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Profiles of 10 Social Workers Assisting Those in Need
Social workers don’t often get the credit they deserve. Often working long hours, many have sacrificed their own time and needs to foster change and create a positive sense of environment to those they foster to. This infographic from Case Western Reserve University pays homage to all social workers, by taking a look at 10 exceptional cases who have paved the ways for social justice and at times, changed the face of social work as we know it.
The Effect of Drugs on Pregnancy
This video infographic highlights the shocking and sad statistics regarding the amount of drug-related pregnancies occurring in the U.S. The video also shows how using each illegal drug can harm an unborn child, putting them at risk for developing health defects that may follow them around throughout their entire lives.
UK Pet Census
MySocialPetwork recently commissioned the UK’s first ever pet census! More than 1,100 pet owners were questioned to reveal ownership habits and the lengths that we will go to for our furry (and not so furry) friends. This infographic rounds up the fascinating results over four sections: Man’s Best Friend, Petworking, Social Life of Pets and Pet Ownership.
Women In College
Just a couple of decades ago, many women considered a college degree optional. Nowadays, in many instances, there are more women in college than men! The pursuit of equal rights has inspired women and as such, they want an education to pursue prestigious jobs and eliminate the earnings gap that exists between women and men. The following infographic from presents recent demographics about women in college and how you can be an integral part of this important societal change.
11 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Prevent Wrinkles
Wrinkles – Everybody gets them at some point. However, there are a few simple steps you can take to avoid wrinkles as long as possible. And do not worry, facelifts didn’t make the list. Instead, Chamonix has developed the infographic below where you will find the best and easiest ways to prevent those pesky little wrinkles.
The Silver Squeeze
Following is an infographic of the recent physical silver shortages in April 2013. Despite the fact that the price of silver had its worst decline in 30 years, demand has never been higher resulting in large premiums and delivery delays for physical delivery.
Financial Aid Overview For High School Seniors
The Financial Aid process can be confusing and intimidating. The following infographic by covers a quick and simple overview of the Financial Aid. Get started as soon as possible as there are time limits to get priority consideration.
The Elements of a Perfect Facebook Contest App
Contests are the most popular type of apps being run on Facebook Pages. However, businesses are still confused by Facebook’s promotion guidelines and are left in the dark on how to design a contest that will actually be successful. This infographic gives you everything you need to build the perfect contest app as well as some bonus information on how to promote the apps once it’s built.
Hope Courage Faith – Raising Awareness for Arthritis
Did you know that 50 million American adults have been diagnosed with some form of arthritis? May is designated as National Arthritis Awareness Month. Throughout the month, advocacy organizations like the Arthritis Foundation will be working with local communities all over the country in order to help raise further awareness for this common medical condition.
Getting Schooled by Google – the Growth of Google Apps for Education
In recent years there has been a remarkable trend among today’s schools – the adoption of Google Apps technology. Google Apps for Education is quickly gaining traction because connectivity is now an essential part of everyday learning. Backupify has thousands of users representing the education sector. This infographic is a visual interpretation showing how schools are adopting Google.
Profiles of 10 Social Workers Assisting Those in Need
Social workers don’t often get the credit they deserve. Often working long hours, many have sacrificed their own time and needs to foster change and create a positive sense of environment to those they foster to. This infographic from Case Western Reserve University pays homage to all social workers, by taking a look at 10 exceptional cases who have paved the ways for social justice and at times, changed the face of social work as we know it.
The Effect of Drugs on Pregnancy
This video infographic highlights the shocking and sad statistics regarding the amount of drug-related pregnancies occurring in the U.S. The video also shows how using each illegal drug can harm an unborn child, putting them at risk for developing health defects that may follow them around throughout their entire lives.
UK Pet Census
MySocialPetwork recently commissioned the UK’s first ever pet census! More than 1,100 pet owners were questioned to reveal ownership habits and the lengths that we will go to for our furry (and not so furry) friends. This infographic rounds up the fascinating results over four sections: Man’s Best Friend, Petworking, Social Life of Pets and Pet Ownership.
Women In College
Just a couple of decades ago, many women considered a college degree optional. Nowadays, in many instances, there are more women in college than men! The pursuit of equal rights has inspired women and as such, they want an education to pursue prestigious jobs and eliminate the earnings gap that exists between women and men. The following infographic from presents recent demographics about women in college and how you can be an integral part of this important societal change.
11 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Prevent Wrinkles
Wrinkles – Everybody gets them at some point. However, there are a few simple steps you can take to avoid wrinkles as long as possible. And do not worry, facelifts didn’t make the list. Instead, Chamonix has developed the infographic below where you will find the best and easiest ways to prevent those pesky little wrinkles.
The Silver Squeeze
Following is an infographic of the recent physical silver shortages in April 2013. Despite the fact that the price of silver had its worst decline in 30 years, demand has never been higher resulting in large premiums and delivery delays for physical delivery.
Financial Aid Overview For High School Seniors
The Financial Aid process can be confusing and intimidating. The following infographic by covers a quick and simple overview of the Financial Aid. Get started as soon as possible as there are time limits to get priority consideration.
The Elements of a Perfect Facebook Contest App
Contests are the most popular type of apps being run on Facebook Pages. However, businesses are still confused by Facebook’s promotion guidelines and are left in the dark on how to design a contest that will actually be successful. This infographic gives you everything you need to build the perfect contest app as well as some bonus information on how to promote the apps once it’s built.
Hope Courage Faith – Raising Awareness for Arthritis
Did you know that 50 million American adults have been diagnosed with some form of arthritis? May is designated as National Arthritis Awareness Month. Throughout the month, advocacy organizations like the Arthritis Foundation will be working with local communities all over the country in order to help raise further awareness for this common medical condition.
Getting Schooled by Google – the Growth of Google Apps for Education
In recent years there has been a remarkable trend among today’s schools – the adoption of Google Apps technology. Google Apps for Education is quickly gaining traction because connectivity is now an essential part of everyday learning. Backupify has thousands of users representing the education sector. This infographic is a visual interpretation showing how schools are adopting Google.
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