12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

3 Powerful Ways To Use Artificial Intelligence in Content Marketing

3 Powerful Ways To Use Artificial Intelligence in Content Marketing

The power of artificial intelligence is changing the field of content marketing. It allows you to discover insights, make strategic recommendations, and create better content, which helps you to be more efficient, profitable and successful marketer. This infographic shows 3 powerful ways how you can use the artificial intelligence in your content marketing.

Substance Abuse Nursing: An Introduction

Substance Abuse Nursing: An Introduction

In addition to becoming a registered nurse, you can also opt to study a specialty such as cardiac care, clinical nursing, anesthesia related care, ambulatory care or substance abuse nursing. Of all the specialty nursing fields you might choose from, substance abuse nursing provides the opportunity to not only help those in immediate need, but also help them and their loved ones possibly enjoy a better future.

An Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to BlockChain

An Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to BlockChain

As cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin gain footing in our increasingly connected world, blockchain systems are cropping up to help people keep track of their money, almost like an online bank passbook. The technology has the potential to keep democracies healthy and transparent, become the choice medium for stock market and international payment and even help us keep our online identities secure and standardized.

What to Take to University: The Freshers’ Week Checklist

What to Take to University: The Freshers’ Week Checklist

Can you remember your first week of university? It was likely crammed with parties, meeting new people and unpacking what felt like hundreds of suitcases and boxes. But no matter how prepared you thought you were, you’d definitely have forgotten to pack something. Student accommodation provider Urbanest has created the ultimate freshers’ week checklist to make sure you have everything you need for the big move.

Businesses Face Wasting Money Without Effective Management Software

Businesses Face Wasting Money Without Effective Management Software

In order to become and remain successful, businesses must continually strive to improve their processes. Failure to do so will likely result in higher costs, unmotivated employees, dissatisfied customers and ultimately, lower revenues. Despite this, a recent survey by Applied Business found 73% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that do not use workflow management software face errors in manual processes.

How To Make Your Brand Stand Out in the Digital Landscape

How To Make Your Brand Stand Out in the Digital Landscape

Since branding is the first step to achieving business success, make sure to develop a solid brand personality and create brand guidelines before you outsource web development and design services. Here are some tips put together by MicroCreatives you can follow to make your brand stand out in this ever-evolving digital world.

Traffic Fatalities Since 1900 in the United States

How many people have died from car accidents in the last 100 years? Probably a lot more than you would think. Since 1900, car safety advancements and new traffic safety laws have brought us a long way and have reduced motor vehicle deaths in the United States drastically. Unfortunately, that still left over 35,000 dead in 2015 alone. Over the next few decades, automation technology aims to reduce that number much, much more.

Is the Air in Your House Making You Sick?

Is the Air in Your House Making You Sick?

Clean air is important for all of us. We’re breathing 24/7, so if the air is dirty, then contaminants are constantly entering our lungs. Dirty air can lead to negative health effects, from a minor cough to more serious respiratory illnesses. But where is the dirtiest air that we breathe everyday? The answer may surprise you.

DIY Dog Treat Recipes That Are 5 Ingredients or Less

DIY Dog Treat Recipes That Are 5 Ingredients or Less

We all want the best for our pets! Many dog treats have harmful additives such as artificial color, flavoring, and byproducts. Making your own dog treats is a fantastic way to control the ingredients, cater to diet restrictions, save money, and delight your furry friend. This Infographic from Title Pro Loans provides a list of 15 treats, including ingredients and simple directions.

Why DACA Matters?

Why DACA Matters?

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is one of the most controversial topics in US politics right now. The immigration policy aimed at the children of illegal immigrants has been rescinded by the Trump administration and now no one knows exactly what will happen to them. What should the government do with almost 900,000 illegal immigrants that have come to the US as children and have not lived anywhere else since?

3 Powerful Ways To Use Artificial Intelligence in Content Marketing

3 Powerful Ways To Use Artificial Intelligence in Content Marketing

The power of artificial intelligence is changing the field of content marketing. It allows you to discover insights, make strategic recommendations, and create better content, which helps you to be more efficient, profitable and successful marketer. This infographic shows 3 powerful ways how you can use the artificial intelligence in your content marketing.

Substance Abuse Nursing: An Introduction

Substance Abuse Nursing: An Introduction

In addition to becoming a registered nurse, you can also opt to study a specialty such as cardiac care, clinical nursing, anesthesia related care, ambulatory care or substance abuse nursing. Of all the specialty nursing fields you might choose from, substance abuse nursing provides the opportunity to not only help those in immediate need, but also help them and their loved ones possibly enjoy a better future.

An Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to BlockChain

An Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to BlockChain

As cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin gain footing in our increasingly connected world, blockchain systems are cropping up to help people keep track of their money, almost like an online bank passbook. The technology has the potential to keep democracies healthy and transparent, become the choice medium for stock market and international payment and even help us keep our online identities secure and standardized.

What to Take to University: The Freshers’ Week Checklist

What to Take to University: The Freshers’ Week Checklist

Can you remember your first week of university? It was likely crammed with parties, meeting new people and unpacking what felt like hundreds of suitcases and boxes. But no matter how prepared you thought you were, you’d definitely have forgotten to pack something. Student accommodation provider Urbanest has created the ultimate freshers’ week checklist to make sure you have everything you need for the big move.

Businesses Face Wasting Money Without Effective Management Software

Businesses Face Wasting Money Without Effective Management Software

In order to become and remain successful, businesses must continually strive to improve their processes. Failure to do so will likely result in higher costs, unmotivated employees, dissatisfied customers and ultimately, lower revenues. Despite this, a recent survey by Applied Business found 73% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that do not use workflow management software face errors in manual processes.

How To Make Your Brand Stand Out in the Digital Landscape

How To Make Your Brand Stand Out in the Digital Landscape

Since branding is the first step to achieving business success, make sure to develop a solid brand personality and create brand guidelines before you outsource web development and design services. Here are some tips put together by MicroCreatives you can follow to make your brand stand out in this ever-evolving digital world.

Traffic Fatalities Since 1900 in the United States

How many people have died from car accidents in the last 100 years? Probably a lot more than you would think. Since 1900, car safety advancements and new traffic safety laws have brought us a long way and have reduced motor vehicle deaths in the United States drastically. Unfortunately, that still left over 35,000 dead in 2015 alone. Over the next few decades, automation technology aims to reduce that number much, much more.

Is the Air in Your House Making You Sick?

Is the Air in Your House Making You Sick?

Clean air is important for all of us. We’re breathing 24/7, so if the air is dirty, then contaminants are constantly entering our lungs. Dirty air can lead to negative health effects, from a minor cough to more serious respiratory illnesses. But where is the dirtiest air that we breathe everyday? The answer may surprise you.

DIY Dog Treat Recipes That Are 5 Ingredients or Less

DIY Dog Treat Recipes That Are 5 Ingredients or Less

We all want the best for our pets! Many dog treats have harmful additives such as artificial color, flavoring, and byproducts. Making your own dog treats is a fantastic way to control the ingredients, cater to diet restrictions, save money, and delight your furry friend. This Infographic from Title Pro Loans provides a list of 15 treats, including ingredients and simple directions.

Why DACA Matters?

Why DACA Matters?

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is one of the most controversial topics in US politics right now. The immigration policy aimed at the children of illegal immigrants has been rescinded by the Trump administration and now no one knows exactly what will happen to them. What should the government do with almost 900,000 illegal immigrants that have come to the US as children and have not lived anywhere else since?