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The Road to The Wedding
If you are thinking about getting married or would just like to know what the road to wedding looks like, this infographic will definitely come to the rescue. It takes a look at different factors when it comes to making your way through dating scene into wedding. For example – Did you know that you are twice likely to find a date through friends and family than at a bar? What about the fact that 63% of married couples met through friends?
The Evolution of Video Games
Simple video games have been around since 1947, but they have come a long way since then. This infographic presented by National Geographic takes a look at the evolution of video games. Check it out below to learn more.
50 Unbelievable Facts About Earth
You may have lived on Earth all your life, but how much do you really know about it? Did you know that Earth is the only planet in the Solar System with plate tectonics, or that the continents move 2cm every year? For more fascinating facts check out this infographic by Giraffe Childcare.
Your Email on Mobile: How Each Mobile OS Displays Your Message
As more mobile devices are introduced into the marketplace, the number of screen sizes we need to consider when designing email is exploding. This superabundance of screen sizes directly impacts the design and planning process—affecting how you determine breakpoints in media queries, lay out your design and use responsive design techniques.
NFL Draft 101
With the NFL Draft right around the corner, InetSoft Technology Corp thought it’d be a great idea to get some statistics and facts on the draft so they created an infographic titled “NFL Draft 101″. They started by examining the top ten NFL draft picks by position from 2002-2011. From there they took a closer look at the pro bowl starters from 2008-2013 and noticed that most starters come from the top 50 picks of the draft, but there were a surprising amount of undrafted starters that appeared in the Pro Bowl.
Are You Suffering a Virus Infection? Computer Repair Tips and More
Computer viruses are the boogeymen of a technological world. They stealthily spread from machine to machine, wreaking sly devastation and costing the world billions of dollars in damage each year. If you think you may be at risk, check out this infographic to learn more about computer viruses and how to avoid them.
Create an Energy Efficient Home with a Deep Energy Retrofit
Making a home more comfortable can start with reassessing the energy that it uses. When thinking about giving your home an energy overhaul isn’t just about reducing your environmental footprint – it’s also about achieving a better quality of life. A deep energy retrofit is a holistic approach to making your home healthier and more comfortable.
Are Women Bad Drivers?
For years men (and even some women) have claimed that women are inherently bad drivers, but is this really true? This infographic takes a look at the numbers behind men and women and who is more responsible for car crashes and dangerous driving. Check it out below to learn more.
Electricity Usage in Ancient Civilizations
Have you ever wondered about the origins of electricity? Well, you’re in luck. In the infographic below, Powerwerx takes you on a journey from the first crude battery ever found in Mesopotamia to how Egyptians used a certain electric catfish from the Nile River.
The Crime Fighters
Criminal Justice Degree Hub decided to profile some of America’s most famous justice seekers and crime fighters of the past century. This brave group made the biggest splash in the public consciousness. Find out who nailed their perps, and who let them slip through their fingers. Whatever the outcome of their most famous cases, they possessed persistence, guts and style, as well as a flair for staying in the public eye and became as famous as the criminals they were chasing.
The Road to The Wedding
If you are thinking about getting married or would just like to know what the road to wedding looks like, this infographic will definitely come to the rescue. It takes a look at different factors when it comes to making your way through dating scene into wedding. For example – Did you know that you are twice likely to find a date through friends and family than at a bar? What about the fact that 63% of married couples met through friends?
The Evolution of Video Games
Simple video games have been around since 1947, but they have come a long way since then. This infographic presented by National Geographic takes a look at the evolution of video games. Check it out below to learn more.
50 Unbelievable Facts About Earth
You may have lived on Earth all your life, but how much do you really know about it? Did you know that Earth is the only planet in the Solar System with plate tectonics, or that the continents move 2cm every year? For more fascinating facts check out this infographic by Giraffe Childcare.
Your Email on Mobile: How Each Mobile OS Displays Your Message
As more mobile devices are introduced into the marketplace, the number of screen sizes we need to consider when designing email is exploding. This superabundance of screen sizes directly impacts the design and planning process—affecting how you determine breakpoints in media queries, lay out your design and use responsive design techniques.
NFL Draft 101
With the NFL Draft right around the corner, InetSoft Technology Corp thought it’d be a great idea to get some statistics and facts on the draft so they created an infographic titled “NFL Draft 101″. They started by examining the top ten NFL draft picks by position from 2002-2011. From there they took a closer look at the pro bowl starters from 2008-2013 and noticed that most starters come from the top 50 picks of the draft, but there were a surprising amount of undrafted starters that appeared in the Pro Bowl.
Are You Suffering a Virus Infection? Computer Repair Tips and More
Computer viruses are the boogeymen of a technological world. They stealthily spread from machine to machine, wreaking sly devastation and costing the world billions of dollars in damage each year. If you think you may be at risk, check out this infographic to learn more about computer viruses and how to avoid them.
Create an Energy Efficient Home with a Deep Energy Retrofit
Making a home more comfortable can start with reassessing the energy that it uses. When thinking about giving your home an energy overhaul isn’t just about reducing your environmental footprint – it’s also about achieving a better quality of life. A deep energy retrofit is a holistic approach to making your home healthier and more comfortable.
Are Women Bad Drivers?
For years men (and even some women) have claimed that women are inherently bad drivers, but is this really true? This infographic takes a look at the numbers behind men and women and who is more responsible for car crashes and dangerous driving. Check it out below to learn more.
Electricity Usage in Ancient Civilizations
Have you ever wondered about the origins of electricity? Well, you’re in luck. In the infographic below, Powerwerx takes you on a journey from the first crude battery ever found in Mesopotamia to how Egyptians used a certain electric catfish from the Nile River.
The Crime Fighters
Criminal Justice Degree Hub decided to profile some of America’s most famous justice seekers and crime fighters of the past century. This brave group made the biggest splash in the public consciousness. Find out who nailed their perps, and who let them slip through their fingers. Whatever the outcome of their most famous cases, they possessed persistence, guts and style, as well as a flair for staying in the public eye and became as famous as the criminals they were chasing.
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