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Keep Calm and Drive On
There are few things that get our heartbeats racing than iconic cars. While we may catch a glimpse of one of these beauties scooting around our town, most of us recall staring in awe at a movie screen as these cars stole the show-some even starting a literal purchasing craze to see who could get the vehicle first.
The Facts Behind Google Author Rank & Authorship
SEO and content marketing isn’t just about creating compelling content, but having it written from an authoritative author. One way to showcase your authority within a specific niche or industry is by associating your author profile to every relevant piece of content you’ve ever written. Google has provided an easy way to connect your content through your Google+ profile and benefit from that association.
Opal, The October Birthstone
October has come, and its opalescence is made more evident with this featured birthstone infographic from It begins with a poetic introduction about the opal’s benefits to an October child, followed by its most common attributes.
Brits Abroad
This vibrant infographic from The Travel Association ABTA shows the top destinations and consumer trends for ski resorts, city breaks, honeymoon destinations and summer sun. Plus, who doesn’t want to know just how many ice creams are consumed while we are all on our holidays?
The Most Expensive Gemstones in the World
Throughout history gemstones have been coveted not just for their beauty, but also to show wealth and prosperity. Today most gemstones are quite affordable, however, there are still a number of very expensive gemstones, usually due to a combination of high demand, rarity and beauty. To find out just how astronomically high prices can get for gemstones, check out the following infographic.
What’s Next for Our Increasingly Overpopulated World?
At seven billion people and counting, the population of the globe is increasing with no signs of slowing down in the near future. With an increase of a billion people over only the past fifteen years and a four and a half billion increase over the last forty-five years, it is reasonable to expect some ten billion people in the world by 2050. What can the World expect with a population of that size?
The Return of New Home Builders & the Changing American Home
Buyers and new home builders have been through a lot the last few years trying to function during an influx economy. Recently the housing market has taken a turn for the better, and with this improvement, buyers are back demanding new modern homes. The following infographic illustrates changes in the home building and construction industry as well as the modern American home.
The Wired Child
It seems like every generation is summed up by an idea, and this generation is no different. The newest generation has been deemed, “Generation C”, or “The Connected Generation”. With the emergence of tablets and touch screens, our children are learning about technology in a completely new way.
Profile of the Modern Travel Blogger
Here is an infographic from the Sandymount Hotel all about travel bloggers, which provides information about the average age of travel bloggers, what countries they visit most, what social networks they use to promote their stuff and more.
5 New Technologies to Manage a Zombie Apocalypse
If the zombie apocalypse really does happen we all want to be prepared. Check out the infographic below to learn about five new technologies that could help if the zombies take over.
Keep Calm and Drive On
There are few things that get our heartbeats racing than iconic cars. While we may catch a glimpse of one of these beauties scooting around our town, most of us recall staring in awe at a movie screen as these cars stole the show-some even starting a literal purchasing craze to see who could get the vehicle first.
The Facts Behind Google Author Rank & Authorship
SEO and content marketing isn’t just about creating compelling content, but having it written from an authoritative author. One way to showcase your authority within a specific niche or industry is by associating your author profile to every relevant piece of content you’ve ever written. Google has provided an easy way to connect your content through your Google+ profile and benefit from that association.
Opal, The October Birthstone
October has come, and its opalescence is made more evident with this featured birthstone infographic from It begins with a poetic introduction about the opal’s benefits to an October child, followed by its most common attributes.
Brits Abroad
This vibrant infographic from The Travel Association ABTA shows the top destinations and consumer trends for ski resorts, city breaks, honeymoon destinations and summer sun. Plus, who doesn’t want to know just how many ice creams are consumed while we are all on our holidays?
The Most Expensive Gemstones in the World
Throughout history gemstones have been coveted not just for their beauty, but also to show wealth and prosperity. Today most gemstones are quite affordable, however, there are still a number of very expensive gemstones, usually due to a combination of high demand, rarity and beauty. To find out just how astronomically high prices can get for gemstones, check out the following infographic.
What’s Next for Our Increasingly Overpopulated World?
At seven billion people and counting, the population of the globe is increasing with no signs of slowing down in the near future. With an increase of a billion people over only the past fifteen years and a four and a half billion increase over the last forty-five years, it is reasonable to expect some ten billion people in the world by 2050. What can the World expect with a population of that size?
The Return of New Home Builders & the Changing American Home
Buyers and new home builders have been through a lot the last few years trying to function during an influx economy. Recently the housing market has taken a turn for the better, and with this improvement, buyers are back demanding new modern homes. The following infographic illustrates changes in the home building and construction industry as well as the modern American home.
The Wired Child
It seems like every generation is summed up by an idea, and this generation is no different. The newest generation has been deemed, “Generation C”, or “The Connected Generation”. With the emergence of tablets and touch screens, our children are learning about technology in a completely new way.
Profile of the Modern Travel Blogger
Here is an infographic from the Sandymount Hotel all about travel bloggers, which provides information about the average age of travel bloggers, what countries they visit most, what social networks they use to promote their stuff and more.
5 New Technologies to Manage a Zombie Apocalypse
If the zombie apocalypse really does happen we all want to be prepared. Check out the infographic below to learn about five new technologies that could help if the zombies take over.
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