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The Need for Speed: Increasing Sales with Site Optimization
There are a number of factors that can impact the speed of your site including the number of images, as well as their size and format, and how you use Flash and JavaScript. Even how your site is coded can impact load times. Businesses that optimize their sites for speed had 17% fewer complaints about response time than companies that did not.
10 Qualities of Great Community Leaders
What does it take to propel positive social change in business and your community? This infographic explores the topic and hones in on 10 characteristics that most community leaders posses.
The Best (and Worst) Study Habits
It’s school time again, and what better way to start the season than by understanding what type of learner you are? By knowing this, it’ll be easier for you to learn smart with the tips and tricks presented in this infographic. Plus you’ll also find out what habits are slowing your cognitive process giving you a head advantage over all your classmates, which means, you’ll have more time for extracurricular activities.
What Makes a Woman Money Smart?
Here is an infographic which shows reasons which makes women money smart. Across the board, a clear majority of women understand that greater financial knowledge can help create more security in life, and are now poised to dethrone men when it comes to managing the money.
The Rise of Social Commerce
The word may have been coined in 2005, but the concept has been applied in various ways for quite some time now and we now have several different types of social commerce that are very well developed and flourishing as business models on the Internet. In this infographic, take a look at the rise of social commerce and why it is influencing how people shop online.
The Secret Behind Storage Wars
The second season premiere of A&E’s hit show, Storage Wars, attracted a whopping 5.1 million viewers—the most in A&E history at the time. Since the creation of the show, auction participation has gone up, average bids on units have increased, and storage facilities have become more auction-friendly. All across the country, people are itching for the chance to win big like the stars of Storage Wars do each week on the show.
WordPress: A Decade in the Making
What’s WordPress? If you have to ask, you’re missing out on one of the largest content management systems (CMS) in the world. On May 27, 2003, WordPress was released by founders, Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little, and as of September 2013, there are 69,764,179 WordPress sites accounted for around the world! Learn more about Wordpress and it’s history in this infographic.
The 7 Types of Digital Marketers
Whether you delight in data or geek out over graphics, you’ve carved out a unique niche in the world of digital marketing. And often enough, that niche can become an obsession. What type of digital marketer are you? Optify looks at 7 different types of digital marketers in the following infographic.
Musicians and Their Fake Twitter Followers
Twitter has become a bit of a currency for celebrities these days. Self worth may be based on how many followers they can scrounge up on the social media network. Not only are musicians no different, they seem to be leading the charge. Of the top ten accounts with the most Twitter followers, seven of them are musicians.
Anatomy of a Drug Cartel
Here is a video infographic entitled “The Anatomy of a Drug Cartel” which is both educational and raises awareness about current global issues (war on drugs & drug addiction). It is actually more of an animated short-film but I found it quite interesting and as such, thought I’d share it here.
The Need for Speed: Increasing Sales with Site Optimization
There are a number of factors that can impact the speed of your site including the number of images, as well as their size and format, and how you use Flash and JavaScript. Even how your site is coded can impact load times. Businesses that optimize their sites for speed had 17% fewer complaints about response time than companies that did not.
10 Qualities of Great Community Leaders
What does it take to propel positive social change in business and your community? This infographic explores the topic and hones in on 10 characteristics that most community leaders posses.
The Best (and Worst) Study Habits
It’s school time again, and what better way to start the season than by understanding what type of learner you are? By knowing this, it’ll be easier for you to learn smart with the tips and tricks presented in this infographic. Plus you’ll also find out what habits are slowing your cognitive process giving you a head advantage over all your classmates, which means, you’ll have more time for extracurricular activities.
What Makes a Woman Money Smart?
Here is an infographic which shows reasons which makes women money smart. Across the board, a clear majority of women understand that greater financial knowledge can help create more security in life, and are now poised to dethrone men when it comes to managing the money.
The Rise of Social Commerce
The word may have been coined in 2005, but the concept has been applied in various ways for quite some time now and we now have several different types of social commerce that are very well developed and flourishing as business models on the Internet. In this infographic, take a look at the rise of social commerce and why it is influencing how people shop online.
The Secret Behind Storage Wars
The second season premiere of A&E’s hit show, Storage Wars, attracted a whopping 5.1 million viewers—the most in A&E history at the time. Since the creation of the show, auction participation has gone up, average bids on units have increased, and storage facilities have become more auction-friendly. All across the country, people are itching for the chance to win big like the stars of Storage Wars do each week on the show.
WordPress: A Decade in the Making
What’s WordPress? If you have to ask, you’re missing out on one of the largest content management systems (CMS) in the world. On May 27, 2003, WordPress was released by founders, Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little, and as of September 2013, there are 69,764,179 WordPress sites accounted for around the world! Learn more about Wordpress and it’s history in this infographic.
The 7 Types of Digital Marketers
Whether you delight in data or geek out over graphics, you’ve carved out a unique niche in the world of digital marketing. And often enough, that niche can become an obsession. What type of digital marketer are you? Optify looks at 7 different types of digital marketers in the following infographic.
Musicians and Their Fake Twitter Followers
Twitter has become a bit of a currency for celebrities these days. Self worth may be based on how many followers they can scrounge up on the social media network. Not only are musicians no different, they seem to be leading the charge. Of the top ten accounts with the most Twitter followers, seven of them are musicians.
Anatomy of a Drug Cartel
Here is a video infographic entitled “The Anatomy of a Drug Cartel” which is both educational and raises awareness about current global issues (war on drugs & drug addiction). It is actually more of an animated short-film but I found it quite interesting and as such, thought I’d share it here.
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