The app, Brainscape, provides study tools for serious students, and their team noticed a fascinating statistic: students who use their app to study are putting in more and more hours, implying that their attention spans are improving.

This is surprising because general studies of the population show that attention spans are rapidly declining. The team at Brainscape delved deeper into the data to get a true picture of the statistics and to find out why students who use their app are bucking the trends.

First, they looked at the attention spans of the general public. There was a sharp decline. In 2004, the average person had a 2.5 minute attention span and in 2024 it was only .67 minutes.

The Brainscape team compared this to top students who are devoted to studying and found that their attention spans seem to be improving. In 2015, their users spent an average of 9.4 minutes on a study session, but now in 2024, they spend about 14 minutes studying per session. They also noted that females had a higher rate of improvement than males.

The Statistics on Student Attention Spans

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Irma Wallace

Co-founder and Vice President of SearchRank, responsible for many of the day to day operations of the company. She is also founder of The Arizona Builders' Zone, a construction / home improvement portal.