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20 Playground Exercises to Achieve a Full-Body Workout
Why pay for an expensive gym membership when you can make use of the time you have with the “equipment” you have available, while taking care of and playing with your kids. What’s all this about? The playground! Bring the kids to the playground and while you watch, you can get a full-body workout in using only playground equipment.
Why Post-Acute Care Matters More Now Than Ever
Hospitals can’t just leave patient care to chance after patients leave the hospital. They must be more actively involved in managing their patients to ensure that they will receive the most appropriate post-acute care and avoid any remissions.
A History of Vitamin Discovery Throughout the Ages
There’s no question that the nutrients we take in play a major role in our health. In fact, we’ve got centuries of trial and error to prove it. Let’s take a closer look to uncover the link between nutrition and health, a history of observations, and the discovery of vitamins, in an infographic presented by USANA.
How Much Do You Spend On Energy Drinks
This infographic shows how much money people spend on energy drinks over the course of a week, a year and 10 years; along with what they could buy with the amount of money they spent over that time period. It also shows how energy drink popularity has been steadily increasing.
35 Fun Facts About Mobile Phones
In this infographic from the folks at MyTrendyPhone, discover 35 most interesting and less known facts about our daily companions – mobile phones. From the first ever cell phone, bizarre innovations to some interesting statistics.
How Marketers Feel About Conferences
The list of marketing conferences is growing every year and with that the reasons for attending them. Some people go for networking opportunities and to see old friends, where others are there strictly to learn. To get a better pulse on why marketers attend conferences in 2017, Digital Third Coast surveyed more than 300 marketing professionals.
Which Technologies Do America’s Fastest Growing Companies Use?
Want to learn what technology America’s fastest growing companies use to succeed? This infographic will show you which technologies are most commonly used by the fastest growing private companies. Using BuiltWith, they analyzed the top 1,250 fastest growing companies on the Inc. 5000 list – tracking usage analytics for email services, content management systems, hosting providers, and more.
Mind-Body Math: Manipulatives in the Digital Age
Our brain and body work together to help us learn. This concept, Embodied Cognition, is built upon a decades-long branch of research into how human thinking and learning is rooted in the back-and-forth between the mind’s perceptions and the body’s physical interactions with the world around it.
Healthcare Technology Trends 2017
Technology promises to be the greatest game-changer for healthcare, with a number of exciting digital technology forms awaiting to be utilized properly. This infographic from Experion Technologies shows which technological trends are going to be the most influential for healthcare in 2017 and even beyond.
The Top 21 Natural Testosterone Booster Ingredients
This infographic contains an extensive list of the top 21 natural testosterone booster ingredients. It highlights the benefits of each of the ingredients and where they can be found. The functions of these natural ingredients, as described in the infographics, are: reducing stress, increasing libido, building muscle, promoting strength and energy, as well as improving fertility.
20 Playground Exercises to Achieve a Full-Body Workout
Why pay for an expensive gym membership when you can make use of the time you have with the “equipment” you have available, while taking care of and playing with your kids. What’s all this about? The playground! Bring the kids to the playground and while you watch, you can get a full-body workout in using only playground equipment.
Why Post-Acute Care Matters More Now Than Ever
Hospitals can’t just leave patient care to chance after patients leave the hospital. They must be more actively involved in managing their patients to ensure that they will receive the most appropriate post-acute care and avoid any remissions.
A History of Vitamin Discovery Throughout the Ages
There’s no question that the nutrients we take in play a major role in our health. In fact, we’ve got centuries of trial and error to prove it. Let’s take a closer look to uncover the link between nutrition and health, a history of observations, and the discovery of vitamins, in an infographic presented by USANA.
How Much Do You Spend On Energy Drinks
This infographic shows how much money people spend on energy drinks over the course of a week, a year and 10 years; along with what they could buy with the amount of money they spent over that time period. It also shows how energy drink popularity has been steadily increasing.
35 Fun Facts About Mobile Phones
In this infographic from the folks at MyTrendyPhone, discover 35 most interesting and less known facts about our daily companions – mobile phones. From the first ever cell phone, bizarre innovations to some interesting statistics.
How Marketers Feel About Conferences
The list of marketing conferences is growing every year and with that the reasons for attending them. Some people go for networking opportunities and to see old friends, where others are there strictly to learn. To get a better pulse on why marketers attend conferences in 2017, Digital Third Coast surveyed more than 300 marketing professionals.
Which Technologies Do America’s Fastest Growing Companies Use?
Want to learn what technology America’s fastest growing companies use to succeed? This infographic will show you which technologies are most commonly used by the fastest growing private companies. Using BuiltWith, they analyzed the top 1,250 fastest growing companies on the Inc. 5000 list – tracking usage analytics for email services, content management systems, hosting providers, and more.
Mind-Body Math: Manipulatives in the Digital Age
Our brain and body work together to help us learn. This concept, Embodied Cognition, is built upon a decades-long branch of research into how human thinking and learning is rooted in the back-and-forth between the mind’s perceptions and the body’s physical interactions with the world around it.
Healthcare Technology Trends 2017
Technology promises to be the greatest game-changer for healthcare, with a number of exciting digital technology forms awaiting to be utilized properly. This infographic from Experion Technologies shows which technological trends are going to be the most influential for healthcare in 2017 and even beyond.
The Top 21 Natural Testosterone Booster Ingredients
This infographic contains an extensive list of the top 21 natural testosterone booster ingredients. It highlights the benefits of each of the ingredients and where they can be found. The functions of these natural ingredients, as described in the infographics, are: reducing stress, increasing libido, building muscle, promoting strength and energy, as well as improving fertility.
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