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The Hidden Messages Behind Brand Adverts
Adverts are created to tell a story, to make something more relatable and to sell a product, service, or an idea. Some of these adverts aren’t just a selling tool, but have an incredibly inspirational message behind them. Some may not be obvious, while others are. In this infographic, explore the hidden messages behind several popular brand adverts.
Do Washable Diapers Require More Water
Do washable cloth diapers require more water than disposable diapers? The following infographic from looks at this in more detail and compares the two types of diapers.
The Rise Of Contactless Cards
The following infographic includes information about the behavior of shoppers and consumers in the UK in terms of contactless cards, with the frequency of contactless card transactions rising. Interestingly despite the increase of frequency, the average order value has decreased as people are much more likely to use the cards for small transactions.
Introverts Guide to Job Interviews
Job interviews are nerve-racking for most of us. But what if you are an introvert? You may find interviews even more energy-draining and stressed that you’re not able to present your best self. So how can an introvert excel at interviews? This is why CashNetUSA has put together the following infographic entitled, “Introverts Guide to Job Interviews.”
10 Vehicles In Movies That Predicted Future Of Transportation
Many movies over time have predicted our transportation methods in the future and at present years ago. How they have managed to do so is still a mystery. Movies like Total Recall, Minority Report, Iron Man, Blade Runner etc. are some of the prime examples of such. Wondering what’s next in the list? Have a look at this infographic by TrackCompanyBus.
How to be Completely Anonymous on the Internet
Here is a very easy to understand and fun-to-read Infographic from PureVPN that informs the readers about how the Internet works, why you need to embrace online anonymity and how you can go anonymous online. All the information is up-to-date and designed for 2018.
Top Business Trends That Will Drive Success in 2018
Is your business ready for 2018? Here is an infographic from Online MBA Today that lays out 10 top business trends that are sure to drive success for you and your company in 2018.
15 Make-Ahead Freezer-Bag Meals
It’s time to get fit and save money by making meals at home. But what if you’re crazy busy? Consider easy dump-and-go dinners go from the freezer into the slow cooker, so you can have very little work to do during the work week. With an afternoon of prep, you can pack away a bunch of these freezer-bag meals all at once. Then, you can enjoy far less stress and many delicious slow cooker meals on work days.
The Official Mammals of the United States
Each state in the United States represents not only its people, but its animals as well. Explore this infographic by Alan’s Factory Outlet as it introduces you to the mammals that call the United States home, from the obvious choices like the Texas Longhorn to the less obvious choices such as the Great Dane representing the state of Pennsylvania.
How to Plan a Wedding in Greece
If you have ever desired to get married in Greece, here is an infographic from the folks at Santorini Weddings that provides extensive informative on planning a wedding in Greece.
The Hidden Messages Behind Brand Adverts
Adverts are created to tell a story, to make something more relatable and to sell a product, service, or an idea. Some of these adverts aren’t just a selling tool, but have an incredibly inspirational message behind them. Some may not be obvious, while others are. In this infographic, explore the hidden messages behind several popular brand adverts.
Do Washable Diapers Require More Water
Do washable cloth diapers require more water than disposable diapers? The following infographic from looks at this in more detail and compares the two types of diapers.
The Rise Of Contactless Cards
The following infographic includes information about the behavior of shoppers and consumers in the UK in terms of contactless cards, with the frequency of contactless card transactions rising. Interestingly despite the increase of frequency, the average order value has decreased as people are much more likely to use the cards for small transactions.
Introverts Guide to Job Interviews
Job interviews are nerve-racking for most of us. But what if you are an introvert? You may find interviews even more energy-draining and stressed that you’re not able to present your best self. So how can an introvert excel at interviews? This is why CashNetUSA has put together the following infographic entitled, “Introverts Guide to Job Interviews.”
10 Vehicles In Movies That Predicted Future Of Transportation
Many movies over time have predicted our transportation methods in the future and at present years ago. How they have managed to do so is still a mystery. Movies like Total Recall, Minority Report, Iron Man, Blade Runner etc. are some of the prime examples of such. Wondering what’s next in the list? Have a look at this infographic by TrackCompanyBus.
How to be Completely Anonymous on the Internet
Here is a very easy to understand and fun-to-read Infographic from PureVPN that informs the readers about how the Internet works, why you need to embrace online anonymity and how you can go anonymous online. All the information is up-to-date and designed for 2018.
Top Business Trends That Will Drive Success in 2018
Is your business ready for 2018? Here is an infographic from Online MBA Today that lays out 10 top business trends that are sure to drive success for you and your company in 2018.
15 Make-Ahead Freezer-Bag Meals
It’s time to get fit and save money by making meals at home. But what if you’re crazy busy? Consider easy dump-and-go dinners go from the freezer into the slow cooker, so you can have very little work to do during the work week. With an afternoon of prep, you can pack away a bunch of these freezer-bag meals all at once. Then, you can enjoy far less stress and many delicious slow cooker meals on work days.
The Official Mammals of the United States
Each state in the United States represents not only its people, but its animals as well. Explore this infographic by Alan’s Factory Outlet as it introduces you to the mammals that call the United States home, from the obvious choices like the Texas Longhorn to the less obvious choices such as the Great Dane representing the state of Pennsylvania.
How to Plan a Wedding in Greece
If you have ever desired to get married in Greece, here is an infographic from the folks at Santorini Weddings that provides extensive informative on planning a wedding in Greece.
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