12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

Online Business Ideas You Can Start

Online Business Ideas You Can Start

Do you dream of creating a new business online? With today’s technology, it is very possible and with little to no capital at all. However, you need to have the right skill and careful planning. There are some online business ideas you can start with. Some of these will be tricky at first but may bring in big fortunes in the future.

5 Myths Behind Cosmetic Surgery

5 Myths Behind Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery offers many benefits for adults of all ages and lifestyles. However, there are some commonly shared myths about cosmetic procedures that may be holding you back. The following infographic by Appearance Center of Newport Beach explains why these beliefs are just myths and reveals the truth about how cosmetic surgery can improve your life.

Advantages of a Mobile-Friendly Website

Advantages of a Mobile-Friendly Website

Desktops are not the leading web access device anymore. Because most people are using smartphones such as iPhones and Android in accessing the internet, online business owners must take advantage of the unique opportunities mobile-friendly web design offers to the growing number of visitors on the web. Optimizing your website design to suit mobile users’ screen will greatly impact your business ranking and search engine results.

Facebook Image Sizes Cheat Sheet (2017)

Facebook Image Sizes Cheat Sheet (2017)

It’s well known that Facebook has the most robust social media advertising platform in the world. But Facebook alters their image sizing guidelines multiple times a year, and it becomes very difficult for Facebook marketers to set up ads and organic page posts without knowing the latest recommended image dimensions and sizing guidelines.

Tips for Amazon Sellers to Increase Sales

Tips for Amazon Sellers to Increase Sales

How can you increase sales on Amazon? There is no specific answer to this question as what might work to other Amazon sellers may not work with you. The following infographic from the team at The Prosper Show explores some strategies that you might apply to your business.

How to Find the Best Estate Agent

How to Find the Best Estate Agent

There are two types of real estate agents in the marketplace today. The first one is the traditional agent which is commonly called high street agents and the online agents. Both of them earn a commission but some people will choose online agents because of the huge...

History of Printing

History of Printing

There aren’t too many industries older than printing. Its origins go back to woodblock printing in 200AD. To try and understand the route that the art of printing has taken through to today’s digital formats, Diginate.com has created an infographic charting its history, and make some predictions for its future.

How to Write Effective Content

How to Write Effective Content

How can you survive the tight competition between online businesses? One effective internet marketing strategy is to create high quality and effective content. Write something that will engage and entertain your target audience. Effective content will help achieve business goals by turning site visitors into satisfied customers. In short creating quality content is as important as the website design and aesthetic appearance of your page

Zika Virus: Things You Need to Know

Zika Virus: Things You Need to Know

Making quite the impact across the country, the Zika virus is a relatively dangerous virus that has no particular medicine to help cure it. Primarily a mosquito born disease spreading through a species of mosquito called Aedes via their bites, those infected may not even know that they’re infected because most of the time the Zika virus shows very mild to no symptoms at all.

How to Choose an Air Purifier

How to Choose an Air Purifier

An air purifier or air cleaner is a unit that eliminates pollutants from the the indoor air. These appliances are generally promoted as being effective to allergy and asthma sufferers, and at minimizing or getting rid of second-hand tobacco smoke. The following infographic looks at how to choose an air purifier.

Online Business Ideas You Can Start

Online Business Ideas You Can Start

Do you dream of creating a new business online? With today’s technology, it is very possible and with little to no capital at all. However, you need to have the right skill and careful planning. There are some online business ideas you can start with. Some of these will be tricky at first but may bring in big fortunes in the future.

5 Myths Behind Cosmetic Surgery

5 Myths Behind Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery offers many benefits for adults of all ages and lifestyles. However, there are some commonly shared myths about cosmetic procedures that may be holding you back. The following infographic by Appearance Center of Newport Beach explains why these beliefs are just myths and reveals the truth about how cosmetic surgery can improve your life.

Advantages of a Mobile-Friendly Website

Advantages of a Mobile-Friendly Website

Desktops are not the leading web access device anymore. Because most people are using smartphones such as iPhones and Android in accessing the internet, online business owners must take advantage of the unique opportunities mobile-friendly web design offers to the growing number of visitors on the web. Optimizing your website design to suit mobile users’ screen will greatly impact your business ranking and search engine results.

Facebook Image Sizes Cheat Sheet (2017)

Facebook Image Sizes Cheat Sheet (2017)

It’s well known that Facebook has the most robust social media advertising platform in the world. But Facebook alters their image sizing guidelines multiple times a year, and it becomes very difficult for Facebook marketers to set up ads and organic page posts without knowing the latest recommended image dimensions and sizing guidelines.

Tips for Amazon Sellers to Increase Sales

Tips for Amazon Sellers to Increase Sales

How can you increase sales on Amazon? There is no specific answer to this question as what might work to other Amazon sellers may not work with you. The following infographic from the team at The Prosper Show explores some strategies that you might apply to your business.

How to Find the Best Estate Agent

How to Find the Best Estate Agent

There are two types of real estate agents in the marketplace today. The first one is the traditional agent which is commonly called high street agents and the online agents. Both of them earn a commission but some people will choose online agents because of the huge...

History of Printing

History of Printing

There aren’t too many industries older than printing. Its origins go back to woodblock printing in 200AD. To try and understand the route that the art of printing has taken through to today’s digital formats, Diginate.com has created an infographic charting its history, and make some predictions for its future.

How to Write Effective Content

How to Write Effective Content

How can you survive the tight competition between online businesses? One effective internet marketing strategy is to create high quality and effective content. Write something that will engage and entertain your target audience. Effective content will help achieve business goals by turning site visitors into satisfied customers. In short creating quality content is as important as the website design and aesthetic appearance of your page

Zika Virus: Things You Need to Know

Zika Virus: Things You Need to Know

Making quite the impact across the country, the Zika virus is a relatively dangerous virus that has no particular medicine to help cure it. Primarily a mosquito born disease spreading through a species of mosquito called Aedes via their bites, those infected may not even know that they’re infected because most of the time the Zika virus shows very mild to no symptoms at all.

How to Choose an Air Purifier

How to Choose an Air Purifier

An air purifier or air cleaner is a unit that eliminates pollutants from the the indoor air. These appliances are generally promoted as being effective to allergy and asthma sufferers, and at minimizing or getting rid of second-hand tobacco smoke. The following infographic looks at how to choose an air purifier.