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Common Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Traveling is one of life’s greatest pleasures. It gives you the opportunity to view a new landscape, explore a country’s history, submerge yourself into another culture, and learn about yourself as you do. Before you board your flight, there are a few things you should be sure to check. Is your passport still valid? Have you notified your bank of your trip overseas?
Stormtroopers & Clone Troopers of Star Wars
Stormtroopers – the terrifying force that makes up the armies of the The First Order. Like the Empire before them, the First Order was born from the Dark Side of the Force. Many stormtroopers and clone troopers do the bidding of evil entities without having a choice. But in the case of Finn from The Force Awakens (and the upcoming The Last Jedi sequel), he did make a choice and is now fighting for the Resistance.
Oktoberfest 2017: Numbers & Crazy Lost Objects
The Munich Oktoberfest closed its 184° edition with more than 6 million visitors throughout the 18 days of celebration. With 7.5 millions litres of beer it’s not hard to imagine that people might lose something while having fun in the tents, but could you believe that it’s possible to lose (or forget) a garden gnome? Or a cat carrier? What about a blood-pressure meter?
Best & Worst Pets for Apartment Living
Over time, dogs are reportedly more stinky than cats by a 2 to 1 ratio. And yet, the age-old personality question persists: Are you a dog person or a cat person? Beyond personality, the team at wanted to look at the many other considerations of pet ownership that are important for apartment living. How much space does your pet need? How much care and walking will it require? Is it stinky? How much does it poop?
Top 15 Worst Home Infestations From Around The World
We’ve had some terrible weather in the past 6 months, all over the world. Everything from 3 hurricanes at one time over in the Caribbean, to major flooding in large parts of Europe. The unseasonal weather had a knock-on effect on the local wildlife with some very unusual home infestations on a biblical scale. The folks at Twinkle Clean have rounded up some of the worst infestations from all over the world, as well as some very bad cases from the past few years.
Evolution of Some of the Most Iconic Business Logos
One of the best ways to attract and engage customers is with a solid, understandable logo. Logos are the shorthand version of a company’s message to customers—a simple way to share the company’s values and make an impression. The big question is, how do you know when you’ve got it right… and when it’s time for an update? To explore this, C+R Research decided to track how logo evolution relates to revenue for some of the most iconic brands in the world and share their results in the infographic below.
How to Get Married for Under £1000 (or $1,300 or So)
This infographic from Money Guru details essential wedding costs, where you can save money and how you can make your day magical simply by putting your creative head on. Get married for under £1000 and you’ll still have the perfect day – you’ll also be giving yourself the very best chance to make the rest of your life perfect, too.
How Your Pets Can Benefit From Your Car Tints
Did you know that your pets can also benefit from car tints? Pet owners know that their pets are not mere animals, but are an important part of the family. This is why many invest a lot on products and services that can benefit their pets. But when it comes to their safety while in their owners’ vehicles, even something as simple as a car tint can help prevent a harmless drive from being a fatal accident.
How Self Driving Cars Impact Traffic Law Enforcement
Self-driving cars are expected to become main stream within the next 5 years. Yet, we still have little idea how it will impact our daily lives, as well as insurance premiums and traffic law enforcement. For example, who will get the ticket in a car accident – the person or the car? This infographic compares self-driving cars to human drivers and explores the impact millions of self-driving cars could have on traffic law enforcement.
10 Key Considerations to Launch a Product
Software product development companies are steadily evolving and building products with improved time to market. They want to take the early mover advantage and launch products before their competitors. For a successful launch of the product, companies need to consider multiple parameters such as customer needs, market demand, competitors and size of the market.
Common Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Traveling is one of life’s greatest pleasures. It gives you the opportunity to view a new landscape, explore a country’s history, submerge yourself into another culture, and learn about yourself as you do. Before you board your flight, there are a few things you should be sure to check. Is your passport still valid? Have you notified your bank of your trip overseas?
Stormtroopers & Clone Troopers of Star Wars
Stormtroopers – the terrifying force that makes up the armies of the The First Order. Like the Empire before them, the First Order was born from the Dark Side of the Force. Many stormtroopers and clone troopers do the bidding of evil entities without having a choice. But in the case of Finn from The Force Awakens (and the upcoming The Last Jedi sequel), he did make a choice and is now fighting for the Resistance.
Oktoberfest 2017: Numbers & Crazy Lost Objects
The Munich Oktoberfest closed its 184° edition with more than 6 million visitors throughout the 18 days of celebration. With 7.5 millions litres of beer it’s not hard to imagine that people might lose something while having fun in the tents, but could you believe that it’s possible to lose (or forget) a garden gnome? Or a cat carrier? What about a blood-pressure meter?
Best & Worst Pets for Apartment Living
Over time, dogs are reportedly more stinky than cats by a 2 to 1 ratio. And yet, the age-old personality question persists: Are you a dog person or a cat person? Beyond personality, the team at wanted to look at the many other considerations of pet ownership that are important for apartment living. How much space does your pet need? How much care and walking will it require? Is it stinky? How much does it poop?
Top 15 Worst Home Infestations From Around The World
We’ve had some terrible weather in the past 6 months, all over the world. Everything from 3 hurricanes at one time over in the Caribbean, to major flooding in large parts of Europe. The unseasonal weather had a knock-on effect on the local wildlife with some very unusual home infestations on a biblical scale. The folks at Twinkle Clean have rounded up some of the worst infestations from all over the world, as well as some very bad cases from the past few years.
Evolution of Some of the Most Iconic Business Logos
One of the best ways to attract and engage customers is with a solid, understandable logo. Logos are the shorthand version of a company’s message to customers—a simple way to share the company’s values and make an impression. The big question is, how do you know when you’ve got it right… and when it’s time for an update? To explore this, C+R Research decided to track how logo evolution relates to revenue for some of the most iconic brands in the world and share their results in the infographic below.
How to Get Married for Under £1000 (or $1,300 or So)
This infographic from Money Guru details essential wedding costs, where you can save money and how you can make your day magical simply by putting your creative head on. Get married for under £1000 and you’ll still have the perfect day – you’ll also be giving yourself the very best chance to make the rest of your life perfect, too.
How Your Pets Can Benefit From Your Car Tints
Did you know that your pets can also benefit from car tints? Pet owners know that their pets are not mere animals, but are an important part of the family. This is why many invest a lot on products and services that can benefit their pets. But when it comes to their safety while in their owners’ vehicles, even something as simple as a car tint can help prevent a harmless drive from being a fatal accident.
How Self Driving Cars Impact Traffic Law Enforcement
Self-driving cars are expected to become main stream within the next 5 years. Yet, we still have little idea how it will impact our daily lives, as well as insurance premiums and traffic law enforcement. For example, who will get the ticket in a car accident – the person or the car? This infographic compares self-driving cars to human drivers and explores the impact millions of self-driving cars could have on traffic law enforcement.
10 Key Considerations to Launch a Product
Software product development companies are steadily evolving and building products with improved time to market. They want to take the early mover advantage and launch products before their competitors. For a successful launch of the product, companies need to consider multiple parameters such as customer needs, market demand, competitors and size of the market.
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