12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

Negative Effects of JUUL Over Teen Usage

Negative Effects of JUUL Over Teen Usage

It’s often called a smoking alternative. Juul has taken over the young minds and nowadays millions of teens are vaping every day. And the most popular device is Juul. But what makes it so appealing to youngsters? And how popular is it exactly? The team at Vapingbase.com were curious about the effects of JUUL on teens, so they’ve asked 10,000 teenagers all across America why they love their JUULs and how often they use this little device.

How Did We Get Here? History of Student Loans

How Did We Get Here? History of Student Loans

With student loan debt tipping the deficit scales at a now record high of $1.5 TRILLION dollars, the folks at Docupop couldn’t help but wonder, “How the heck did we get here?” To learn how our country got to what many refer to as, “America’s Student Debt Crisis,” check out the following infographic for a historical 101 of student loan events.

10 Fatal SEO Mistakes You Need to Avoid at Any Cost

10 Fatal SEO Mistakes You Need to Avoid at Any Cost

Even meticulous SEO marketers can make some disastrous mistakes that can significantly affect their a web site’s rankings and traffic. In the following infographic, the team at Rockon I.T looks at the top 10 SEO blunders to avoid in 2019.

Inside the Brain of a CEO

Inside the Brain of a CEO

Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates — these visionary CEOs not only shore up bottom lines, but they usher in revolutions. So, what exactly is going on in their heads? How do CEOs think about the day-to-day success of their businesses, as well as the broader impact they hope to have on society?

A Look at Common Plumbing Problems

A Look at Common Plumbing Problems

If you own a house, a busted pipe or clogged toilet can be a huge headache. Happy Hiller has created the following infographic detailing the common plumbing problems as well as tips for preventing them and how to repair them if they do happen. Check it out below so you can avoid the headache.

Cybercrime and Punishment Around the World

Cybercrime and Punishment Around the World

Cybercrime is on the rise around the world and has been increasing steadily for a number of years. Interpol describe cybercrime as a ‘fast-growing area of crime’ with costs running into the billions of dollars. Next year (2019) could see the total cost to the world economy rise to over 2 trillion dollars. This infographic explores the prevalence of cybercrime around the world and in the UK.

Tee’d Up: The T-Shirt’s Rise From Undershirt to Fashion

Tee’d Up: The T-Shirt’s Rise From Undershirt to Fashion

In today’s age, t-shirts are a common piece to almost everyone’s wardrobe. Learn the history of the T-Shirt, and how it has gone from the undershirt to a gaining popularity in today’s clothing industry in the following infographic, courtesy of The Mountain.

20 Common Metal Alloys and What They Are Made Of

20 Common Metal Alloys and What They Are Made Of

Metal is a very common material and can be found almost everywhere, but have you ever stopped to think about how metals are created? Or what they can create when mixed together? This infographic lays 20 common metal alloys out in a simple formula that breaks down the different types of metal that goes into creating each alloy.

Sustainable Threads: Going Green in Clothing Production

Sustainable Threads: Going Green in Clothing Production

In the clothing industry, sustainable clothing is growing in popularity both for the manufacturers and buyers. Clothing production is quite harmful to the environment with pollution, wasted material, and water consumption. This infographic includes everything you need to know when it comes to assisting the environment by going green with clothing production.

How Poor Password Hygiene is Letting Cybercriminals Clean Up

How Poor Password Hygiene is Letting Cybercriminals Clean Up

Even though cyber threats against businesses and customers are becoming more successful and targeted, users are still not taking responsibility for protecting their passwords. Customers appear to understand password best practices, but are still participating in poor password hygiene that puts them at risk of being hacked. In this infographic, LoginRadius looks at how poor password hygiene is letting cybercriminals clean up.

Negative Effects of JUUL Over Teen Usage

Negative Effects of JUUL Over Teen Usage

It’s often called a smoking alternative. Juul has taken over the young minds and nowadays millions of teens are vaping every day. And the most popular device is Juul. But what makes it so appealing to youngsters? And how popular is it exactly? The team at Vapingbase.com were curious about the effects of JUUL on teens, so they’ve asked 10,000 teenagers all across America why they love their JUULs and how often they use this little device.

How Did We Get Here? History of Student Loans

How Did We Get Here? History of Student Loans

With student loan debt tipping the deficit scales at a now record high of $1.5 TRILLION dollars, the folks at Docupop couldn’t help but wonder, “How the heck did we get here?” To learn how our country got to what many refer to as, “America’s Student Debt Crisis,” check out the following infographic for a historical 101 of student loan events.

10 Fatal SEO Mistakes You Need to Avoid at Any Cost

10 Fatal SEO Mistakes You Need to Avoid at Any Cost

Even meticulous SEO marketers can make some disastrous mistakes that can significantly affect their a web site’s rankings and traffic. In the following infographic, the team at Rockon I.T looks at the top 10 SEO blunders to avoid in 2019.

Inside the Brain of a CEO

Inside the Brain of a CEO

Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates — these visionary CEOs not only shore up bottom lines, but they usher in revolutions. So, what exactly is going on in their heads? How do CEOs think about the day-to-day success of their businesses, as well as the broader impact they hope to have on society?

A Look at Common Plumbing Problems

A Look at Common Plumbing Problems

If you own a house, a busted pipe or clogged toilet can be a huge headache. Happy Hiller has created the following infographic detailing the common plumbing problems as well as tips for preventing them and how to repair them if they do happen. Check it out below so you can avoid the headache.

Cybercrime and Punishment Around the World

Cybercrime and Punishment Around the World

Cybercrime is on the rise around the world and has been increasing steadily for a number of years. Interpol describe cybercrime as a ‘fast-growing area of crime’ with costs running into the billions of dollars. Next year (2019) could see the total cost to the world economy rise to over 2 trillion dollars. This infographic explores the prevalence of cybercrime around the world and in the UK.

Tee’d Up: The T-Shirt’s Rise From Undershirt to Fashion

Tee’d Up: The T-Shirt’s Rise From Undershirt to Fashion

In today’s age, t-shirts are a common piece to almost everyone’s wardrobe. Learn the history of the T-Shirt, and how it has gone from the undershirt to a gaining popularity in today’s clothing industry in the following infographic, courtesy of The Mountain.

20 Common Metal Alloys and What They Are Made Of

20 Common Metal Alloys and What They Are Made Of

Metal is a very common material and can be found almost everywhere, but have you ever stopped to think about how metals are created? Or what they can create when mixed together? This infographic lays 20 common metal alloys out in a simple formula that breaks down the different types of metal that goes into creating each alloy.

Sustainable Threads: Going Green in Clothing Production

Sustainable Threads: Going Green in Clothing Production

In the clothing industry, sustainable clothing is growing in popularity both for the manufacturers and buyers. Clothing production is quite harmful to the environment with pollution, wasted material, and water consumption. This infographic includes everything you need to know when it comes to assisting the environment by going green with clothing production.

How Poor Password Hygiene is Letting Cybercriminals Clean Up

How Poor Password Hygiene is Letting Cybercriminals Clean Up

Even though cyber threats against businesses and customers are becoming more successful and targeted, users are still not taking responsibility for protecting their passwords. Customers appear to understand password best practices, but are still participating in poor password hygiene that puts them at risk of being hacked. In this infographic, LoginRadius looks at how poor password hygiene is letting cybercriminals clean up.