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Top 10 Richest People In the World in 2013
For each of us who is curious to know who are the top 10 richest people of the planet, here is an infographic with information about their businesses, estimated wealth and also what level of education everyone have.
Little-Known Facts About The Importance of Silver in Technology
In this infographic, learn the important role this super precious metal plays in technology, health care and medicine. Read how our lives are better today, and will continue to be, because of the precious metal silver.
Post-Penguin 2.0 Checklist: 10 Things to Check Before Publishing Content
Google recently launched a new tweak to Penguin, one of its many algorithms, called Penguin 2.0. Penguin 2.0 attacks web spam and decrease the rankings of websites that did not meet Google’s quality guidelines. Techmagnate has put together the following infographic which highlights 10 things to check before publishing your content.
Internet Privacy Killing Bills
HostGator will always support a free and open Internet. As such, they oppose all legislation that isn’t properly written to avoid removing any existing rights or liberties that need not be removed from the general populace in an effort to limit the abilities of those with nefarious intent. In other words, they want laws that punish the bad guys without also punishing the good guys. This can be accomplished via the passing of intelligent legislation.
How Do Celebrities Stay Looking Young
The following infographic shows how some celebrities still look so young and how YOU can as well! Celebrities may have professionals at their beck and call to ensure they look their best but you can look just as good and maybe even better.
Addiction Treatment for Alcoholism
Here is an infographic on alcoholism and addiction treatment which displays numbers on: people who need alcohol treatment, those who seek treatment, the types of treatments available and whether they work or not, and other potential problems.
Battle of the Butlers
A butler is not just the administrator or ruler of a house, he’s also a loyal and kind person who’s always available to help. This fun infographic takes a look at some of the world’s most well know butlers.
Grow Your Savings
Like planting a tree, the best time to start saving is 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Check out this infographic and learn how to make your savings grow.
5 Reasons to Teach Kids to Code
You probably have never thought about it, but learning how to code at an early age can really benefit kids. Not only is it easy to learn, but empowers them as well. Check out the infographic below to learn more.
Social Proof – The Art of Influence Marketing
Social proof isn’t just an abstract psychological concept for big marketers – it’s one of only a handful of online marketing methods that works for almost any kind of business. Social proof builds trust and increases conversions which ultimately increases revenue. Learn more about “social proof” and the art of influence marketing in this infographic.
Top 10 Richest People In the World in 2013
For each of us who is curious to know who are the top 10 richest people of the planet, here is an infographic with information about their businesses, estimated wealth and also what level of education everyone have.
Little-Known Facts About The Importance of Silver in Technology
In this infographic, learn the important role this super precious metal plays in technology, health care and medicine. Read how our lives are better today, and will continue to be, because of the precious metal silver.
Post-Penguin 2.0 Checklist: 10 Things to Check Before Publishing Content
Google recently launched a new tweak to Penguin, one of its many algorithms, called Penguin 2.0. Penguin 2.0 attacks web spam and decrease the rankings of websites that did not meet Google’s quality guidelines. Techmagnate has put together the following infographic which highlights 10 things to check before publishing your content.
Internet Privacy Killing Bills
HostGator will always support a free and open Internet. As such, they oppose all legislation that isn’t properly written to avoid removing any existing rights or liberties that need not be removed from the general populace in an effort to limit the abilities of those with nefarious intent. In other words, they want laws that punish the bad guys without also punishing the good guys. This can be accomplished via the passing of intelligent legislation.
How Do Celebrities Stay Looking Young
The following infographic shows how some celebrities still look so young and how YOU can as well! Celebrities may have professionals at their beck and call to ensure they look their best but you can look just as good and maybe even better.
Addiction Treatment for Alcoholism
Here is an infographic on alcoholism and addiction treatment which displays numbers on: people who need alcohol treatment, those who seek treatment, the types of treatments available and whether they work or not, and other potential problems.
Battle of the Butlers
A butler is not just the administrator or ruler of a house, he’s also a loyal and kind person who’s always available to help. This fun infographic takes a look at some of the world’s most well know butlers.
Grow Your Savings
Like planting a tree, the best time to start saving is 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Check out this infographic and learn how to make your savings grow.
5 Reasons to Teach Kids to Code
You probably have never thought about it, but learning how to code at an early age can really benefit kids. Not only is it easy to learn, but empowers them as well. Check out the infographic below to learn more.
Social Proof – The Art of Influence Marketing
Social proof isn’t just an abstract psychological concept for big marketers – it’s one of only a handful of online marketing methods that works for almost any kind of business. Social proof builds trust and increases conversions which ultimately increases revenue. Learn more about “social proof” and the art of influence marketing in this infographic.
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