12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

Care Homes

Care Homes

Choosing a care home is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. Whether it’s for yourself or a family member, there are so many things you need to factor in. It can be an incredibly stressful time, but if you prepare and plan right, you’ll make the process much easier.

The Anatomy of a Professional Email Signature

The Anatomy of a Professional Email Signature

Composing a perfect, professional email signature is no easy task, especially for the beginners. Before getting started with the design, you have to learn about things an average professional email signature must include. This infographic breaks down each and every importance aspect of a professional email signature to help you compose an impressive email signature without much hassle.

Global Freelancing Study 2017

Global Freelancing Study 2017

Freelance economy is on fire and growing rapidly. More millennials moving to freelancing as an option = more competition. Hubstaff talked with freelancing industry’s top 1% (15,000+ consultants) and managed to gather insights on finding better clients, setting higher rates, and landing more gigs.

Kicking Teen Violence to the Curb

Kicking Teen Violence to the Curb

It is a surprisingly high percentage how many teens are involved in violence in their schools and neighborhoods. Those that have been involved with teen violence are often filled with fear or regret. Education is the key to solving this epidemic. Friends and families of teens need to be standing up for what is right and supporting teens that have been affected by teen violence.

Color in Branding

Color in Branding

There are many strategic decisions in branding but none are more heavily invested in color than brand position and brand personality. This infographic from Iconic Fox will help you extract some insight before making that crucial strategic decision.

Vinyl is Back and Here to Stay

Vinyl is Back and Here to Stay

With vinyl music almost disappearing in 1990-2010, vinyl is now on the rise again. And that does make sense as vinyl is providing a whole extra dimension to the music. The sound from a record is simply warmer and characteristic compared to other carriers. Also, searching a record and placing it on your record player is much more entertaining than hitting a playlist on Spotify.

Americans Perception Of Popular Foreign Foods

Americans Perception Of Popular Foreign Foods

American stereotypes regarding foreign foods are often way off base. Many Americans believe Pizza to be a popular Italian food, however pizza doesn’t even crack the top five foods that Italians actually consume. To get a pulse on what Americans know about foreign cuisine, Home Run Inn Pizza to surveyed 1,000 Americans to find out the type of food they associate with 25 different countries around the world.

5 Kettlebell Movements for Golfers

5 Kettlebell Movements for Golfers

In the following infographic by Kettlebell Kings, learn 5 kettlebell movements and improve your game. Some benefits of kettlebell exercises for golfers include: Increased control path/swing, Increased hitting distance, Injury prevention & more.

Staying Safe Abroad – Don’t Become a Statistic

Staying Safe Abroad – Don’t Become a Statistic

In today’s heightened security climate it’s important to stay safe when you’re abroad in an unfamiliar country. While the majority of us go on holiday to have fun and relax, it’s important to keep safe and always be prepared for emergencies. To help, MyOffers has put together a useful data visualization with helpful tips from the UK Government.

Care Homes

Care Homes

Choosing a care home is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. Whether it’s for yourself or a family member, there are so many things you need to factor in. It can be an incredibly stressful time, but if you prepare and plan right, you’ll make the process much easier.

The Anatomy of a Professional Email Signature

The Anatomy of a Professional Email Signature

Composing a perfect, professional email signature is no easy task, especially for the beginners. Before getting started with the design, you have to learn about things an average professional email signature must include. This infographic breaks down each and every importance aspect of a professional email signature to help you compose an impressive email signature without much hassle.

Global Freelancing Study 2017

Global Freelancing Study 2017

Freelance economy is on fire and growing rapidly. More millennials moving to freelancing as an option = more competition. Hubstaff talked with freelancing industry’s top 1% (15,000+ consultants) and managed to gather insights on finding better clients, setting higher rates, and landing more gigs.

Kicking Teen Violence to the Curb

Kicking Teen Violence to the Curb

It is a surprisingly high percentage how many teens are involved in violence in their schools and neighborhoods. Those that have been involved with teen violence are often filled with fear or regret. Education is the key to solving this epidemic. Friends and families of teens need to be standing up for what is right and supporting teens that have been affected by teen violence.

Color in Branding

Color in Branding

There are many strategic decisions in branding but none are more heavily invested in color than brand position and brand personality. This infographic from Iconic Fox will help you extract some insight before making that crucial strategic decision.

Vinyl is Back and Here to Stay

Vinyl is Back and Here to Stay

With vinyl music almost disappearing in 1990-2010, vinyl is now on the rise again. And that does make sense as vinyl is providing a whole extra dimension to the music. The sound from a record is simply warmer and characteristic compared to other carriers. Also, searching a record and placing it on your record player is much more entertaining than hitting a playlist on Spotify.

Americans Perception Of Popular Foreign Foods

Americans Perception Of Popular Foreign Foods

American stereotypes regarding foreign foods are often way off base. Many Americans believe Pizza to be a popular Italian food, however pizza doesn’t even crack the top five foods that Italians actually consume. To get a pulse on what Americans know about foreign cuisine, Home Run Inn Pizza to surveyed 1,000 Americans to find out the type of food they associate with 25 different countries around the world.

5 Kettlebell Movements for Golfers

5 Kettlebell Movements for Golfers

In the following infographic by Kettlebell Kings, learn 5 kettlebell movements and improve your game. Some benefits of kettlebell exercises for golfers include: Increased control path/swing, Increased hitting distance, Injury prevention & more.

Staying Safe Abroad – Don’t Become a Statistic

Staying Safe Abroad – Don’t Become a Statistic

In today’s heightened security climate it’s important to stay safe when you’re abroad in an unfamiliar country. While the majority of us go on holiday to have fun and relax, it’s important to keep safe and always be prepared for emergencies. To help, MyOffers has put together a useful data visualization with helpful tips from the UK Government.