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Flexible Working: Win-Win Situation
This infographic covers the new flexible model of working, a win-win situation for both employers and employees. It presents an easily consumable summary of key statistics on a flexible working debate between employers and employees as well as general point of view. Flexible Working: a win-win for employers and employees covers issues such as productivity, employee satisfaction and cost reduction.
Protect Our Rights
This infographic shows that nearly all major gun control acts throughout history have been in response to violent historical events where Americans were harmed by others using firearms. The infographic was created “to raise awareness of an issue important to us and millions of other Americans.”…to essentially, “help protect our rights.”
Why We Won’t Wait
This infographic by Lavi Industries shares some quick tips and information to help you boost customer satisfaction and profits by decreasing wait times.
8 Potentially Life-Threatening Situations in Everyday Life
This illustration, put together by Background Checks, identifies eight potentially life-threatening situations that you face in daily life–both online and offline. It explores common decisions such as selecting safe neighborhoods, dating online, choosing roommates, staffing your business and a few others that are often overlooked.
Back to School Tech Gadgets
Keeping requisites and a changing face of education in mind, here is a roundup of latest back to school tech gadgets for 2013 to help you select the best gadgets in a jiffy.
Personal Debt in the UK
According to the following infographic “Personal debt in the UK,” a whopping 42% of adults are worried about debt, with 38% of those polled holding the rising costs of living as the main contributor to their financial problems.
The Perfect Wedding Gift
2.3 million couples wed each year in the United States. That comes out to 6,200 weddings per day. Finding the perfect wedding gift is often a challenge. The Picket Fence provides some ideas and stats to help your thought process.
The Rise of Smartphones Over Digital Cameras
Smartphones and tablets are now almost in every household, and they are often even replacing traditional desktops or, even more surprisingly, digital cameras. This trend will only continue to grow and cause a bigger dent in the market that companies like Olympus or Cannon had.
The School of Hard Knocks
Do you have a bike-mad friend, colleague or family member who refuses to wear a bike helmet? Bike helmets help to significantly reduce the risk or brain injury or death in cycling accidents. To knock some sense into yourself or your nearest and dearest, take a look at this cycling safety infographic from Hugh James Solicitors and forward it on to all of the cyclists in your life.
Will the Xbox One Be Your Overly Attached Girlfriend?
She loves you, wants to make you have fun and never ever wants you to leave. Nope, we’re not talking about a crazy girlfriend here but rather the Xbox One! Kensignton looks at the Xbox One in this infographic.
Flexible Working: Win-Win Situation
This infographic covers the new flexible model of working, a win-win situation for both employers and employees. It presents an easily consumable summary of key statistics on a flexible working debate between employers and employees as well as general point of view. Flexible Working: a win-win for employers and employees covers issues such as productivity, employee satisfaction and cost reduction.
Protect Our Rights
This infographic shows that nearly all major gun control acts throughout history have been in response to violent historical events where Americans were harmed by others using firearms. The infographic was created “to raise awareness of an issue important to us and millions of other Americans.”…to essentially, “help protect our rights.”
Why We Won’t Wait
This infographic by Lavi Industries shares some quick tips and information to help you boost customer satisfaction and profits by decreasing wait times.
8 Potentially Life-Threatening Situations in Everyday Life
This illustration, put together by Background Checks, identifies eight potentially life-threatening situations that you face in daily life–both online and offline. It explores common decisions such as selecting safe neighborhoods, dating online, choosing roommates, staffing your business and a few others that are often overlooked.
Back to School Tech Gadgets
Keeping requisites and a changing face of education in mind, here is a roundup of latest back to school tech gadgets for 2013 to help you select the best gadgets in a jiffy.
Personal Debt in the UK
According to the following infographic “Personal debt in the UK,” a whopping 42% of adults are worried about debt, with 38% of those polled holding the rising costs of living as the main contributor to their financial problems.
The Perfect Wedding Gift
2.3 million couples wed each year in the United States. That comes out to 6,200 weddings per day. Finding the perfect wedding gift is often a challenge. The Picket Fence provides some ideas and stats to help your thought process.
The Rise of Smartphones Over Digital Cameras
Smartphones and tablets are now almost in every household, and they are often even replacing traditional desktops or, even more surprisingly, digital cameras. This trend will only continue to grow and cause a bigger dent in the market that companies like Olympus or Cannon had.
The School of Hard Knocks
Do you have a bike-mad friend, colleague or family member who refuses to wear a bike helmet? Bike helmets help to significantly reduce the risk or brain injury or death in cycling accidents. To knock some sense into yourself or your nearest and dearest, take a look at this cycling safety infographic from Hugh James Solicitors and forward it on to all of the cyclists in your life.
Will the Xbox One Be Your Overly Attached Girlfriend?
She loves you, wants to make you have fun and never ever wants you to leave. Nope, we’re not talking about a crazy girlfriend here but rather the Xbox One! Kensignton looks at the Xbox One in this infographic.
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