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Psychological Consequences of a Serious Work Injury
The psychological consequences of a severe work injury can be devastating, and often not discussed enough. If you’ve earned your living by working at heights and on ladders, it can be daunting to imagine heading back to work and doing the same thing ever again. It can take time and money to psychologically heal after a traumatic fall.
How Inspirational Leaders Motivate Despite Personality, Age, Or Genetic Differences
Despite what others may have you believe, effective, inspirational leadership has less to do with personality, age, or genetics than with skills you can learn, work on and grow into. In fact, research supports that leadership is more about exhibiting certain inspirational traits rather than a having a certain type of personality.
Kitchen Designs From Famous Movie Scenes
What are the best kitchen scenes in film history? The following infographic from hipages is for film fanatics and renovation fans to enjoy. It lists the most memorable kitchen scenes and costs for remodeling your kitchen to replicate their style.
Colon Cancer 101
Colorectal cancers are extremely common, the third most frequently-diagnosed malignancy in US patients, according to the National Library of Medicine. But the disease is also very deadly. Colorectal cancer, which most often metastasizes to the liver, lung or abdomen,...
152 Things You Must Know In the Kitchen – Ultimate Guide
Just like any other discipline, there are fundamentals to what you need to know before you get in the kitchen. In the following infographic are some essential things you must keep in mind before you start baking or cooking.
How To Write Essays Like A PhD
Why should you learn to write essays like a PhD? For starters, if you aren’t already you might be part of the 44% of recent grads that hiring managers say still lack writing proficiency skills. Learn more about essay writing skills from this infographic from Online PhD Degrees.
Video Marketing Statistics For 2018
The world of video marketing is always changing. The trends, the preferences, the technology-all are constantly becoming more efficient day by day. In this infographic, courtesy of Infographic Design Team, learn about trends that you are going to experience in 2018 that will re-shape your video marketing strategies.
The Power of Scent: Smell Facts
Smells are first processed by the olfactory bulb, which runs along the bottom of the brain. The olfactory bulb has direct connections to two other brain areas, the amygdala and the hippocampus. These ares have a strong implication in emotion and memory. None of the other senses pass through these two parts of the brain, which makes the sense of smell the most successful for triggering emotion and memory.
The History of Candle Making
Nothing provides the simultaneous benefit of atmosphere and style to your home quite like candles. With over 2,000 types of candles and 10,000 different scents to choose from, your home can truly stand out with a well-chosen candle. Although they may seem like a simple home accessory, candles actually have a rich history dating back thousands of years.
70+ Reasons Why Switching to a 4 Day Workweek is Better
Every one of us, at least once in our lives, lost the notion of working time. Some people have made a habit of this lifestyle, either for the chances of promotion, a better salary, rewards, and different benefits, or simply because the policy of the organization encourages work more hours. As an employee you you have to make a choice.
Psychological Consequences of a Serious Work Injury
The psychological consequences of a severe work injury can be devastating, and often not discussed enough. If you’ve earned your living by working at heights and on ladders, it can be daunting to imagine heading back to work and doing the same thing ever again. It can take time and money to psychologically heal after a traumatic fall.
How Inspirational Leaders Motivate Despite Personality, Age, Or Genetic Differences
Despite what others may have you believe, effective, inspirational leadership has less to do with personality, age, or genetics than with skills you can learn, work on and grow into. In fact, research supports that leadership is more about exhibiting certain inspirational traits rather than a having a certain type of personality.
Kitchen Designs From Famous Movie Scenes
What are the best kitchen scenes in film history? The following infographic from hipages is for film fanatics and renovation fans to enjoy. It lists the most memorable kitchen scenes and costs for remodeling your kitchen to replicate their style.
Colon Cancer 101
Colorectal cancers are extremely common, the third most frequently-diagnosed malignancy in US patients, according to the National Library of Medicine. But the disease is also very deadly. Colorectal cancer, which most often metastasizes to the liver, lung or abdomen,...
152 Things You Must Know In the Kitchen – Ultimate Guide
Just like any other discipline, there are fundamentals to what you need to know before you get in the kitchen. In the following infographic are some essential things you must keep in mind before you start baking or cooking.
How To Write Essays Like A PhD
Why should you learn to write essays like a PhD? For starters, if you aren’t already you might be part of the 44% of recent grads that hiring managers say still lack writing proficiency skills. Learn more about essay writing skills from this infographic from Online PhD Degrees.
Video Marketing Statistics For 2018
The world of video marketing is always changing. The trends, the preferences, the technology-all are constantly becoming more efficient day by day. In this infographic, courtesy of Infographic Design Team, learn about trends that you are going to experience in 2018 that will re-shape your video marketing strategies.
The Power of Scent: Smell Facts
Smells are first processed by the olfactory bulb, which runs along the bottom of the brain. The olfactory bulb has direct connections to two other brain areas, the amygdala and the hippocampus. These ares have a strong implication in emotion and memory. None of the other senses pass through these two parts of the brain, which makes the sense of smell the most successful for triggering emotion and memory.
The History of Candle Making
Nothing provides the simultaneous benefit of atmosphere and style to your home quite like candles. With over 2,000 types of candles and 10,000 different scents to choose from, your home can truly stand out with a well-chosen candle. Although they may seem like a simple home accessory, candles actually have a rich history dating back thousands of years.
70+ Reasons Why Switching to a 4 Day Workweek is Better
Every one of us, at least once in our lives, lost the notion of working time. Some people have made a habit of this lifestyle, either for the chances of promotion, a better salary, rewards, and different benefits, or simply because the policy of the organization encourages work more hours. As an employee you you have to make a choice.
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