Have you ever stopped to think about the effect your pet is having on the planet? Just like us humans, our pets actually have a substantial impact on the environment and our planet’s carbon footprint. The difference, however, is that there is not a lot our pets can do to remedy this themselves but rather it’s our duty as pet owners to help them.
Becoming an eco-friendly pet owner doesn’t mean having to make huge changes to the way you and your pet live your lives, it simply requires making a few thoughtful changes here and there which will help make a big impact on the environment. From making the change to only purchasing sustainable and responsibly sourced pet food, to donating unwanted pet products to your local animal shelter, these small gestures can make a huge difference.
Here is an ultimate guide to eco-friendly pet ownership.
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Co-founder and Vice President of SearchRank, responsible for many of the day to day operations of the company. She is also founder of The Arizona Builders' Zone, a construction / home improvement portal.