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Child Abuse in the USA
Three million reports of child abuse are made annually. It’s a bigger problem than you might think. Check out the infographic below to learn more.
SUV Rollover Facts
SUVs can be practical vehicles for many people. If you have a family, or if you need to move large items on a regular basis, or if you need towing capacity, they are often the ideal option. SUVs are also known for being solid vehicles in crash situations. However, did you know they are susceptible to rollovers than compact cars?
Top 10 Famous Pin-Ups of All Time
In the 1940’s, thousands of American soldiers were overseas fighting in World War II. This gruesome war throughout Europe and the Pacific was draining on each man mentally and physically. One of the most popular ways to raise the morale of these brave soldiers was by handing out pin-up photos of beautiful women as a way to remind them of what they were fighting for back home.
The 16 Best College Football Rivalries Ever
Many factors go into this heated debate of deciding which colleges rank as the best college football rivalry including time span, fan base, and distance between competitors. As experts in the field of high school and college, Grown Up Me has created this list of the Top 16 College Football Rivalries which will open your eyes to different college experiences, more specifically college football.
From Cloud to Thunderstorm
By the end of 2013, the public cloud is predicted to grow by $131 billion. Check out the infographic below presented by ClickSoftware to learn about the booming cloud and how it has changed the way we do business.
The Numbers Behind Twitter
There are now 218 million monthly active users on Twitter’s popular service, with nearly 80% of these users located internationally. The social media giant is growing by the day, while more and more investors look to it to gauge potential. See more about Twitter in this data rich infographic.
Battle of the Sexes: the Truth About Engagement Rings
Here is a graphic visual representation from The Diamond Store of opinions between men and women at different stages of the engagement process.
Tracing the Great Chinese Gold Rush
As we in the West pile up the debt and print money, across the world, China has freed her enormous gold investment market and is sucking up all the world’s physical gold bars. Why is China doing this? Simple – to usurp the US dollar and American financial power.
6 Frightening Truths About Stress
This infographic shows just how widespread the issues of stress really are today. Stress is something we’re forced to live with, yet know very little about how we can actually handle. This infographic shows 6 frightening facts about stress, ranging from how many of us feel bad from it, how it increases over the years, and finally, what it actually costs every year.
Analyzing Education Around the World
Math, science, and reading are all subjects that every nation covers. While education in the United States is under attack by budget cuts, how do other countries stack up? Quicken Loans has created an infographic entitled “Analyzing Education around the World”, comparing countries like Germany, South Korea, and Australia in areas like class size, graduation rates, and pupil to teacher ratios.
Child Abuse in the USA
Three million reports of child abuse are made annually. It’s a bigger problem than you might think. Check out the infographic below to learn more.
SUV Rollover Facts
SUVs can be practical vehicles for many people. If you have a family, or if you need to move large items on a regular basis, or if you need towing capacity, they are often the ideal option. SUVs are also known for being solid vehicles in crash situations. However, did you know they are susceptible to rollovers than compact cars?
Top 10 Famous Pin-Ups of All Time
In the 1940’s, thousands of American soldiers were overseas fighting in World War II. This gruesome war throughout Europe and the Pacific was draining on each man mentally and physically. One of the most popular ways to raise the morale of these brave soldiers was by handing out pin-up photos of beautiful women as a way to remind them of what they were fighting for back home.
The 16 Best College Football Rivalries Ever
Many factors go into this heated debate of deciding which colleges rank as the best college football rivalry including time span, fan base, and distance between competitors. As experts in the field of high school and college, Grown Up Me has created this list of the Top 16 College Football Rivalries which will open your eyes to different college experiences, more specifically college football.
From Cloud to Thunderstorm
By the end of 2013, the public cloud is predicted to grow by $131 billion. Check out the infographic below presented by ClickSoftware to learn about the booming cloud and how it has changed the way we do business.
The Numbers Behind Twitter
There are now 218 million monthly active users on Twitter’s popular service, with nearly 80% of these users located internationally. The social media giant is growing by the day, while more and more investors look to it to gauge potential. See more about Twitter in this data rich infographic.
Battle of the Sexes: the Truth About Engagement Rings
Here is a graphic visual representation from The Diamond Store of opinions between men and women at different stages of the engagement process.
Tracing the Great Chinese Gold Rush
As we in the West pile up the debt and print money, across the world, China has freed her enormous gold investment market and is sucking up all the world’s physical gold bars. Why is China doing this? Simple – to usurp the US dollar and American financial power.
6 Frightening Truths About Stress
This infographic shows just how widespread the issues of stress really are today. Stress is something we’re forced to live with, yet know very little about how we can actually handle. This infographic shows 6 frightening facts about stress, ranging from how many of us feel bad from it, how it increases over the years, and finally, what it actually costs every year.
Analyzing Education Around the World
Math, science, and reading are all subjects that every nation covers. While education in the United States is under attack by budget cuts, how do other countries stack up? Quicken Loans has created an infographic entitled “Analyzing Education around the World”, comparing countries like Germany, South Korea, and Australia in areas like class size, graduation rates, and pupil to teacher ratios.
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