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Shocking Facts About Factory Farming vs. Sustainable Farming
Ever wonder where the food you eat comes from? The following infographic breaks down and compares the impacts from factory and sustainable farming on the environment, fossil fuel, health, animal welfare, waste, transportation, and more.
Tale of the Tolls
It can be one of the most frustrating times for a driver. You’re heading to the beach on a family vacation and all of a sudden there’s a toll and you have no loose change! We often accept tolls as a necessary evil but many people aren’t aware of the history and facts behind toll roads. After hours of research, CJ Pony Parts has put together the facts you need to know about tolls including most expensive roads, which states have the most tolls, and even where E-ZPass is accepted.
The Employer Guide To Paid Internships
Letting interns go unpaid may soon be a thing of the past. Today’s interns aren’t just faced with needing a high level of experience to enter a slow job market — thanks to student loan debt, they’re also more cash-strapped than ever before.
Celebrity Twitter Battles
Oh, celebrities. What happens when the rich and famous figure out that they can broadcast their every thought out into the world immediately via their cell phone, without the intervention or advice of their manager, publicist or other PR staff? Celebrity Twitter Battles, that’s what happens.
When Should You Renovate or Rebuild?
Deciding whether to renovate or rebuild your home can be a daunting task. Check out the infographic below to learn some helpful tips about deciding between the two.
The Internet: Then Vs. Now
The Internet is a vastly different beast today than it was 40 years ago. This infographic takes a close look at the transformation that brought it from four computers to over 750 million households. Today, in one single minute, the Internet accommodates 700 videos, 28,000 Tumblr posts, 100,000 tweets and more than 34,000 Facebook likes–and that’s just average.
Celebrating 10 Million Toshiba Laptops
Toshiba analyses the evolution of laptops while celebrating its laptop number 10 million. How have the factors changed when choosing a laptop? How heavy was a laptop in 1988? Which one has been the best selling laptop? Discover answers to these questions and more in the following infographic.
To App Or Not To App
It’s clear that the mobile web is on the rise. Taking a look at the stats, it’s hard to see how desktop browsing can survive the onslaught. Discover whether to app or not to app in this infographic.
Sexiest Job of the 21st Century: Data Scientist?
According to Harvard Business Review, a data scientist is the “sexiest job of the 21st century.” So what does it take to be one of these sought-after scientists? Find out in this infographic by FICO.
Megachurch Megabusiness
Churches across America are shutting down at a rate of 1% while megachurches are growing at rate of 8%. Many have criticized them for using corporate techniques to create economic empires. All the while, smaller churches watch their flock migrate towards a religious experience that’s a little more… MEGA.
Shocking Facts About Factory Farming vs. Sustainable Farming
Ever wonder where the food you eat comes from? The following infographic breaks down and compares the impacts from factory and sustainable farming on the environment, fossil fuel, health, animal welfare, waste, transportation, and more.
Tale of the Tolls
It can be one of the most frustrating times for a driver. You’re heading to the beach on a family vacation and all of a sudden there’s a toll and you have no loose change! We often accept tolls as a necessary evil but many people aren’t aware of the history and facts behind toll roads. After hours of research, CJ Pony Parts has put together the facts you need to know about tolls including most expensive roads, which states have the most tolls, and even where E-ZPass is accepted.
The Employer Guide To Paid Internships
Letting interns go unpaid may soon be a thing of the past. Today’s interns aren’t just faced with needing a high level of experience to enter a slow job market — thanks to student loan debt, they’re also more cash-strapped than ever before.
Celebrity Twitter Battles
Oh, celebrities. What happens when the rich and famous figure out that they can broadcast their every thought out into the world immediately via their cell phone, without the intervention or advice of their manager, publicist or other PR staff? Celebrity Twitter Battles, that’s what happens.
When Should You Renovate or Rebuild?
Deciding whether to renovate or rebuild your home can be a daunting task. Check out the infographic below to learn some helpful tips about deciding between the two.
The Internet: Then Vs. Now
The Internet is a vastly different beast today than it was 40 years ago. This infographic takes a close look at the transformation that brought it from four computers to over 750 million households. Today, in one single minute, the Internet accommodates 700 videos, 28,000 Tumblr posts, 100,000 tweets and more than 34,000 Facebook likes–and that’s just average.
Celebrating 10 Million Toshiba Laptops
Toshiba analyses the evolution of laptops while celebrating its laptop number 10 million. How have the factors changed when choosing a laptop? How heavy was a laptop in 1988? Which one has been the best selling laptop? Discover answers to these questions and more in the following infographic.
To App Or Not To App
It’s clear that the mobile web is on the rise. Taking a look at the stats, it’s hard to see how desktop browsing can survive the onslaught. Discover whether to app or not to app in this infographic.
Sexiest Job of the 21st Century: Data Scientist?
According to Harvard Business Review, a data scientist is the “sexiest job of the 21st century.” So what does it take to be one of these sought-after scientists? Find out in this infographic by FICO.
Megachurch Megabusiness
Churches across America are shutting down at a rate of 1% while megachurches are growing at rate of 8%. Many have criticized them for using corporate techniques to create economic empires. All the while, smaller churches watch their flock migrate towards a religious experience that’s a little more… MEGA.
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