12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

How to Choose the Best Breast Implants for Your Body Type

How to Choose the Best Breast Implants for Your Body Type

Breast implant sizes are measured by volume using cubic centimeters (cc’s). A larger implant means more volume and further projection from the chest wall. When deciding what breast size to choose, bear in mind that every woman’s body type is different and this affects how the implants will look. Therefore, two women may have the same sized implants, but each procedure will yield a different result.

5 Things That’ll Make You Nostalgic for Old Tech

5 Things That’ll Make You Nostalgic for Old Tech

No matter how advanced technology becomes, our first (and favorite) gadgets will always hold a special place in our hearts! Whether it was our first computer, our first handheld gaming device or our beloved and bashed up music player, we will never forget the hours of joy those items brought us! This infographic spotlights some of the most-loved tech of times gone by.

Why Your Blog Isn’t Enough

Why Your Blog Isn’t Enough

Setting up your company blog is a powerful first step to successful content marketing — but it’s not enough on its own. If you rely only on your blog, you limit who you engage with, creating huge missed opportunities. In this infographic, discover the reasons why your blog isn’t enough.

The Safest Cars of the Last 11 Years

The Safest Cars of the Last 11 Years

Which car company consistently creates the safest vehicles? This infographic from the team at TitleProLoans.com takes a look at the safest manufacturers by IIHS rating and their safest models. [Click image for full size version]

Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Vitamin C

Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Vitamin C

The infographic below explores ten evidence-based health benefits of vitamin C. Some of the benefits include treating the common cold, prevent heart disease, prevent Alzheimer's and reduce muscle soreness after exercise. You can get vitamin C from oranges, kiwi,...

Poka Yoke – What’s It All About?

Poka Yoke – What’s It All About?

Poka Yoke is a lean methodology that centers around “mistake proofing.” By focusing on the process and eliminating snags and inconsistencies, efficiency improves and waste is reduced. This infographic by Creative Safety Supply helps explain how mistake proofing has been applied to common items we use in our daily lives.

A Better Look at Teen Self-Harm

A Better Look at Teen Self-Harm

Teens struggle with many things and often times don’t know how to cope. Because of this, teens can develop bad habits and self-harm may be one of the most gruesome. Self-harm is often a way for teens to feel that they have gained some control of their lives during difficult situations. Also, many feel that they have lost the sense of feelings and emotions, in which they turn to self-harm to become a way for them to ‘feel’ again.

Electric Cars in the UK

Electric Cars in the UK

Passenger vehicles are currently responsible for approximately 10% of the UK’s carbon emissions which are widely accepted to contribute toward dangerous climate change. The good news is that electric vehicles are becoming mainstream with most major manufacturers now producing or at least developing electric powered cars.

Technical Awards at the Oscars

Technical Awards at the Oscars

The Oscars’ technical awards celebrate and highlight amazing achievements in the movie industry. This infographic from Electronic World showcases some of the best editing and special effects in recent films in a fun, visual and interesting way.

Electric Cars by Range

Electric Cars by Range

From the very beginning of the history of electric cars the biggest problem was the driving range. It was way too short to get customers interested in paying extra. And the ‘green’ argument wasn’t strong enough for that. Now, we are still years away from going to road trips on electric cars. But there are many options that will let you go to and from work for at least for a few days or even a week (or even longer) before you need to charge again (depending on how long your commute is).

How to Choose the Best Breast Implants for Your Body Type

How to Choose the Best Breast Implants for Your Body Type

Breast implant sizes are measured by volume using cubic centimeters (cc’s). A larger implant means more volume and further projection from the chest wall. When deciding what breast size to choose, bear in mind that every woman’s body type is different and this affects how the implants will look. Therefore, two women may have the same sized implants, but each procedure will yield a different result.

5 Things That’ll Make You Nostalgic for Old Tech

5 Things That’ll Make You Nostalgic for Old Tech

No matter how advanced technology becomes, our first (and favorite) gadgets will always hold a special place in our hearts! Whether it was our first computer, our first handheld gaming device or our beloved and bashed up music player, we will never forget the hours of joy those items brought us! This infographic spotlights some of the most-loved tech of times gone by.

Why Your Blog Isn’t Enough

Why Your Blog Isn’t Enough

Setting up your company blog is a powerful first step to successful content marketing — but it’s not enough on its own. If you rely only on your blog, you limit who you engage with, creating huge missed opportunities. In this infographic, discover the reasons why your blog isn’t enough.

The Safest Cars of the Last 11 Years

The Safest Cars of the Last 11 Years

Which car company consistently creates the safest vehicles? This infographic from the team at TitleProLoans.com takes a look at the safest manufacturers by IIHS rating and their safest models. [Click image for full size version]

Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Vitamin C

Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Vitamin C

The infographic below explores ten evidence-based health benefits of vitamin C. Some of the benefits include treating the common cold, prevent heart disease, prevent Alzheimer's and reduce muscle soreness after exercise. You can get vitamin C from oranges, kiwi,...

Poka Yoke – What’s It All About?

Poka Yoke – What’s It All About?

Poka Yoke is a lean methodology that centers around “mistake proofing.” By focusing on the process and eliminating snags and inconsistencies, efficiency improves and waste is reduced. This infographic by Creative Safety Supply helps explain how mistake proofing has been applied to common items we use in our daily lives.

A Better Look at Teen Self-Harm

A Better Look at Teen Self-Harm

Teens struggle with many things and often times don’t know how to cope. Because of this, teens can develop bad habits and self-harm may be one of the most gruesome. Self-harm is often a way for teens to feel that they have gained some control of their lives during difficult situations. Also, many feel that they have lost the sense of feelings and emotions, in which they turn to self-harm to become a way for them to ‘feel’ again.

Electric Cars in the UK

Electric Cars in the UK

Passenger vehicles are currently responsible for approximately 10% of the UK’s carbon emissions which are widely accepted to contribute toward dangerous climate change. The good news is that electric vehicles are becoming mainstream with most major manufacturers now producing or at least developing electric powered cars.

Technical Awards at the Oscars

Technical Awards at the Oscars

The Oscars’ technical awards celebrate and highlight amazing achievements in the movie industry. This infographic from Electronic World showcases some of the best editing and special effects in recent films in a fun, visual and interesting way.

Electric Cars by Range

Electric Cars by Range

From the very beginning of the history of electric cars the biggest problem was the driving range. It was way too short to get customers interested in paying extra. And the ‘green’ argument wasn’t strong enough for that. Now, we are still years away from going to road trips on electric cars. But there are many options that will let you go to and from work for at least for a few days or even a week (or even longer) before you need to charge again (depending on how long your commute is).