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Sir Alex Ferguson: The End of an Era
The following infographic from insure4sport Blog is a tribute for the outgoing Manchester United Manager, Sir Alex Ferguson. After 27 years in the business he is retiring from management after turning United from a struggling side to England’s most successful club.
10 Movers & Shakers of Silicon Valley
In this infographic, discover 10 entrepreneurs that went big and call nothing but the Valley home. Veterans and newbies alike rock the worlds of tech, social media, and business.
How to Win at Blackjack
If you’re familiar with the term “The House Always Wins,” then you may want to pay attention. In the infographic below, Sycuan Casino attempts to break that myth by illustrating some techniques and methods that will help increase your odds of winning at blackjack.
The Confident Mum
This infographic celebrates the launch of the Five Million Mums Campaign. The new survey of 1,132 Mums across the UK and Ireland reveals that while all Mums know the importance of healthy meals, and most can cook a meal from scratch using fresh ingredients, 1 in 3 have replaced the amount of fresh vegetables and fruit they buy with unhealthy, “cheap”, processed foods in order to combat rising food prices.
It’s a SaaS World
Software as a Service is growing rapidly. Check out the infographic below presented by ProfitBricks to to learn how SaaS differs from other software delivery models, the history of SaaS, SaaS growth drivers, and the future of cloud computing.
How is Media Affecting Kids?
Kids these days. They all seem to be nose deep in some iSomething. Check out the infographic below presented by Early Childhood Education Degrees to learn about how media and technology affects children.
Is Elon Musk the Real Life Tony Stark?
Can a Marvel superhero have a real-life counterpart? What do Tony Stark and Elon Musk have in common? This fun infographic by VCARS compares the two entrepreneurs.
Celebrating Women in Manufacturing
This May 29th will mark the 70th anniversary of the publishing of Norman Rockwell’s iconic “Rosie the Riveter” painting on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post (published May 29th, 1943). “Rosie the Riveter” inspired a social movement that increased the number of working American women. From 1940 – 1944 the number of women in America rose from 12 million to 20 million.
The Love Connection
Love, it’s a beautiful thing. And it’s good for your body and mind as well. This infographic presented takes a look at all of the benefits love provides.
Superhero Life Expectancies
Have you ever wondered how long your favorite superhero might actually live if they existed? Which superheroes would be dead within (or close to) and average human lifespan, and which would be almost immortal? The following infographic from LifeQuotes4U takes a look at the life expectancies of our favorite comic book characters
Sir Alex Ferguson: The End of an Era
The following infographic from insure4sport Blog is a tribute for the outgoing Manchester United Manager, Sir Alex Ferguson. After 27 years in the business he is retiring from management after turning United from a struggling side to England’s most successful club.
10 Movers & Shakers of Silicon Valley
In this infographic, discover 10 entrepreneurs that went big and call nothing but the Valley home. Veterans and newbies alike rock the worlds of tech, social media, and business.
How to Win at Blackjack
If you’re familiar with the term “The House Always Wins,” then you may want to pay attention. In the infographic below, Sycuan Casino attempts to break that myth by illustrating some techniques and methods that will help increase your odds of winning at blackjack.
The Confident Mum
This infographic celebrates the launch of the Five Million Mums Campaign. The new survey of 1,132 Mums across the UK and Ireland reveals that while all Mums know the importance of healthy meals, and most can cook a meal from scratch using fresh ingredients, 1 in 3 have replaced the amount of fresh vegetables and fruit they buy with unhealthy, “cheap”, processed foods in order to combat rising food prices.
It’s a SaaS World
Software as a Service is growing rapidly. Check out the infographic below presented by ProfitBricks to to learn how SaaS differs from other software delivery models, the history of SaaS, SaaS growth drivers, and the future of cloud computing.
How is Media Affecting Kids?
Kids these days. They all seem to be nose deep in some iSomething. Check out the infographic below presented by Early Childhood Education Degrees to learn about how media and technology affects children.
Is Elon Musk the Real Life Tony Stark?
Can a Marvel superhero have a real-life counterpart? What do Tony Stark and Elon Musk have in common? This fun infographic by VCARS compares the two entrepreneurs.
Celebrating Women in Manufacturing
This May 29th will mark the 70th anniversary of the publishing of Norman Rockwell’s iconic “Rosie the Riveter” painting on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post (published May 29th, 1943). “Rosie the Riveter” inspired a social movement that increased the number of working American women. From 1940 – 1944 the number of women in America rose from 12 million to 20 million.
The Love Connection
Love, it’s a beautiful thing. And it’s good for your body and mind as well. This infographic presented takes a look at all of the benefits love provides.
Superhero Life Expectancies
Have you ever wondered how long your favorite superhero might actually live if they existed? Which superheroes would be dead within (or close to) and average human lifespan, and which would be almost immortal? The following infographic from LifeQuotes4U takes a look at the life expectancies of our favorite comic book characters
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