We are an over-medicated nation, popping pills for everything from minor ailments to extreme cases of chronic pain. The United States has just 5% of the worldwide population, yet we consume 75% of the prescription medication produced overall. And in 2010, enough prescription painkillers were prescribed to medicate every American adult every four hours for an entire month. However, not all of these medicationss are taken as directed – or even by the individuals to whom they were originally prescribed.
Prescription drug abuse in America is on the rise. Today, 52 million citizens over the age of 12 have used prescription drugs non-medically in their lifetime. Over half obtained the drugs for free from a friend or a relative. They’re so easy to get that even teens cite their availability as the number one reason they abuse them.
When will the madness end? Do your part to cut back on prescription drug abuse by properly disposing of your prescriptions and never sharing unused medication with a friend or relative, even if they seemingly suffer from the same symptoms. This infographic takes a look this issue.
Co-founder and Vice President of SearchRank, responsible for many of the day to day operations of the company. She is also founder of The Arizona Builders' Zone, a construction / home improvement portal.