Microsoft Office 365 is a revolutionary service from Microsoft designed to unify various business processes for smooth and efficient operations. The cloud-based suite of tools can increase your business productivity and streamline internal communications.

But don’t forget about safety, compliance and control of your data. Without a third-party data protection solution, your business will be in constant danger of accidental data deletions, data corruption, ransomware threats, and many other threats.

In this infographic, you get an overview of the advantages of using Microsoft Office 365, the possible risks your business faces, and how NAKIVO Backup & Replication can protect your data.

[Click image for full size version]

Should You Back Up Microsoft Office 365 Data?

David Wallace

David Wallace

David Wallace is a search & social media marketer who lives in Ahwatukee Arizona with his lovely wife. Interests & hobbies include all things Disney, roller coasters, musicianship and Christianity.

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