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Breeding the Nutrition Out of Food
Our foods have lost many of the illness-fighting properties they once had. Over the course of decades, multinationals have been actively growing foods with a very low nutrient content that have the power to help us fight against illnesses. See the infographic below for a detailed look on what nutrient rich foods we’ve eliminated from our crops.
Getting High for an A: Stimulants as Studying Aids
The use of stimulants among college students is increasing by every year. While speeding up brain activity, thus causing increased alertness, attention, and energy, it also leads to an elevated blood pressure, increased heart rate and breathing. In time, this can lead to some serious health issues.
The Black and White of Stand Your Ground Law
This infographic shows that several states with brutal legacies have modified their self-defense laws in ways that many Americans wonder if these laws are as race-neutral as they claim to be.
Google+ Dimensions Cheat Sheet
TechWyse has created this Google+ Dimensions Cheat Sheet for designers, social media managers, and webmasters. This handy infographic acts as a speedy reference for image dimensions for Google+ pages and Google+ Local pages.
The Evolution of Psychotherapy
Learn about the evolution of psychotherapy, past methods of addressing mental illness and future development in this infographic. As you will see there have been many approaches to treating disorders.
21 Shocking U.S. Food Waste Facts & Statistics
At one time or another, we have all thrown away food. Maybe you purchased too many eggs from the grocery store and they have reached their expiration date or maybe you have simply forgotten about that loaf of bread in the back of the pantry. But, did you know that nearly 40% of the food in the United States is never eaten? In fact, Americans wasted 33.79 million tons of food in 2010 alone. That is enough to fill the Empire State Building 91 times!
10 Keys to Pervasive Video Deployment
Today’s businesses are using telepresence solutions to connect and collaborate with clients and colleagues around the world. This infographic presents data from Providea’s yearlong study into what factors influence the successful adoption of video conferencing technology. Find out how your company can take advantage of enterprise-level video conferencing tools and services.
Driving Distractions
This infographic highlights the dangers of driving while distracted, including relevant facts and statistics relating to the different distractions that can occur when behind the wheel.
You Can Account On It
Want to learn about the anatomy of an accounting scandal? Check out the infographic below to learn about some of the most infamous accounting scandals.
A Brief History of Electricity & Magnetism
Take a trip back through time and get to know the forefathers of electricity and magnetism in this infographic by Starting in 600BC in ancient Greece with the discovery of static electricity, journey through all the key developments up to the 21st...
Breeding the Nutrition Out of Food
Our foods have lost many of the illness-fighting properties they once had. Over the course of decades, multinationals have been actively growing foods with a very low nutrient content that have the power to help us fight against illnesses. See the infographic below for a detailed look on what nutrient rich foods we’ve eliminated from our crops.
Getting High for an A: Stimulants as Studying Aids
The use of stimulants among college students is increasing by every year. While speeding up brain activity, thus causing increased alertness, attention, and energy, it also leads to an elevated blood pressure, increased heart rate and breathing. In time, this can lead to some serious health issues.
The Black and White of Stand Your Ground Law
This infographic shows that several states with brutal legacies have modified their self-defense laws in ways that many Americans wonder if these laws are as race-neutral as they claim to be.
Google+ Dimensions Cheat Sheet
TechWyse has created this Google+ Dimensions Cheat Sheet for designers, social media managers, and webmasters. This handy infographic acts as a speedy reference for image dimensions for Google+ pages and Google+ Local pages.
The Evolution of Psychotherapy
Learn about the evolution of psychotherapy, past methods of addressing mental illness and future development in this infographic. As you will see there have been many approaches to treating disorders.
21 Shocking U.S. Food Waste Facts & Statistics
At one time or another, we have all thrown away food. Maybe you purchased too many eggs from the grocery store and they have reached their expiration date or maybe you have simply forgotten about that loaf of bread in the back of the pantry. But, did you know that nearly 40% of the food in the United States is never eaten? In fact, Americans wasted 33.79 million tons of food in 2010 alone. That is enough to fill the Empire State Building 91 times!
10 Keys to Pervasive Video Deployment
Today’s businesses are using telepresence solutions to connect and collaborate with clients and colleagues around the world. This infographic presents data from Providea’s yearlong study into what factors influence the successful adoption of video conferencing technology. Find out how your company can take advantage of enterprise-level video conferencing tools and services.
Driving Distractions
This infographic highlights the dangers of driving while distracted, including relevant facts and statistics relating to the different distractions that can occur when behind the wheel.
You Can Account On It
Want to learn about the anatomy of an accounting scandal? Check out the infographic below to learn about some of the most infamous accounting scandals.
A Brief History of Electricity & Magnetism
Take a trip back through time and get to know the forefathers of electricity and magnetism in this infographic by Starting in 600BC in ancient Greece with the discovery of static electricity, journey through all the key developments up to the 21st...
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