12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

Most Expensive Teams in the World Cup 2018

Most Expensive Teams in the World Cup 2018

The World Cup has kicked off with some of the best players in the world are competing for the coveted trophy. But which country has forked out the most cash to fund their, hopeful, winning squad? In the following infographic, you can see the top 10 most expensive teams participating in the world cup.

Leadership Roles and Business Personalities

Leadership Roles and Business Personalities

Running a successful business requires a number of differing personalities. As leadership is a multi-faceted concept, it can be difficult to ascertain which business personalities will fit with specific leadership roles. This infographic describes a variety of leadership roles that may coincide with your unique wheelhouse of talents.

Harness Racing 101

Harness Racing 101

The Kentucky Derby draws millions of fans from around the world for the most exciting two minutes in sports. With so much fanfare, few other sporting events initiate a new class of spectators every year. With this in mind, here is a handy Harness Racing 101 graphic as an quick intro to one of our most passionate past times.

Life After AI: Will The Future Be Free?

Life After AI: Will The Future Be Free?

Consider that by 2025, the number of robots in the U.S. could quadruple and that on average, 1 robot does the work of 5.6 people. Are robots going to rescue us from overwork or will they take our jobs and leave us in dystopia? Learn more about life after AI in this infographic.

How to Move to England

How to Move to England

Migrating from the United States to England can be a relatively easy transition for those with highly-sought job skills. Learning the differences in culture and language will be the most challenging part of relocating; however, immigrants are widely accepted and welcomed in England. In the following infographic, learn more about moving to England.

Simple Strategies to Boost Your Link Building

Simple Strategies to Boost Your Link Building

If you are looking to get extra links for your website then you will appreciate this infographic from the folks at the web directory Jasmine Directory. The piece will teach you all about reaching out, the skyscraper technique, submissions, the best web directories and how to create something link worthy.

How Blockchain Will Revolutionize Education

How Blockchain Will Revolutionize Education

Educational records on the blockchain can ensure refugees still have access to their diplomas, while MOOCs can give more people access to education. Can the blockchain really revolutionize education that easily? Learn more from this infographic.

Father’s Day Gifts Study

Father’s Day Gifts Study

The Xperience Days Father’s Day data study examines how US online users search for gifts for this occasion in each state. They examined the number of Google searches with a Father’s Day gift-giving intent, adjusted per 1,000 people, then broke down the data into multiple categories. They’ve also compared the data to our Mother’s Day gift study in order to provide more insights. 

The Top Ten Fastest Cars of 2018

The Top Ten Fastest Cars of 2018

When we see a new car, we immediately ask ourselves what are the coolest features and the highly anticipated question – ” How fast can it go?” The team at LoanMart have created the following visual with the fastest cars of the year, some of which have been around for a while! Which one do you think is the best?

How Cars Effect the Environment

How Cars Effect the Environment

Are cars responsible for the destruction of the environment? With an increase in deadly natural disasters, toxic gas emissions, and massive disruption of wildlife, it sure seems like they might be. In the following infographic, courtesy of LoanMart, learn more about how cars effect the environment.

Most Expensive Teams in the World Cup 2018

Most Expensive Teams in the World Cup 2018

The World Cup has kicked off with some of the best players in the world are competing for the coveted trophy. But which country has forked out the most cash to fund their, hopeful, winning squad? In the following infographic, you can see the top 10 most expensive teams participating in the world cup.

Leadership Roles and Business Personalities

Leadership Roles and Business Personalities

Running a successful business requires a number of differing personalities. As leadership is a multi-faceted concept, it can be difficult to ascertain which business personalities will fit with specific leadership roles. This infographic describes a variety of leadership roles that may coincide with your unique wheelhouse of talents.

Harness Racing 101

Harness Racing 101

The Kentucky Derby draws millions of fans from around the world for the most exciting two minutes in sports. With so much fanfare, few other sporting events initiate a new class of spectators every year. With this in mind, here is a handy Harness Racing 101 graphic as an quick intro to one of our most passionate past times.

Life After AI: Will The Future Be Free?

Life After AI: Will The Future Be Free?

Consider that by 2025, the number of robots in the U.S. could quadruple and that on average, 1 robot does the work of 5.6 people. Are robots going to rescue us from overwork or will they take our jobs and leave us in dystopia? Learn more about life after AI in this infographic.

How to Move to England

How to Move to England

Migrating from the United States to England can be a relatively easy transition for those with highly-sought job skills. Learning the differences in culture and language will be the most challenging part of relocating; however, immigrants are widely accepted and welcomed in England. In the following infographic, learn more about moving to England.

Simple Strategies to Boost Your Link Building

Simple Strategies to Boost Your Link Building

If you are looking to get extra links for your website then you will appreciate this infographic from the folks at the web directory Jasmine Directory. The piece will teach you all about reaching out, the skyscraper technique, submissions, the best web directories and how to create something link worthy.

How Blockchain Will Revolutionize Education

How Blockchain Will Revolutionize Education

Educational records on the blockchain can ensure refugees still have access to their diplomas, while MOOCs can give more people access to education. Can the blockchain really revolutionize education that easily? Learn more from this infographic.

Father’s Day Gifts Study

Father’s Day Gifts Study

The Xperience Days Father’s Day data study examines how US online users search for gifts for this occasion in each state. They examined the number of Google searches with a Father’s Day gift-giving intent, adjusted per 1,000 people, then broke down the data into multiple categories. They’ve also compared the data to our Mother’s Day gift study in order to provide more insights. 

The Top Ten Fastest Cars of 2018

The Top Ten Fastest Cars of 2018

When we see a new car, we immediately ask ourselves what are the coolest features and the highly anticipated question – ” How fast can it go?” The team at LoanMart have created the following visual with the fastest cars of the year, some of which have been around for a while! Which one do you think is the best?

How Cars Effect the Environment

How Cars Effect the Environment

Are cars responsible for the destruction of the environment? With an increase in deadly natural disasters, toxic gas emissions, and massive disruption of wildlife, it sure seems like they might be. In the following infographic, courtesy of LoanMart, learn more about how cars effect the environment.