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Summer Grilling Facts
Summer grilling season is upon us. This infographic covers grilling favorites in the U.S. and around the globe. Happy grilling!
The Surf Landscape of Orange County
Whether at Seal Beach, Bolsa Chica, Huntington Beach, Santa Ana River Jetties, or one of the many other surfing options around Orange Country, this infographic has everything you need to know.
EMV: Coming To Your Wallet in 2015
The US has been the number one country for credit card fraud in the past 5 years. EMV helps reduce credit card fraud by removing the magnetic strip that has static information on it and replacing it with a chip and PIN system that is uniquely encodes every transaction. Traditional signature-style cards can have their signatures retained and be used for fake reproduction of the card.
How to Optimize Your College Sleep Cycle
College students aren’t exactly known for their healthy sleeping habits, with as many as 70% of all students reporting that they get fewer than the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. But unfortunately, these ongoing sleep deficits can lead to major problems in the classroom resulting from diminished attentiveness and concentration.
Sustainable Coffee
4.5% of coffee consumed worldwide came from Rainforest Initiative farms last year. Such initiatives began as alternatives to exploitative traditional business. But higher production exposes the tension between being a viable alternative and becoming part of the mainstream. Learn more about the coffee trade in this infographic.
Master’s Degrees That Don’t Pay
For years now, the message in America has been, “Get a good education and you’ll do well in life.” But is that really true? Higher education can be very costly, and just because you have a degree doesn’t guarantee a good paying job. In fact, there are many individuals who hold a master’s degree yet make significantly less than $40,000 a year. This infographic from explores the top five master’s degrees that don’t pay.
Are You An Entrepreneur?
Have you ever wondered if you you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Follow the letters and numbers in this decision tree/flowchart which leads up to four possible end points that will tell you how you stack up.
What Makes an Employee Happy
Rewarding and retaining good employees isn’t just about salary increases and holiday bonuses. In fact, according to research Yast has compiled, as many as 80% of employees surveyed indicate that they stay with their current employers simply because they like their work.
Banking on Education
America is in a student loan debt crisis. With over $1.1 Trillion in outstanding debt (up from $200 Billion in 2002), we need to start banking on our education. In the following infographic, earn more about the Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act (proposed for July 1st of this year) and sign the petition. It is time we start valuing our education and students more than big banks.
The Best Android Phones for 2013
Everyone is always looking for the best smartphone, but how do you choose between all the different options? Check out the infographic below presented by Startapp to see the best Android phones for 2013.
Summer Grilling Facts
Summer grilling season is upon us. This infographic covers grilling favorites in the U.S. and around the globe. Happy grilling!
The Surf Landscape of Orange County
Whether at Seal Beach, Bolsa Chica, Huntington Beach, Santa Ana River Jetties, or one of the many other surfing options around Orange Country, this infographic has everything you need to know.
EMV: Coming To Your Wallet in 2015
The US has been the number one country for credit card fraud in the past 5 years. EMV helps reduce credit card fraud by removing the magnetic strip that has static information on it and replacing it with a chip and PIN system that is uniquely encodes every transaction. Traditional signature-style cards can have their signatures retained and be used for fake reproduction of the card.
How to Optimize Your College Sleep Cycle
College students aren’t exactly known for their healthy sleeping habits, with as many as 70% of all students reporting that they get fewer than the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. But unfortunately, these ongoing sleep deficits can lead to major problems in the classroom resulting from diminished attentiveness and concentration.
Sustainable Coffee
4.5% of coffee consumed worldwide came from Rainforest Initiative farms last year. Such initiatives began as alternatives to exploitative traditional business. But higher production exposes the tension between being a viable alternative and becoming part of the mainstream. Learn more about the coffee trade in this infographic.
Master’s Degrees That Don’t Pay
For years now, the message in America has been, “Get a good education and you’ll do well in life.” But is that really true? Higher education can be very costly, and just because you have a degree doesn’t guarantee a good paying job. In fact, there are many individuals who hold a master’s degree yet make significantly less than $40,000 a year. This infographic from explores the top five master’s degrees that don’t pay.
Are You An Entrepreneur?
Have you ever wondered if you you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Follow the letters and numbers in this decision tree/flowchart which leads up to four possible end points that will tell you how you stack up.
What Makes an Employee Happy
Rewarding and retaining good employees isn’t just about salary increases and holiday bonuses. In fact, according to research Yast has compiled, as many as 80% of employees surveyed indicate that they stay with their current employers simply because they like their work.
Banking on Education
America is in a student loan debt crisis. With over $1.1 Trillion in outstanding debt (up from $200 Billion in 2002), we need to start banking on our education. In the following infographic, earn more about the Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act (proposed for July 1st of this year) and sign the petition. It is time we start valuing our education and students more than big banks.
The Best Android Phones for 2013
Everyone is always looking for the best smartphone, but how do you choose between all the different options? Check out the infographic below presented by Startapp to see the best Android phones for 2013.
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