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No Boy Left Behind
Boys and girls have always fought for superiority. However, it seems that the scales may be tipped from a very early age. For every 100 girls born, there are 5 males are born. For every 100 girls that repeat kindergarten, 194 males repeat. These numbers become staggering as they age. has created an infographic entitled “No Boy Left Behind”, detailing how our education system is failing our young men, and what we can do about it.
We Love Apps
There is an app for everything these days, and the income behind it proves their value. Best Computer Science Degrees has created an infographic entitled, “We Love Apps”, detailing the statistics behind apps, and how they help make our day-to-day lives easier.
A Brief History of Sitting Fashionably
Wooden stools, flamboyant Renaissance chairs, or chic and modern sitting furniture – this infographic from The Furniture Market guides you through the history of perching and parking in style.
Chronic Inflammation: The Common Denominator of All Disease?
Inflammation is the body’s natural healing response to trauma, allergens and infection. However, when that necessary process goes awry, chronic inflammation can cause severe tissue damage and oxidative stress to your system. This infographic explains the causes, known treatments and hallmark signs of chronic inflammation.
Build a Deck to Expand Your Outdoor Living Space
By building a deck, you are taking the first step towards expanding your outdoor living space. This infographic from Rick’s Fencing shares some popular amenities, in addition to decks, that people are adding to their homes to expand their living space from indoors to outdoors.
A Guide to the Brown Recluse Spider
Here is a helpful guide to the Brown Recluse including how the spider bites, where they can be found and what they look like. The Brown Recluse, also known as the violin spider, is a poisonous creature whose bite can cause children and adults to become ill.
Fun Facts About Cats
Humanity’s relationship with cats goes back thousands of years. But why have we cultivated a link with these seemingly aloof and independent animals? Because they are awesome, that’s why! Covered Mag takes a closer look at the bond between humans and cats in this infographic, which will hopefully shed some light on the matter.
Brains Meets Brawn: NFL’s Play on Mobile Technology
Today the NFL bans a variety of technology from the sidelines, lockers rooms, and coaching booths. However, the rules may be changing to accommodate emerging technologies. Check out the infographic below to learn more.
Top 7 Mansions in the World
The largest mansions in the world are obviously owned by the rich and famous mostly. The most expensive mansions are owned by the top 5%, whom are usually insanely rich. These mansions typically boast at least seven or more bedrooms and dozens of bathrooms, not to mention private movie theaters, massive swimming pools and more!
Declassifying Google’s Hummingbird
Google’s hummingbird update is exposed in the following infographic from Syndacast where they showcase how you and your business can adapt to this new change by providing nifty tips and tricks on how to take advantage of hummingbird.
No Boy Left Behind
Boys and girls have always fought for superiority. However, it seems that the scales may be tipped from a very early age. For every 100 girls born, there are 5 males are born. For every 100 girls that repeat kindergarten, 194 males repeat. These numbers become staggering as they age. has created an infographic entitled “No Boy Left Behind”, detailing how our education system is failing our young men, and what we can do about it.
We Love Apps
There is an app for everything these days, and the income behind it proves their value. Best Computer Science Degrees has created an infographic entitled, “We Love Apps”, detailing the statistics behind apps, and how they help make our day-to-day lives easier.
A Brief History of Sitting Fashionably
Wooden stools, flamboyant Renaissance chairs, or chic and modern sitting furniture – this infographic from The Furniture Market guides you through the history of perching and parking in style.
Chronic Inflammation: The Common Denominator of All Disease?
Inflammation is the body’s natural healing response to trauma, allergens and infection. However, when that necessary process goes awry, chronic inflammation can cause severe tissue damage and oxidative stress to your system. This infographic explains the causes, known treatments and hallmark signs of chronic inflammation.
Build a Deck to Expand Your Outdoor Living Space
By building a deck, you are taking the first step towards expanding your outdoor living space. This infographic from Rick’s Fencing shares some popular amenities, in addition to decks, that people are adding to their homes to expand their living space from indoors to outdoors.
A Guide to the Brown Recluse Spider
Here is a helpful guide to the Brown Recluse including how the spider bites, where they can be found and what they look like. The Brown Recluse, also known as the violin spider, is a poisonous creature whose bite can cause children and adults to become ill.
Fun Facts About Cats
Humanity’s relationship with cats goes back thousands of years. But why have we cultivated a link with these seemingly aloof and independent animals? Because they are awesome, that’s why! Covered Mag takes a closer look at the bond between humans and cats in this infographic, which will hopefully shed some light on the matter.
Brains Meets Brawn: NFL’s Play on Mobile Technology
Today the NFL bans a variety of technology from the sidelines, lockers rooms, and coaching booths. However, the rules may be changing to accommodate emerging technologies. Check out the infographic below to learn more.
Top 7 Mansions in the World
The largest mansions in the world are obviously owned by the rich and famous mostly. The most expensive mansions are owned by the top 5%, whom are usually insanely rich. These mansions typically boast at least seven or more bedrooms and dozens of bathrooms, not to mention private movie theaters, massive swimming pools and more!
Declassifying Google’s Hummingbird
Google’s hummingbird update is exposed in the following infographic from Syndacast where they showcase how you and your business can adapt to this new change by providing nifty tips and tricks on how to take advantage of hummingbird.
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