12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

Can You Benefit From Compression Therapy?

Can You Benefit From Compression Therapy?

Are you a retail worker, frequent flyer, or athlete? Compression therapy might be for you. Compression therapy is well-known for being a treatment practice for medical conditions like Lymphedema, but there are actually benefits to its use for various lifestyles outside of the medical realm. This infographic illustrates how compression therapy plays a role in supporting various lifestyles.

Global Guide to Healthcare Tourism

Global Guide to Healthcare Tourism

Healthcare tourism is a booming industry offering cheaper treatments with a minimal delay making foreign centres an attractive option. The following infographic by Tracey Solicitors details the statistics behind healthcare tourism identifies the leading healthcare destinations, as well as tips on what to do if you are seeking treatment abroad.

How to Get Overfunded on Kickstarter

How to Get Overfunded on Kickstarter

In this infographic, Market Inspector has collected primary data from interviews with successful founders from three different continents to present you the most common key steps to get overfunded. It is known among former founders that choosing a smaller funding goal increases chances to raise the whole amount of money.

Evolution of CPR

Evolution of CPR

Here is an infographic courtesy of ACLS that depicts the evolution of CPR. The time line goes back to the 1500s and lists the many unusual and barbaric ways that CPR was used throughout history as it advanced to what it is today.

Acne Pills Treatment: Antibiotics, Retinoids, & Vitamins

Acne Pills Treatment: Antibiotics, Retinoids, & Vitamins

There are pills for acne that help women, men, and teens. They can come in the form of prescription and over the counter, but can these treatments cause side effects? Learn more about acne pills treatment, including antibiotics, retinoids, and vitamins in the following infographic.

Animals and Their Babies

Animals and Their Babies

The difference between animal offspring is fascinating. Some of them are able to walk within hours after being born (like giraffe’s calf ), and others need months before they get out of mama’s pouch and can be more or less independent (like little joeys for whom it takes 235 days to get grown enough). This infographic by AlansFactoryOutlet.com also shows some interesting physical facts and statistics of survival for certain species.

20 Amazing Facts About Being Pregnant

20 Amazing Facts About Being Pregnant

This infographic is aimed at expectant mothers and fathers and aims to showcase 20 amazingly wonderful facts about your body and baby whilst you are pregnant. Did you know that one in every 2000 babies is born with a tooth? Use this infographic to prepare for the changes to your body during pregnancy.

What Camera Do You Need for Your YouTube Channel?

What Camera Do You Need for Your YouTube Channel?

This infographic by VloggerPro will help aspirant YouTubers choose the right camera for their channel. You will learn if you’ll need a DSLR, Compact, Mirrorless, Webcam, Action cam or Camcorder.

Living Room Layout Ideas To Maximize Your Space

Living Room Layout Ideas To Maximize Your Space

Living rooms come in all shapes and sizes, and it can be tricky arranging the room in a perfect way. This infographic from Factory Direct Flooring shows how you can make the most of your lounge, no matter what shape it is.

How to Camp Out For Black Friday

How to Camp Out For Black Friday

Use this infographic from Cabelas.com for some helpful tips on how to camp out for Black Friday. From food to shelter to fun Black Friday facts, this infographic has everything you need to get the most out of waiting for the store doors to open.

Can You Benefit From Compression Therapy?

Can You Benefit From Compression Therapy?

Are you a retail worker, frequent flyer, or athlete? Compression therapy might be for you. Compression therapy is well-known for being a treatment practice for medical conditions like Lymphedema, but there are actually benefits to its use for various lifestyles outside of the medical realm. This infographic illustrates how compression therapy plays a role in supporting various lifestyles.

Global Guide to Healthcare Tourism

Global Guide to Healthcare Tourism

Healthcare tourism is a booming industry offering cheaper treatments with a minimal delay making foreign centres an attractive option. The following infographic by Tracey Solicitors details the statistics behind healthcare tourism identifies the leading healthcare destinations, as well as tips on what to do if you are seeking treatment abroad.

How to Get Overfunded on Kickstarter

How to Get Overfunded on Kickstarter

In this infographic, Market Inspector has collected primary data from interviews with successful founders from three different continents to present you the most common key steps to get overfunded. It is known among former founders that choosing a smaller funding goal increases chances to raise the whole amount of money.

Evolution of CPR

Evolution of CPR

Here is an infographic courtesy of ACLS that depicts the evolution of CPR. The time line goes back to the 1500s and lists the many unusual and barbaric ways that CPR was used throughout history as it advanced to what it is today.

Acne Pills Treatment: Antibiotics, Retinoids, & Vitamins

Acne Pills Treatment: Antibiotics, Retinoids, & Vitamins

There are pills for acne that help women, men, and teens. They can come in the form of prescription and over the counter, but can these treatments cause side effects? Learn more about acne pills treatment, including antibiotics, retinoids, and vitamins in the following infographic.

Animals and Their Babies

Animals and Their Babies

The difference between animal offspring is fascinating. Some of them are able to walk within hours after being born (like giraffe’s calf ), and others need months before they get out of mama’s pouch and can be more or less independent (like little joeys for whom it takes 235 days to get grown enough). This infographic by AlansFactoryOutlet.com also shows some interesting physical facts and statistics of survival for certain species.

20 Amazing Facts About Being Pregnant

20 Amazing Facts About Being Pregnant

This infographic is aimed at expectant mothers and fathers and aims to showcase 20 amazingly wonderful facts about your body and baby whilst you are pregnant. Did you know that one in every 2000 babies is born with a tooth? Use this infographic to prepare for the changes to your body during pregnancy.

What Camera Do You Need for Your YouTube Channel?

What Camera Do You Need for Your YouTube Channel?

This infographic by VloggerPro will help aspirant YouTubers choose the right camera for their channel. You will learn if you’ll need a DSLR, Compact, Mirrorless, Webcam, Action cam or Camcorder.

Living Room Layout Ideas To Maximize Your Space

Living Room Layout Ideas To Maximize Your Space

Living rooms come in all shapes and sizes, and it can be tricky arranging the room in a perfect way. This infographic from Factory Direct Flooring shows how you can make the most of your lounge, no matter what shape it is.

How to Camp Out For Black Friday

How to Camp Out For Black Friday

Use this infographic from Cabelas.com for some helpful tips on how to camp out for Black Friday. From food to shelter to fun Black Friday facts, this infographic has everything you need to get the most out of waiting for the store doors to open.