When you are talking about the very best drivers amongst us inevitably you have to delve deep through the worlds of both Formula One and Rally Driving. One world puts drivers in cars that are perhaps amongst some of the fastest we have on Earth and requires hours of intense mental focus and concentration. The other world puts its drivers in some more extreme, rougher conditions, which often tests driver’s abilities to maneuver and control their vehicles on rougher and harsher terrains.

Both worlds are equally as challenging as each other and require an unbelievable level of will-power, skill and determination to get results. InGear Driving School has complied a list of professional drivers who we think fall into this category of greatness and are ultimately the top five drivers in the world.

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Some of the Best Drivers in History


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David Wallace

David Wallace is a search & social media marketer who lives in Ahwatukee Arizona with his lovely wife. Interests & hobbies include all things Disney, roller coasters, musicianship and Christianity.