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Habits Of Highly Successful Startup Founders
There are a few things you can learn by observing the behavior of startup founders who have already been there and who ultimately found success. Learn more about the habits of highly successful startup founders in this infographic from Insurance Quotes.
10 Most Common Types of Home Flooring
Choosing the right flooring for your home is one of the permanent decisions you will do in your life. But, with the wide and varied selection of flooring materials available today, it’s important that you base your judgment on what will play best to your advantage. The following infographic presents 10 of the most common types of flooringtoday.
7 Speaking Habits That Will Make You Sound Smarter
As soon as we hear somebody speak, our brains go into detective mode - piercing together socially-relevant information about the speaker such as their intelligence, education, and wealth. Does that mean that we can sound smarter than we actually are? This infographic...
What a Vegetarian World Would Look Like
Vegetarianism has become a growing sensation in the West, particularly among North Americans, Europeans, and Australians. Meanwhile in other parts of the world, like India and China, meat consumption is on the rise. But what if, in some parallel universe, the entirety of the human race turned vegetarian overnight? Berlin based startup MEDIGO decided make an infographic that explores what a vegetarian world might look like.
A Creative Analysis of 10 Winter Games Logos
Every four years, designers from host countries around the world create a new logo for the Winter Olympics. These logos must to represent the spirit of the games, highlight the winter season, and reference the host country’s unique heritage. What should be in a logo like that?
The Science Behind Virality
Viral marketing, as we know it today, has evolved over time. And thanks to researchers like Jonah Berger, we know how. The facts they have uncovered after studying the science behind virality help us understand what makes some content pieces tick. To sum up the works of viral scientists like Jonah, and to help lay foundation for your next digital campaign, OutGrow has created an infographic which tries to explain virality.
14 Scientific Reasons to Disconnect at the Weekend
What did you do over the weekend? Chances are you put a few extra hours in at work, whether in the office or on the sofa with your smart phone. If you feel pressured to work on your days off to impress your boss, to earn a few extra bucks, or because you genuinely want to excel at what you do, the irony is that you might actually end up doing more harm than good. Here is an infographic that provides 14 scientific reasons to disconnect at the weekend.
Ultimate How-To Guide for ‘90s Hairstyles
Are you nostalgic for the ‘90s? For Gen Xers, it was a decade when shows like Friends and Sex in the City was on television. TV characters Carrie Bradshaw and Rachel Green were certainly style icons, but there were other hairstyles worn by musicians and movie stars that became classic ‘90s looks. These five retro hairstyles featured are the ultimate throwback to a time before selfies.
CRM Predictions 2018
This coming year will be a stirring one for businesses, especially while talking about CRM technology. With the arrival of the prognosticating season, let’s quickly see what will be customer experience and customer relationship management predictions, trends and statistics in 2018. It’s all compiled in the following infographic, courtesy of Algoworks.
Why Should We Build A Digital Community?
Building a digital community gives you more opportunities to connect with your audience(s) in a way that’s natural and personal. Through targeted community interactions, you’ll be able to generate excitement, launch products, and announce events without all the hassle that sometimes comes with the traditional ways of doing things. Explore this idea further in the following infographic.
Habits Of Highly Successful Startup Founders
There are a few things you can learn by observing the behavior of startup founders who have already been there and who ultimately found success. Learn more about the habits of highly successful startup founders in this infographic from Insurance Quotes.
10 Most Common Types of Home Flooring
Choosing the right flooring for your home is one of the permanent decisions you will do in your life. But, with the wide and varied selection of flooring materials available today, it’s important that you base your judgment on what will play best to your advantage. The following infographic presents 10 of the most common types of flooringtoday.
7 Speaking Habits That Will Make You Sound Smarter
As soon as we hear somebody speak, our brains go into detective mode - piercing together socially-relevant information about the speaker such as their intelligence, education, and wealth. Does that mean that we can sound smarter than we actually are? This infographic...
What a Vegetarian World Would Look Like
Vegetarianism has become a growing sensation in the West, particularly among North Americans, Europeans, and Australians. Meanwhile in other parts of the world, like India and China, meat consumption is on the rise. But what if, in some parallel universe, the entirety of the human race turned vegetarian overnight? Berlin based startup MEDIGO decided make an infographic that explores what a vegetarian world might look like.
A Creative Analysis of 10 Winter Games Logos
Every four years, designers from host countries around the world create a new logo for the Winter Olympics. These logos must to represent the spirit of the games, highlight the winter season, and reference the host country’s unique heritage. What should be in a logo like that?
The Science Behind Virality
Viral marketing, as we know it today, has evolved over time. And thanks to researchers like Jonah Berger, we know how. The facts they have uncovered after studying the science behind virality help us understand what makes some content pieces tick. To sum up the works of viral scientists like Jonah, and to help lay foundation for your next digital campaign, OutGrow has created an infographic which tries to explain virality.
14 Scientific Reasons to Disconnect at the Weekend
What did you do over the weekend? Chances are you put a few extra hours in at work, whether in the office or on the sofa with your smart phone. If you feel pressured to work on your days off to impress your boss, to earn a few extra bucks, or because you genuinely want to excel at what you do, the irony is that you might actually end up doing more harm than good. Here is an infographic that provides 14 scientific reasons to disconnect at the weekend.
Ultimate How-To Guide for ‘90s Hairstyles
Are you nostalgic for the ‘90s? For Gen Xers, it was a decade when shows like Friends and Sex in the City was on television. TV characters Carrie Bradshaw and Rachel Green were certainly style icons, but there were other hairstyles worn by musicians and movie stars that became classic ‘90s looks. These five retro hairstyles featured are the ultimate throwback to a time before selfies.
CRM Predictions 2018
This coming year will be a stirring one for businesses, especially while talking about CRM technology. With the arrival of the prognosticating season, let’s quickly see what will be customer experience and customer relationship management predictions, trends and statistics in 2018. It’s all compiled in the following infographic, courtesy of Algoworks.
Why Should We Build A Digital Community?
Building a digital community gives you more opportunities to connect with your audience(s) in a way that’s natural and personal. Through targeted community interactions, you’ll be able to generate excitement, launch products, and announce events without all the hassle that sometimes comes with the traditional ways of doing things. Explore this idea further in the following infographic.
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