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4th of July Infographics
This section contains a collection of infographics related to the 4th of July, also called by it’s official holiday name – Independence Day, which commemorates the Declaration of Independence of the United States on July 4, 1776.
Happy Independence Day!
Independence Day also known as “4th of July” is considered to be one of the most important holidays in U.S. as it celebrates the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776. The following infographic takes a look at numbers behind the 4th of July.
4th of July – The Day of Glory
Liberty is the breath of life to nations. ~ George Bernard Shaw. 4th of July marks the approval of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress in 1776. The day is mostly associated with parades, foods, fireworks, backyard barbecues and merry making across the country.
Fire Up Your 4th of July, Without Blowing Yourself Up
Although people have been celebrating with fireworks for hundreds of years, the modern American fireworks tradition arguably started with the American Revolution and the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This infographic by looks at how to celebrate with fireworks responsibly.
An Explosive Display: Fun on the 4th
This infographic includes some interesting facts about how we get our flags, how the 4th is actually the most dangerous driving day of the year, and more. No matter what, make sure you have a safe and fun holiday celebrating America’s history.
Eating Healthy On Independence Day
If you’re trying to watch your weight, summertime can be hard. It’s the season for firing up the grill and with all those hamburgers, hot dogs and mayo laden potato salad it’s easy to overeat. And with 4th of July just around the corner that big spread of food can be stressful. Fortunately, the following infographic has some tips that will keep you on track.
Let Freedom Ring: A Fourth of July Infographic
Here is an infographic illustrating the incredibly history of the United States of America, beginning with the date the Declaration of Independence was created to the day that the 4th of July was declared a paid holiday.
4th of July Fun Facts
In this infographic, discover some really interesting and fun facts about the history of America’s independence, and the day that has become one of America’s most celebrated holidays.
Fire Safety on the 4th of July
There are typically more fires reported on July 4th than any other day of the year. Plus, thousands of BBQ-attendees are sent to the emergency room each year due to holiday-related injuries. Don’t skip the party! Just be aware of these July 4th safety tips.