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How Much Water Does Your Region Waste?
This infographic details how much water is wasted by each region across England, and then draws comparisons between how many average African households this wasted water could sustain.
Can You Read Other People’s Emotions?
A smile means the same thing in any language. But there are in fact seven universal emotional expressions. As a poker player recognizing all of them can be very useful. Have a look at the following infographic to learn more.
Chained To Your Desk?
A recent study has revealed that millions of workers are losing at least six days of their annual leave because they are too worried about losing their jobs or looking bad in front of their boss to take the time off. Researchers found that fears about showing a lack of commitment to the job, being made redundant or colleagues taking credit for their work means four in ten workers – 4.5 million – rarely use all of their annual leave.
The 8 Most Likely People To Meet in a House Share
So you’ve finally moved in to your new house share (what we here in the United States would refer to as “having roommates”) – you’ve signed on the dotted line, unpacked your bags and have even pinned up your favorite holiday snap. NOW you can relax. Except there’s one little thing… what will your new housemates be like? Will you get on like a house on fire or will there be room for improvement?
Sleeping with Technology in the Bedroom
This infographic looks at how people sleep and, more specifically, what can get in the way of a good nights’ sleep. Did you know that a third of us only sleep for 5-6 hours a night, 70% of us now have TVs in our bedrooms and nearly 80% of us lay in bed surfing the web on our mobiles before we sleep? Keep reading to see what other modern technology affects our sleeping patterns and habits.
How Much is The Zombie Economy Worth?
Did you know it’s possible to work as a zombie? It’s just one of the many awesome consequences of the zombie economy. In this infographic from, learn just how much the zombie economy is worth.
Learn About Monaco Real Estate
Icon Property details the advantages of living in Monaco. Use this infographic at your convenience to check out some of the positive of living in the Principality of Monaco. This is a nicely designed image that includes a convenient map and a few words about Monaco’s character and characteristics.
Growth of the Visual Web
Since the birth of the Internet, the way people consume information online has been in a state of constant evolution. Here is a timeline from Flickr to Instagram on the explosion of the visual web.
What People Think I Do: Stay At Home Moms
We’ve all seen the webcomic illustrating what people think stay at home moms do, and what they really do, but society’s perception of a stay at home mom remains very negative-from sleeping in and staying in PJ’s all day to gallivanting around with friends for shopping sprees. Family Cord has put together a great infographic detailing what a stay at home mom really does, and how much she’s worth.
Expand Social Security
Retirement and social security can bring confusion to anyone. Add in the new social security budget proposed by President Obama, and it can send you running for cover. Here is an infographic detailing how this new budget affects seniors, and how lawmakers and citizens are uniting to change it.
How Much Water Does Your Region Waste?
This infographic details how much water is wasted by each region across England, and then draws comparisons between how many average African households this wasted water could sustain.
Can You Read Other People’s Emotions?
A smile means the same thing in any language. But there are in fact seven universal emotional expressions. As a poker player recognizing all of them can be very useful. Have a look at the following infographic to learn more.
Chained To Your Desk?
A recent study has revealed that millions of workers are losing at least six days of their annual leave because they are too worried about losing their jobs or looking bad in front of their boss to take the time off. Researchers found that fears about showing a lack of commitment to the job, being made redundant or colleagues taking credit for their work means four in ten workers – 4.5 million – rarely use all of their annual leave.
The 8 Most Likely People To Meet in a House Share
So you’ve finally moved in to your new house share (what we here in the United States would refer to as “having roommates”) – you’ve signed on the dotted line, unpacked your bags and have even pinned up your favorite holiday snap. NOW you can relax. Except there’s one little thing… what will your new housemates be like? Will you get on like a house on fire or will there be room for improvement?
Sleeping with Technology in the Bedroom
This infographic looks at how people sleep and, more specifically, what can get in the way of a good nights’ sleep. Did you know that a third of us only sleep for 5-6 hours a night, 70% of us now have TVs in our bedrooms and nearly 80% of us lay in bed surfing the web on our mobiles before we sleep? Keep reading to see what other modern technology affects our sleeping patterns and habits.
How Much is The Zombie Economy Worth?
Did you know it’s possible to work as a zombie? It’s just one of the many awesome consequences of the zombie economy. In this infographic from, learn just how much the zombie economy is worth.
Learn About Monaco Real Estate
Icon Property details the advantages of living in Monaco. Use this infographic at your convenience to check out some of the positive of living in the Principality of Monaco. This is a nicely designed image that includes a convenient map and a few words about Monaco’s character and characteristics.
Growth of the Visual Web
Since the birth of the Internet, the way people consume information online has been in a state of constant evolution. Here is a timeline from Flickr to Instagram on the explosion of the visual web.
What People Think I Do: Stay At Home Moms
We’ve all seen the webcomic illustrating what people think stay at home moms do, and what they really do, but society’s perception of a stay at home mom remains very negative-from sleeping in and staying in PJ’s all day to gallivanting around with friends for shopping sprees. Family Cord has put together a great infographic detailing what a stay at home mom really does, and how much she’s worth.
Expand Social Security
Retirement and social security can bring confusion to anyone. Add in the new social security budget proposed by President Obama, and it can send you running for cover. Here is an infographic detailing how this new budget affects seniors, and how lawmakers and citizens are uniting to change it.
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