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What is the Average College Freshman Like?
Find college student statistics from Citizens Bank as they have rounded up some interesting statistics on college students that help paint a picture of what the average incoming freshman is like. Read on and find out what they have in common.
The Ins & Outs of Contemporary Home Design
What makes a contemporary home plan so popular? This infographic explores the ins and outs of contemporary home design. From a flexible layout to a strong indoor/outdoor connection, buyers love the versatility of contemporary home design.
Are You Utilizing the Power of Animated Explainer Videos?
If you’re not using Videos to promote your business, you’re probably losing out, because “video is the new print.” In fact, 90% of web traffic is predicted to be video by 2014. Watching online videos is now a mainstream activity. 78% of people watch videos online at least once a week, and 55% watch videos every day.
When Higher Education Doesn’t Pay Back
Deciding to attend college can be a daunting task for many adults, especially since the average student debt is $26,000. And not every university is created equal in the U.S. Check out the infographic below to learn about if college is still worth it and five of the worst colleges for return on investment.
A Guide To Repotting Your Houseplants
Are your houseplants drooping and wilting? Are their roots growing out of the base of the pot? It might be time to consider repotting. Check out this infographic from the folks at Apartment Geeks as a handy guide.
The Ultimate LED Flashlight Terminology Guide
In this day and age, the development of LED flashlights flooded the market with many torches that vary drastically in quality and performance. With all of these options, it is a challenging task to figure out which flashlight would be best for you, especially since the terminology used to describe the parts and performance can be difficult to comprehend.
Power Play: Radio-Controlled Models and the BLDC Motor
Gas-powered radio controlled vehicles have long been the norm among hobbyists, but advances in brushless DC motors have brought about a boon in the desire for electric-powered models. This Infographic explores brushless DC motor efficiencies, offers an intriguing timeline of RC vehicles and their uses, and looks at state of the model hobby industry.
Cloud Web and Email Security
This infographic from Symantec discusses web and email security and the options available. You can choose between an on premises solutions or a cloud solution. It discusses how cloud-based security works, the merits and flexibility and cost of ownership as well as some cautions.
Holiday Like A Billionaire
Forget traveling first class – if you become a billionaire overnight you should consider buying your own plane. To complete the look you will also need a mega-yacht and a luxurious car or two. For more ways to live the billionaire lifestyle, check out this fun infographic by
Inside the Mind of Startup Entrepreneurs
This infographic from not only displays what we already know (that unfortunately 75% of startups end up failing), but also offers solutions to any potential obstacle.
What is the Average College Freshman Like?
Find college student statistics from Citizens Bank as they have rounded up some interesting statistics on college students that help paint a picture of what the average incoming freshman is like. Read on and find out what they have in common.
The Ins & Outs of Contemporary Home Design
What makes a contemporary home plan so popular? This infographic explores the ins and outs of contemporary home design. From a flexible layout to a strong indoor/outdoor connection, buyers love the versatility of contemporary home design.
Are You Utilizing the Power of Animated Explainer Videos?
If you’re not using Videos to promote your business, you’re probably losing out, because “video is the new print.” In fact, 90% of web traffic is predicted to be video by 2014. Watching online videos is now a mainstream activity. 78% of people watch videos online at least once a week, and 55% watch videos every day.
When Higher Education Doesn’t Pay Back
Deciding to attend college can be a daunting task for many adults, especially since the average student debt is $26,000. And not every university is created equal in the U.S. Check out the infographic below to learn about if college is still worth it and five of the worst colleges for return on investment.
A Guide To Repotting Your Houseplants
Are your houseplants drooping and wilting? Are their roots growing out of the base of the pot? It might be time to consider repotting. Check out this infographic from the folks at Apartment Geeks as a handy guide.
The Ultimate LED Flashlight Terminology Guide
In this day and age, the development of LED flashlights flooded the market with many torches that vary drastically in quality and performance. With all of these options, it is a challenging task to figure out which flashlight would be best for you, especially since the terminology used to describe the parts and performance can be difficult to comprehend.
Power Play: Radio-Controlled Models and the BLDC Motor
Gas-powered radio controlled vehicles have long been the norm among hobbyists, but advances in brushless DC motors have brought about a boon in the desire for electric-powered models. This Infographic explores brushless DC motor efficiencies, offers an intriguing timeline of RC vehicles and their uses, and looks at state of the model hobby industry.
Cloud Web and Email Security
This infographic from Symantec discusses web and email security and the options available. You can choose between an on premises solutions or a cloud solution. It discusses how cloud-based security works, the merits and flexibility and cost of ownership as well as some cautions.
Holiday Like A Billionaire
Forget traveling first class – if you become a billionaire overnight you should consider buying your own plane. To complete the look you will also need a mega-yacht and a luxurious car or two. For more ways to live the billionaire lifestyle, check out this fun infographic by
Inside the Mind of Startup Entrepreneurs
This infographic from not only displays what we already know (that unfortunately 75% of startups end up failing), but also offers solutions to any potential obstacle.
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