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National Drowning Prevention Month
Floaties Swim School is proud to support May as “National Drowning Prevention Month. In an effort to provide information about water safety, drowning prevention, aquatic safety, and recreational activities they have created this infographic on drowning prevention.
The Foundations Of A Successful App
The world of smartphone apps is a hard place to succeed in. Only one in six smartphone apps exceed 500 total downloads and 75 percent of apps earn the developer less than $500 per month. Because app markets are saturated, very few apps are able to accumulate many downloads. In this infographic, take a look at five of the top grossing free apps on the Android market to see what they did that led them to major success.
A Facebook Guide to Travel
Thinking of booking a holiday? Before visiting your local travel agency, why not check out this infographic from Co-operative Travel. It has all the places recommended by Facebook so you can be sure to have plenty of fun in the sun!
Baby Proofing Your Home
Is your precious baby rolling over already? Before you know it, she’ll be scooting herself around, pulling herself up on the furniture and then walking around the house. Here’s a baby proofing checklist from Baby Care Journals to make sure there are no hidden dangers.
Why We Live – Counting The People Your Life Impacts
If you were to have your last party, ever – how many people would be there in attendance? If this question itself is unsettling it is because you want your life to have an impact. A big one. But how do you count the impact of a life? Here is a rough estimation.
How Facebook Graph Search Affects Your Privacy
The infographic below from Marketo illustrates how Graph Search might affect you personally and how to customize your privacy settings to better control who sees the content you post. It only takes a few clicks and a bit of knowledge to ensure all your content is only shared with and searchable by the people you allow. The power is in your hands, so make good use of it.
Amazing Things Only Mothers Do
At the moment, there are around 2 billion mothers in the world. On average, each mom has 2 babies. It is estimated that a middle-income mom may spend nearly $250,000 to raise a new child over the next 18 years. During the economic depression, mothers are willing to take a second job to make sure that their kids can go to the best schools.
Five Strangest Mental Disorders
There are some pretty strange mental disorders out there. For example, Cotard’s Syndrome is where the sufferer believes that they are actually dead and that their blood and organs have been removed from their body. Crazy right? Check out the infographic below presented by to learn more about the strangest mental disorders out there.
The Importance of Childhood Education
Educating our children early can help to increase their development in the future. More and more research has proven that the earlier a child starts learning the better. This infographic from also shows the importance of a parent staying at home to facilitate the early childhood education.
What Puts Employers Off Prospective Candidates?
From bad breath to text slang to dressing inappropriately; the team at spoke to more than 1700 recruiters to find out the most off-putting traits exhibited by prospective candidates. They are all detailed below in the following infographic.
National Drowning Prevention Month
Floaties Swim School is proud to support May as “National Drowning Prevention Month. In an effort to provide information about water safety, drowning prevention, aquatic safety, and recreational activities they have created this infographic on drowning prevention.
The Foundations Of A Successful App
The world of smartphone apps is a hard place to succeed in. Only one in six smartphone apps exceed 500 total downloads and 75 percent of apps earn the developer less than $500 per month. Because app markets are saturated, very few apps are able to accumulate many downloads. In this infographic, take a look at five of the top grossing free apps on the Android market to see what they did that led them to major success.
A Facebook Guide to Travel
Thinking of booking a holiday? Before visiting your local travel agency, why not check out this infographic from Co-operative Travel. It has all the places recommended by Facebook so you can be sure to have plenty of fun in the sun!
Baby Proofing Your Home
Is your precious baby rolling over already? Before you know it, she’ll be scooting herself around, pulling herself up on the furniture and then walking around the house. Here’s a baby proofing checklist from Baby Care Journals to make sure there are no hidden dangers.
Why We Live – Counting The People Your Life Impacts
If you were to have your last party, ever – how many people would be there in attendance? If this question itself is unsettling it is because you want your life to have an impact. A big one. But how do you count the impact of a life? Here is a rough estimation.
How Facebook Graph Search Affects Your Privacy
The infographic below from Marketo illustrates how Graph Search might affect you personally and how to customize your privacy settings to better control who sees the content you post. It only takes a few clicks and a bit of knowledge to ensure all your content is only shared with and searchable by the people you allow. The power is in your hands, so make good use of it.
Amazing Things Only Mothers Do
At the moment, there are around 2 billion mothers in the world. On average, each mom has 2 babies. It is estimated that a middle-income mom may spend nearly $250,000 to raise a new child over the next 18 years. During the economic depression, mothers are willing to take a second job to make sure that their kids can go to the best schools.
Five Strangest Mental Disorders
There are some pretty strange mental disorders out there. For example, Cotard’s Syndrome is where the sufferer believes that they are actually dead and that their blood and organs have been removed from their body. Crazy right? Check out the infographic below presented by to learn more about the strangest mental disorders out there.
The Importance of Childhood Education
Educating our children early can help to increase their development in the future. More and more research has proven that the earlier a child starts learning the better. This infographic from also shows the importance of a parent staying at home to facilitate the early childhood education.
What Puts Employers Off Prospective Candidates?
From bad breath to text slang to dressing inappropriately; the team at spoke to more than 1700 recruiters to find out the most off-putting traits exhibited by prospective candidates. They are all detailed below in the following infographic.
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