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Know Your Skin
Skin cancer is often curable if found early enough. That’s why it’s very important you know your skin and what spots to look out for. Check out the infographic below to learn more.
Have a Heart
Are you an organ donor? If so, congratulations — you are among the 42 percent of the adult population in the U.S. who are registered as organ donors in state donor registries. A simple check on the ‘donor’ box option at the DMV may reduce the devastation of the 18 people who die each day from lack of available organs for transplant.15 percent of patients die while waiting for a new heart. Organ donation saves lives. Be an organ donor.
7 High Tech Wonders of the World
If it can be imagined, it can be created. As creative minds have risen to positions of power within companies, or created companies as a result of their creative endeavors, it was simply a matter of time before the architecture that housed said companies would manifest in unusual and unique ways. From the Googleplex to The Eden Project, this infographic presents 7 High Tech Wonders of the World
The Good Immune Guide
The immune system is the body’s last line of defense against infection and disease – and if your eating and lifestyles habits aren’t in check, it can really suffer. So, take some advice from A.Vogel and make sure your immune system is in tip-top shape before the Winter.
How a Flat Panel Display Works
We spend an astounding amount of time looking at flat screen displays these days, from computer monitors to TV’s to smartphones. It’s about time we knew a little more about something so familiar. has created the following infographic to explain the inner workings of our favorite technologies.
The Cost of Car Ownership is Rising
The cost to own a car is rising. Surprising, fuel cost is not the only factor. There are many other factors that are contributing to the rise of car cost like depreciation, interest, and more. There are however, some ways you can save on your car cost right now. Premere Auto Detail looks at the cost of car ownership in this infographic.
What You Should Consider Before Purchasing a Home
Buying a home is probably be one of the most expensive purchases a person will make in their lifetime. With the amount of money you will need to save and spend for a home, it’s important that you pick the house that is perfect for you. Learn what important factors you should consider before purchasing a house with this infographic
In the Nurse’s Office: Common Sicknesses in Schools
It’s November, which means the holiday season is nearly here. With all the joy and family gatherings the holidays bring comes injuries and illness, too. Keep your family healthy this year by understanding – and avoiding – the most common holiday accidents. This infographic looks at some of the most common sicknesses in schools.
Top Foreign Travelers to USA
Do you dream of experiencing the city that never sleeps? Perhaps your idea of perfection refers the quaint, crisp colors of a New England autumn? Whatever the case, America has got you covered. From cities to suburbs, countryside to concrete sidewalks, the USA is one massive mashup of cultural diversity and conflicting landscapes; enticing the inner tourist of all walks of life, from all around the world.
The Ins & Outs of Owning a Tank
What do the Chuckle Brothers, Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden and author Tom Clancy have in common? They all own tanks! If you would like to join this prestigious group, this infographic has information about buying your own tank.
Know Your Skin
Skin cancer is often curable if found early enough. That’s why it’s very important you know your skin and what spots to look out for. Check out the infographic below to learn more.
Have a Heart
Are you an organ donor? If so, congratulations — you are among the 42 percent of the adult population in the U.S. who are registered as organ donors in state donor registries. A simple check on the ‘donor’ box option at the DMV may reduce the devastation of the 18 people who die each day from lack of available organs for transplant.15 percent of patients die while waiting for a new heart. Organ donation saves lives. Be an organ donor.
7 High Tech Wonders of the World
If it can be imagined, it can be created. As creative minds have risen to positions of power within companies, or created companies as a result of their creative endeavors, it was simply a matter of time before the architecture that housed said companies would manifest in unusual and unique ways. From the Googleplex to The Eden Project, this infographic presents 7 High Tech Wonders of the World
The Good Immune Guide
The immune system is the body’s last line of defense against infection and disease – and if your eating and lifestyles habits aren’t in check, it can really suffer. So, take some advice from A.Vogel and make sure your immune system is in tip-top shape before the Winter.
How a Flat Panel Display Works
We spend an astounding amount of time looking at flat screen displays these days, from computer monitors to TV’s to smartphones. It’s about time we knew a little more about something so familiar. has created the following infographic to explain the inner workings of our favorite technologies.
The Cost of Car Ownership is Rising
The cost to own a car is rising. Surprising, fuel cost is not the only factor. There are many other factors that are contributing to the rise of car cost like depreciation, interest, and more. There are however, some ways you can save on your car cost right now. Premere Auto Detail looks at the cost of car ownership in this infographic.
What You Should Consider Before Purchasing a Home
Buying a home is probably be one of the most expensive purchases a person will make in their lifetime. With the amount of money you will need to save and spend for a home, it’s important that you pick the house that is perfect for you. Learn what important factors you should consider before purchasing a house with this infographic
In the Nurse’s Office: Common Sicknesses in Schools
It’s November, which means the holiday season is nearly here. With all the joy and family gatherings the holidays bring comes injuries and illness, too. Keep your family healthy this year by understanding – and avoiding – the most common holiday accidents. This infographic looks at some of the most common sicknesses in schools.
Top Foreign Travelers to USA
Do you dream of experiencing the city that never sleeps? Perhaps your idea of perfection refers the quaint, crisp colors of a New England autumn? Whatever the case, America has got you covered. From cities to suburbs, countryside to concrete sidewalks, the USA is one massive mashup of cultural diversity and conflicting landscapes; enticing the inner tourist of all walks of life, from all around the world.
The Ins & Outs of Owning a Tank
What do the Chuckle Brothers, Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden and author Tom Clancy have in common? They all own tanks! If you would like to join this prestigious group, this infographic has information about buying your own tank.
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