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Why You Need to Break Into the Tech Industry
If you believe breaking into the tech industry would mean pulling an Ethan Hunt a la “Mission Impossible,” you may be surprised at how easy it may be. Whether you’re an internship candidate or an entry-level job hunter, tech is where the opportunities are lying.
The Most Iconic Cars in Hollywood History
From 007’s “Bondmobile” to the Duke’s of Hazzard “General Lee”, Bayswater Car Rentals presents 10 of the most iconic cars in Hollywood history.
Beware “Dr. Web” and the Dreaded Google Self Diagnosis
Ever since America at large discovered the convenience of the Internet, people have been using it to research everything from recipes to real estate listings. Add to that, we’re a society that leans a bit paranoid when it comes to our aches and pains–and it certainly comes as no surprise that health concerns are one of the more popular search topics on the Web.
How Facebook Changed the Advertising World
Thanks to social media sites like Facebook, the world of advertising has evolved greatly over the past decade. With a reported 1.15 billion users logging into Facebook each month, it’s no surprise that more and more companies have continued to dedicate large percentages of their overall marketing and advertising budgets in hopes of connecting with new, social-savvy prospects.
The Doctor Shortage – Where Are All the Doctors?
We’re living longer these days. Our country’s population is steadily growing. And, with the passage of 2010′s Affordable Care Act, health insurance is increasingly available to Americans. While all of these facts are positive, there is a potentially concerning factor we must consider as a result: An impending shortage in family doctors.
Romanticizing Poverty
It might seems unrealistic but looking at this infographic from, one can easily see how pop culture and fashion are romanticizing poverty.
Why Hasn’t She Text Back?
Guys listen up: The 3 day rule is a lie. In this shocking infographic by Pickup Metrics, 100 single women from the US reveal when they want to be first texted after exchanging numbers and what male texting habits make women flake the first date. It tells the step by step story from first text, to first date (if guys are lucky enough to get that far).
Star Trek Chronology
“Star Trek” only ran for three seasons, however it had an unmatched mark on millions globally. The first series starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy as Captain James T. Kirk and Mister Spock, the original officer aboard the Enterprise. All together, Shatner and Nimoy portrayed Kirk and Spock for three seasons on the show and six movies.
How You Should Raise Money Online With Crowdfunding
The folks at GoGetFunding have decided to do some good ol’ fashioned number crunching, looking at 12,052 projects and millions of data points within crowdfunding campaigns to see what really makes a difference when raising money with crowdfunding.
The History of Role-Playing Games
The roots of the million dollar blockbuster role playing games that we play today can be traced back to the early paper, pencil and dice days played on tabletops in kitchens, living-rooms and bedrooms as far back as the 1970′s. Here is an infographic of the history of role playing games from the lowly paper and pencil origins to the current generation computer and console versions.
Why You Need to Break Into the Tech Industry
If you believe breaking into the tech industry would mean pulling an Ethan Hunt a la “Mission Impossible,” you may be surprised at how easy it may be. Whether you’re an internship candidate or an entry-level job hunter, tech is where the opportunities are lying.
The Most Iconic Cars in Hollywood History
From 007’s “Bondmobile” to the Duke’s of Hazzard “General Lee”, Bayswater Car Rentals presents 10 of the most iconic cars in Hollywood history.
Beware “Dr. Web” and the Dreaded Google Self Diagnosis
Ever since America at large discovered the convenience of the Internet, people have been using it to research everything from recipes to real estate listings. Add to that, we’re a society that leans a bit paranoid when it comes to our aches and pains–and it certainly comes as no surprise that health concerns are one of the more popular search topics on the Web.
How Facebook Changed the Advertising World
Thanks to social media sites like Facebook, the world of advertising has evolved greatly over the past decade. With a reported 1.15 billion users logging into Facebook each month, it’s no surprise that more and more companies have continued to dedicate large percentages of their overall marketing and advertising budgets in hopes of connecting with new, social-savvy prospects.
The Doctor Shortage – Where Are All the Doctors?
We’re living longer these days. Our country’s population is steadily growing. And, with the passage of 2010′s Affordable Care Act, health insurance is increasingly available to Americans. While all of these facts are positive, there is a potentially concerning factor we must consider as a result: An impending shortage in family doctors.
Romanticizing Poverty
It might seems unrealistic but looking at this infographic from, one can easily see how pop culture and fashion are romanticizing poverty.
Why Hasn’t She Text Back?
Guys listen up: The 3 day rule is a lie. In this shocking infographic by Pickup Metrics, 100 single women from the US reveal when they want to be first texted after exchanging numbers and what male texting habits make women flake the first date. It tells the step by step story from first text, to first date (if guys are lucky enough to get that far).
Star Trek Chronology
“Star Trek” only ran for three seasons, however it had an unmatched mark on millions globally. The first series starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy as Captain James T. Kirk and Mister Spock, the original officer aboard the Enterprise. All together, Shatner and Nimoy portrayed Kirk and Spock for three seasons on the show and six movies.
How You Should Raise Money Online With Crowdfunding
The folks at GoGetFunding have decided to do some good ol’ fashioned number crunching, looking at 12,052 projects and millions of data points within crowdfunding campaigns to see what really makes a difference when raising money with crowdfunding.
The History of Role-Playing Games
The roots of the million dollar blockbuster role playing games that we play today can be traced back to the early paper, pencil and dice days played on tabletops in kitchens, living-rooms and bedrooms as far back as the 1970′s. Here is an infographic of the history of role playing games from the lowly paper and pencil origins to the current generation computer and console versions.
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