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Online Magazine Publishing
Here is an infographic detailing the trends in online magazine publishing including the amount of magazines being sold as well as the revenues being earned in places like the Apple Newsstand. Viewers are offered a compelling reason to publish their own digital online magazine.
Bale Out: For £85 Million You Could Have Bought…
In the madness of the football transfer window big money is paid for big talent. Here Trophy Store looks at some of the alternatives for the £85 million real madrid has splashed out on gareth bale and what you could buy with as similar outlay.
Does the NSA Think You are a Terrorist?
When the NSA sorts through American communications to find terrorists, what is their accuracy in identifying one? Check out the infographic below presented to learn more.
Game of Thrones Travel Guide
Is Game of Thrones your favorite television show? Would you like to visit the real locations of this mythical world? This infographic has all the details you need to plan a trip of a lifetime.
How to Design the Perfect Landing Page
Each year, Pay-Per-Click advertising becomes more expensive. If you are driving traffic to a landing page, it’s essential to follow best practice in page layout to remain cost-effective. The folks at TechWyse have designed this tool to help you create Pay-Per-Click landing pages that increase your leads.
Clash of the Titans
FS1, with its billions of dollars in funding takes on the 800 pound elephant, ESPN, in the latest cable sports war. This infographic by Sports Management Degrees takes a look at the “clash of the Titans.”
Top 10 Household Chores That Cause The Most Arguments
We all have gripes over who’s turn it is to do the washing up, that someone’s left the lid off the toothpaste or dumped dirty clothes on the floor. A new UK-wide survey by Betta Living has revealed the nation’s top ten domestic chores that are causing huge tension in today’s homes.
Value of Famous Automobiles in Movies
Have you ever wondered how much that fancy, sleek car was worth in your favorite movie? Well, look no farther because here is a price list of the most famous fictional automobiles from a wide-range of films.
Gearing Up: Apparel and Equipment of College Football Teams
College football gear represents a multimillion-dollar business. Not only that, but the jerseys, pads and helmets represent the identities of the associated teams and schools. Check out the infographic below to learn more.
Email Marketing Cheat Sheet
Here’s an easy-to-read cheat sheet from Marketo to reference when planning your email programs. Learn how much time your peers spend strategizing, what marketers are testing most in their emails, the perfect time to send, and why marketers should design emails that are optimized for smart phones.
Online Magazine Publishing
Here is an infographic detailing the trends in online magazine publishing including the amount of magazines being sold as well as the revenues being earned in places like the Apple Newsstand. Viewers are offered a compelling reason to publish their own digital online magazine.
Bale Out: For £85 Million You Could Have Bought…
In the madness of the football transfer window big money is paid for big talent. Here Trophy Store looks at some of the alternatives for the £85 million real madrid has splashed out on gareth bale and what you could buy with as similar outlay.
Does the NSA Think You are a Terrorist?
When the NSA sorts through American communications to find terrorists, what is their accuracy in identifying one? Check out the infographic below presented to learn more.
Game of Thrones Travel Guide
Is Game of Thrones your favorite television show? Would you like to visit the real locations of this mythical world? This infographic has all the details you need to plan a trip of a lifetime.
How to Design the Perfect Landing Page
Each year, Pay-Per-Click advertising becomes more expensive. If you are driving traffic to a landing page, it’s essential to follow best practice in page layout to remain cost-effective. The folks at TechWyse have designed this tool to help you create Pay-Per-Click landing pages that increase your leads.
Clash of the Titans
FS1, with its billions of dollars in funding takes on the 800 pound elephant, ESPN, in the latest cable sports war. This infographic by Sports Management Degrees takes a look at the “clash of the Titans.”
Top 10 Household Chores That Cause The Most Arguments
We all have gripes over who’s turn it is to do the washing up, that someone’s left the lid off the toothpaste or dumped dirty clothes on the floor. A new UK-wide survey by Betta Living has revealed the nation’s top ten domestic chores that are causing huge tension in today’s homes.
Value of Famous Automobiles in Movies
Have you ever wondered how much that fancy, sleek car was worth in your favorite movie? Well, look no farther because here is a price list of the most famous fictional automobiles from a wide-range of films.
Gearing Up: Apparel and Equipment of College Football Teams
College football gear represents a multimillion-dollar business. Not only that, but the jerseys, pads and helmets represent the identities of the associated teams and schools. Check out the infographic below to learn more.
Email Marketing Cheat Sheet
Here’s an easy-to-read cheat sheet from Marketo to reference when planning your email programs. Learn how much time your peers spend strategizing, what marketers are testing most in their emails, the perfect time to send, and why marketers should design emails that are optimized for smart phones.
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