Free zones are specific areas located within different countries where businesses operate under different tax laws separate from the rest of the country. Companies who are doing their business within free zones are usually taxed very lightly or not at all. Today, such areas are developed globally and they are located around seaports, airports or areas with strong strategic placement with an excellent connection to major roads, railways, ports or even between regions.
Being successful in the business sector requires a lot of decision-making that can cost your business success if you’re not prepared. Today, competition between companies is always growing and it is easy to be outperformed by your rivals and lose valuable market share. With this in mind, operating in the below-mentioned zones, can help your business gain a competitive advantage over your rivals. Free zones are offering often cheap, but good infrastructure and workforce possibilities which will help your business to achieve a sustainable business model.
These days, there are hundreds of global free zones, and this infographic by Market Inspector shows a few of the most remarkable zones.
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Co-founder and Vice President of SearchRank, responsible for many of the day to day operations of the company. She is also founder of The Arizona Builders' Zone, a construction / home improvement portal.