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Sex: How Does it Affect Our Education System
How gender roles affect education is an important question. Check out the infographic below to learn about the role of gender in education.
How Electric Cars (and the Tesla Model S) Work
With more and more electric cars hitting the mainstream market in the U.S., the way we drive and refuel is changing. First shown to the public in 2006, the Tesla Roadster was the first highway-capable car produced in the U.S. By 2008, 100 cars had been delivered to consumers across the country.
Social Media Networking for Cosmetologists
Facebook alone has more than one billion active users per month. That’s a lot of people updating statuses, adding friends, and liking pages. That’s also a lot of people in need of a nice cut, color, and manicure — possibly from you. Ogle School takes a look at social networking for cosmetologists.
The Science of Getting Old
It’s a fact: Nobody lives forever. Aging is unavoidable. But what actually happens when you age? Why does your hair go grey? Why does your skin wrinkle? The following infographic details the reasons behind the most common signs of aging.
The Healthcare Costs of War
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have cost billions of dollars over the last decade, but the spending won’t stop when the fighting does. Just how much money are we spending on health care because of war? As of March 2013, the U.S. has paid $135 billion for medical and disability care for more than 4 million veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Total payout for ongoing veteran’s benefits from all wars (combined) prior to 2001: $24.8 billion per year.
The Road Back to the Sabbath
Why do Christians go to church on Sunday instead of Saturday, like Jesus did? What would Jesus do today? The “Road Back to the Sabbath” infographic examines intriguing Bible passages and Sabbath history to answer these questions and more. It’s all designed to get you thinking more deeply about a Bible subject that you might just be taking for granted.
Fall Lawn Maintenance
All signs of fall are here: the leaves are changing colors, a chill is in the air and football is in full swing. While you might be tempted to sit back and enjoy the season’s festivities, now is the time to pamper your lawn if you’re looking to have the greenest yard on the block come spring. So, whether you want to make the neighbors as green as your lawn with envy or plan on upgrading your house next year, spending a day or two preparing your lawn for the cold months to come will pay off when it warms up again.
13 Personality Types – Who’s In Your Office?
In today’s modern office space, there are a multitude of different personalities that interact on a daily basis. People from all walks of life are placed under one roof and are told to effectively bond together in order to create a shared vision that in turn leads to a successful business. More times than not, this expected unity is difficult to achieve.
The History of Interest Rates
Interest rates in the UK have greatly fluctuated over the years – being influenced by a variety of factors. Understanding how and why the interest rates change can be highly beneficial for your business – allowing you to make well-informed decisions about your business finance.
The Evolution of James Bond
Bond, James Bond. We’ve all said or heard these words spoken at some point in our lives. With 23 feature films and dozens of books that follow the missions, adventures, and love interests of the savvy 007 agent, it’s no surprise that James Bond has become one of the world’s best known and loved secret agents in fiction.
Sex: How Does it Affect Our Education System
How gender roles affect education is an important question. Check out the infographic below to learn about the role of gender in education.
How Electric Cars (and the Tesla Model S) Work
With more and more electric cars hitting the mainstream market in the U.S., the way we drive and refuel is changing. First shown to the public in 2006, the Tesla Roadster was the first highway-capable car produced in the U.S. By 2008, 100 cars had been delivered to consumers across the country.
Social Media Networking for Cosmetologists
Facebook alone has more than one billion active users per month. That’s a lot of people updating statuses, adding friends, and liking pages. That’s also a lot of people in need of a nice cut, color, and manicure — possibly from you. Ogle School takes a look at social networking for cosmetologists.
The Science of Getting Old
It’s a fact: Nobody lives forever. Aging is unavoidable. But what actually happens when you age? Why does your hair go grey? Why does your skin wrinkle? The following infographic details the reasons behind the most common signs of aging.
The Healthcare Costs of War
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have cost billions of dollars over the last decade, but the spending won’t stop when the fighting does. Just how much money are we spending on health care because of war? As of March 2013, the U.S. has paid $135 billion for medical and disability care for more than 4 million veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Total payout for ongoing veteran’s benefits from all wars (combined) prior to 2001: $24.8 billion per year.
The Road Back to the Sabbath
Why do Christians go to church on Sunday instead of Saturday, like Jesus did? What would Jesus do today? The “Road Back to the Sabbath” infographic examines intriguing Bible passages and Sabbath history to answer these questions and more. It’s all designed to get you thinking more deeply about a Bible subject that you might just be taking for granted.
Fall Lawn Maintenance
All signs of fall are here: the leaves are changing colors, a chill is in the air and football is in full swing. While you might be tempted to sit back and enjoy the season’s festivities, now is the time to pamper your lawn if you’re looking to have the greenest yard on the block come spring. So, whether you want to make the neighbors as green as your lawn with envy or plan on upgrading your house next year, spending a day or two preparing your lawn for the cold months to come will pay off when it warms up again.
13 Personality Types – Who’s In Your Office?
In today’s modern office space, there are a multitude of different personalities that interact on a daily basis. People from all walks of life are placed under one roof and are told to effectively bond together in order to create a shared vision that in turn leads to a successful business. More times than not, this expected unity is difficult to achieve.
The History of Interest Rates
Interest rates in the UK have greatly fluctuated over the years – being influenced by a variety of factors. Understanding how and why the interest rates change can be highly beneficial for your business – allowing you to make well-informed decisions about your business finance.
The Evolution of James Bond
Bond, James Bond. We’ve all said or heard these words spoken at some point in our lives. With 23 feature films and dozens of books that follow the missions, adventures, and love interests of the savvy 007 agent, it’s no surprise that James Bond has become one of the world’s best known and loved secret agents in fiction.
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