 Most Common Occupations & Their Likelihood of Automation

The future of employment could look very different compared to how it looks today. This infographic by TitleMax.com looks at the 50 most-held occupation titles according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics National Occupation Employment and Wage Estimates and analyzes how likely they are to be automated in the future.

5 Ways to Optimize Content to Rank Higher on Voice Search

5 Ways to Optimize Content to Rank Higher on Voice Search

By 2020 it is expected that almost 50% of all searches would be based on voice search. This infographic focuses on creating optimized content which can rank easily in voice search results. Included are statistics on how important voice search has become as well as how SEO’s can actually optimize their website content based on voice searches.

The Melting Points of 80 Elements, Substances, and Metal Alloys

The Melting Points of 80 Elements, Substances, and Metal Alloys

This infographic explores the melting points, as well as the freezing points, of 80 well known elements, substances, and metal alloys. A melting, or freezing, point determines when a substance will change from a solid to a liquid state; some naturally occurring materials can require thousands of degrees worth of heat to reach such a point.

Healthy Benefits of CBD Oil

Healthy Benefits of CBD Oil

In the following infographic, Hempoilfrog.com shows how CBD oil can benefit your health and life, as more and more people are experiencing the benefits of CBD oil every day. Discover why it’s so good for diabetes, migraines, arthritis, panic attacks, weight loss anxiety and more.

How to Avoid Bringing Home Bed Bugs While Traveling

How to Avoid Bringing Home Bed Bugs While Traveling

While traveling and staying in hotels, bringing home additional travelers is a real concern. All it takes to bring bed bugs back to your home from traveling is having bed bugs come in contact with your clothes or luggage. In this infographic, the folks at Natural State Pest Control outline some easy tips to avoid bringing back bed bugs while traveling.

How to Create Engaging Presentations

How to Create Engaging Presentations

The biggest concern presentation designers constantly need to overcome is creating something that is both educational and entertaining – a difficult balancing act to perform while still delivering the message. Keeping the audience engaged throughout the duration of the talk, be it for conference presentations or sales deck pitches, is an ongoing challenge no matter how experienced you may be, as audience expectations are always changing.

The 88 Constellations and Their Brightest Stars

The 88 Constellations and Their Brightest Stars

In contemporary astrology, the International Astronomical Union recognizes 88 constellations. This includes 42 that depict animals, 29 that depict inanimate objects, and 17 that depict either humans or mythogical characters. This infographic looks at all 88 of these fascinating constellations and their brightest stars.

Defend Yourself Against Productivity Dragons

Defend Yourself Against Productivity Dragons

Something new vies for your attention every few minutes: emails, text messages, collaboration tools, phone calls, co-workers, meetings, customers, and the list goes on. The result? Productivity suffers. But with discipline and preparation, you can defeat these productivity dragons. This Game of Thrones themed infographic teaches you how to take advantage of that opportunity.

Why Automotive CMOS Sensors Are Better Than CCD Sensors

Why Automotive CMOS Sensors Are Better Than CCD Sensors

A sudden dip of the prices of digital imaging solutions occurred possibly because of the innovations that makes their production much more cost-efficient. This is evident in CMOS or Complementary Metal-Oxide Superconductor image sensors that are very popular in the market because they are  cheaper than the CCD or Charge-Coupled Device image sensors that were predominant before.

9 Surprising Literal Names of U.S. Cities

9 Surprising Literal Names of U.S. Cities

Across the world, there are tons of oddly-named cities. Sometimes the names are straightforward and named after people, such as Rome – which is derived from Romulus, one of the city founders and the first king. Other names are just odd, such as Lemu, Finland means “bad smell. This infographic takes a look specifically at U.S. cities.

The 50 Most Common Occupations & Their Likelihood of Automation

The 50 Most Common Occupations & Their Likelihood of Automation

The future of employment could look very different compared to how it looks today. This infographic by TitleMax.com looks at the 50 most-held occupation titles according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics National Occupation Employment and Wage Estimates and analyzes how likely they are to be automated in the future.

5 Ways to Optimize Content to Rank Higher on Voice Search

5 Ways to Optimize Content to Rank Higher on Voice Search

By 2020 it is expected that almost 50% of all searches would be based on voice search. This infographic focuses on creating optimized content which can rank easily in voice search results. Included are statistics on how important voice search has become as well as how SEO’s can actually optimize their website content based on voice searches.

The Melting Points of 80 Elements, Substances, and Metal Alloys

The Melting Points of 80 Elements, Substances, and Metal Alloys

This infographic explores the melting points, as well as the freezing points, of 80 well known elements, substances, and metal alloys. A melting, or freezing, point determines when a substance will change from a solid to a liquid state; some naturally occurring materials can require thousands of degrees worth of heat to reach such a point.

Healthy Benefits of CBD Oil

Healthy Benefits of CBD Oil

In the following infographic, Hempoilfrog.com shows how CBD oil can benefit your health and life, as more and more people are experiencing the benefits of CBD oil every day. Discover why it’s so good for diabetes, migraines, arthritis, panic attacks, weight loss anxiety and more.

How to Avoid Bringing Home Bed Bugs While Traveling

How to Avoid Bringing Home Bed Bugs While Traveling

While traveling and staying in hotels, bringing home additional travelers is a real concern. All it takes to bring bed bugs back to your home from traveling is having bed bugs come in contact with your clothes or luggage. In this infographic, the folks at Natural State Pest Control outline some easy tips to avoid bringing back bed bugs while traveling.

How to Create Engaging Presentations

How to Create Engaging Presentations

The biggest concern presentation designers constantly need to overcome is creating something that is both educational and entertaining – a difficult balancing act to perform while still delivering the message. Keeping the audience engaged throughout the duration of the talk, be it for conference presentations or sales deck pitches, is an ongoing challenge no matter how experienced you may be, as audience expectations are always changing.