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The Little White Lies That Parents Tell Their Kids
We bet you heard some of these stories while growing up… After all, most parents in the world love to tell some little white lies. takes a look at some of them in the following infographic.
How to Move Out of Your Mother’s Basement
It has been reported that a whopping 44 percent of unemployed adults between the ages of 18 and 34 still live at home with parents. Perhaps even more surprising is the fact that 25 percent of employed adults in the same age group also still live at home. Homeownership in the U.S. is at an all-time low—right around 65 percent.That’s the lowest level since 1995.
How Will the ACA (Obamacare) Affect Senior Citizens?
This infographic by compares both political viewpoints on 5 key points of the impact of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, on senior citizens.
U.S. Military at Mother Nature’s Whim
The U.S. faces a “catastrophic” reduction in weather and climate data starting in 2016, resulting in less reliable weather forecasts and actionable intelligence, according to a federally-commissioned review panel. A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service independent review team (IRT) – comprised of veterans of the weather, space and aerospace industries – found that NOAA has not done enough to mitigate the impacts of a weather satellite coverage gap.
Sugar – The Secret Enemy to Beautiful Skin
This infographic explores the damaging effects of sugar on skin aging. It exposes the sugar content of some of products we experience every day, and the impact these could be having on your skin.
Famous Historical Predictions
This infographic from involves a variety of different psychic predictions from throughout our recent history, spanning back to Nosatradamus in 1555, all the way to Paul the Octopus in 2010.
Ketosis, Ketones, and How It All Works
Ketosis is a process that the body does on an everyday basis, regardless of the number of carbs you eat. In this infographic by Ruled Me, get a brief overview of how the ketogenic diet works in respect to your body.
The Numbers Behind Black Friday
The term Black Friday, stems from retailers using the day’s huge receipts as their opportunity to “get in the black” and become profitable for the year. 89 million shoppers braved the crowds on Black Friday 2012, up from 86 million in 2011. 247 million shoppers over the weekend 2012, up from 226 million in 2011. See what Black Friday is all about in this infographic.
Millennials Still Want Their Newspapers
Believe it or not, 56 percent of young adults read newspaper media content in print or online. Check out the infographic below to learn more about how millennials still want their newspapers.
A Wine Lover’s Guide To Europe
Have you always been curious about what wine goes with what dish? Well, it depends a lot on the wine’s origins, but this infographic by Cheapflights has some answers.
The Little White Lies That Parents Tell Their Kids
We bet you heard some of these stories while growing up… After all, most parents in the world love to tell some little white lies. takes a look at some of them in the following infographic.
How to Move Out of Your Mother’s Basement
It has been reported that a whopping 44 percent of unemployed adults between the ages of 18 and 34 still live at home with parents. Perhaps even more surprising is the fact that 25 percent of employed adults in the same age group also still live at home. Homeownership in the U.S. is at an all-time low—right around 65 percent.That’s the lowest level since 1995.
How Will the ACA (Obamacare) Affect Senior Citizens?
This infographic by compares both political viewpoints on 5 key points of the impact of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, on senior citizens.
U.S. Military at Mother Nature’s Whim
The U.S. faces a “catastrophic” reduction in weather and climate data starting in 2016, resulting in less reliable weather forecasts and actionable intelligence, according to a federally-commissioned review panel. A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service independent review team (IRT) – comprised of veterans of the weather, space and aerospace industries – found that NOAA has not done enough to mitigate the impacts of a weather satellite coverage gap.
Sugar – The Secret Enemy to Beautiful Skin
This infographic explores the damaging effects of sugar on skin aging. It exposes the sugar content of some of products we experience every day, and the impact these could be having on your skin.
Famous Historical Predictions
This infographic from involves a variety of different psychic predictions from throughout our recent history, spanning back to Nosatradamus in 1555, all the way to Paul the Octopus in 2010.
Ketosis, Ketones, and How It All Works
Ketosis is a process that the body does on an everyday basis, regardless of the number of carbs you eat. In this infographic by Ruled Me, get a brief overview of how the ketogenic diet works in respect to your body.
The Numbers Behind Black Friday
The term Black Friday, stems from retailers using the day’s huge receipts as their opportunity to “get in the black” and become profitable for the year. 89 million shoppers braved the crowds on Black Friday 2012, up from 86 million in 2011. 247 million shoppers over the weekend 2012, up from 226 million in 2011. See what Black Friday is all about in this infographic.
Millennials Still Want Their Newspapers
Believe it or not, 56 percent of young adults read newspaper media content in print or online. Check out the infographic below to learn more about how millennials still want their newspapers.
A Wine Lover’s Guide To Europe
Have you always been curious about what wine goes with what dish? Well, it depends a lot on the wine’s origins, but this infographic by Cheapflights has some answers.
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