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Coffee Infographics
This section contains a collection of infographics related to coffee including the history of coffee, how it has evolved, how to choose the right coffee and much more.
How Countries Around the World Make Their Coffee
Coffee was cultivated and marketed economically on the Arabian Peninsula by the fifteenth century. In the 17th century, Europeans followed the caffeine boat, and coffee shops soon became meeting places for artists and writers.
The Evolution Of Coffee Culture
Coffee culture has always changed to suit our needs, and today our daily cup of coffee is often fancier and more expensive than our parents’ counterparts. Learn more about the evolution of coffee culture from this infographic.
13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Coffee
The caffeine that is present in our daily coffee is not bad for us as many would have us to believe, but can help us to live longer, increase our mental ability and focus, fight depression and even help us to lose weight. Here are 13 reasons why your daily fix is actually a good thing.
20 Spiked Coffee Cocktail Recipes for a Legendary Buzz
The allure and romance of coffee can’t be denied. There are blogs and social media accounts all over the ‘Net singing coffee’s praises. Perhaps our love for coffee is only matched by our love for cocktails. What if you could combine them?
Coffee: From Seed to Cup
The allure and romance of coffee can’t be denied. There are blogs and social media accounts all over the ‘Net singing coffee’s praises. Perhaps our love for coffee is only matched by our love for cocktails. What if you could combine them?
History of the World According to Coffee
Do you love coffee like I do? Have you ever wonder where the birth place of coffee is and how it has gained in popularity across the world? Here we unravel Stewart Lee Allen’s witty coffee adventure from crossing dangerous borders to sipping coffee from around the world.
A Guide To Choosing Your Coffee
The coffee world, with all of its terminology, can be daunting to the new coffee lover. To that end, the folks at Best Quality Coffee have created an infographic designed to simplify the process of selecting the coffee that best fits your taste profile.
Losing Weight by Drinking Coffee
The primary reason you can lose weight by drinking coffee is because caffeine increases your metabolism. With a higher metabolism, you will burn more fat throughout the day. This increase could be as much as 11% as demonstrated in scientific studies.
Idiot’s Guide To Smarter Coffee Drinking
Science has figured out how to consume coffee for maximum benefit. And chances are that you’re doing it all wrong. That is because the right way to drink coffee isn’t always intuitive. In this infographic, discover 7 steps to becoming a smarter coffee drinker.
35 Interesting Facts About Coffee
It is the first act of the day – a cup of coffee! However you may like it, many folks cannot do without this energizing beverage. In this infographic discover how coffee is connected to a Bach cantana, fossil fuel and even elephant dung.